Hazro - Any Update?

2)I hate the osd menu buttons: I have to press them 3 times to get them working plus I cannot understand if a menu item is just highlighted or it it's selected and ready to be modified using up/down buttons.

Try pressing above the symbol - seems to be more sensitive there...

If this is the only way then let's do it :D

1) What colorimeter would you suggest me for this monitor? Gretag Macbeth/X-rite Eye-One Display 2, Colorvision Spider 2/3 pro or Lacie?

2)Does these colorimeters come with their own software? What's the best colorimeter + software bundle? Is there a 3rd parts software that works better than the one in bundle with colorimeter? Is every colorimeter+software good to adjust LUT?

3)What's the best 1 without considering price? What's the best 1 considering price/results?

I have the Display2 probe and it's nice! I stopped using the bundled software and use coloreyes instead, gets better results :)
Anybody else tried picture in picture ( PIP ) with DVI as your main input to your monitor.

I still cant get it to cycle through the input sources.
Jimbo, I noticed no banding before or after calibration, I would recommend downloading the Xrite Calibration LUT tester tool (Xrite website) it’s a zipped exe which displays the current gamma curve of your display card so if something has changed it from default the diagonal line will be slightly curved so all you got to do is hit “reset” to get back to Windows default. You can then adjust brightness/contrast and RGB values (which I recommend doing by dropping them from the high 90s to high 80s to get a more pleasing brightness).

Righto, just tried the xrite lut tester on my bootcamp XP. Both displays report that the gamma curve hasn't been modified.

Still get the banding on the HZ24Wi :(

In fact I've now noticed some very slight banding on horizontal gradients that only reduce by turning the red and blue colour balance down to <50. Hadn't noticed that before...

I've tried a couple of things to try and eliminate these green flickers:

I rolled back to an earlier nvidia driver but that didn't change anything.

If I select any other resolution other than native (1920 x 1200) I dont get it.

If I have a photograph with dark areas in it there may be a few isolated flickers, but if I zoom in on an affected area of the photograph the green flickers magnify/multiply verticaly.

If I have a completely black screen there are zero green flickers! :confused:

It's the supplied DVI cable causing them. I use a DVI cable I got with an old acer a few years ago and that works fine, however, it's cable-tied into a bundle of data cables running to my PC, so when I tried out the mac DPMS tests for another poster I used the Hazro supplied DVI cable, and I got freen flashing pixels all over the place.
It's the supplied DVI cable causing them. I use a DVI cable I got with an old acer a few years ago and that works fine, however, it's cable-tied into a bundle of data cables running to my PC, so when I tried out the mac DPMS tests for another poster I used the Hazro supplied DVI cable, and I got freen flashing pixels all over the place.

I'm not currently using the supplied DVI cable. I'm using my old DVI cable that was in use with my old monitor.

Think I'll try buying another decent cable to see if that fixes it. Can't really see how one DVI cable could be significantly different to another though.
Received my 24" yesterday and am very pleased with it. Found the quality of build and the picture quality to be excellent. Thought i'd post stating this to balance out some of the negative posts regarding the monitor.
Received my 24" yesterday and am very pleased with it. Found the quality of build and the picture quality to be excellent. Thought i'd post stating this to balance out some of the negative posts regarding the monitor.

Thanx but we are lot letting you off that easy ;)

Could you please test for the reported issues ?

Vertical banding? http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r205/nightrhyme/gradient.png

Green flickering lines and dots ?

color uniformity ?

Backlight bleeding ?
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Ok tested the vertical one and there isn't "much" banding, only a minor amount - no different to other displays I'd say in other areas. It's certainly not visible in real world usage!
A lot's being made of the banding issue since i noticed it, so i thought i'd post a bit more of a balanced take on it.

It's only visible on artificial vertical gradients, and they are pretty rare to find. You might see them in a tiny proportion of all the games out there, the odd website, or if you do any design work with computer generated images.

In fact if you do create gradients in photoshop, by default they are dithered, so the banding won't be present at all. It's only if dithering is disabled that you might notice it.

I don't believe it can be corrected by calibration or gamma correction, as sideways gradients are fine, and nobody could sensibly argue your monitor is only calibrated in one axis, hehe.

It's almost certainly an artifact of image/colour processing provided by the Genesis chip in the new revision of the monitor. The tiniest amount of grain, noise, or dither immediately removes the gradation bars from a gradient (you can use the photoshop grain filter to test this). Any non-CG gradient will never become banded on the screen, only perfectly smooth and noiseless artificial ones cause this artifact. A realistic solution would be a firmware update providing a 'Desktop' mode with reduced image processing, and a 'Multimedia' mode with the current processing enabled.

All things said, the new hazro's are a truly amazing monitor. Black level is perfectly acceptable, grey shades and dark details are clearly visible and miles better than any VA panel, there are no gamma issues, viewing angles are really quite good, and there is barely perceptible ghosting in even the fastest of games.

I've tried the monitor with blu-ray discs of blade runner, casino royale, lost in translation, 2001, usual suspects, and a few others, and for multimedia this is a beautiful screen, better than a few FullHD TVs i've seen. It blows away the digimate AMVA panel i had before, the picture is so much better in terms of realistic skintones, dark detail, and reproducing difficult scenes that many monitors and even TVs mangle. A friend was over when i had Blade Runner on and almost immediately exclaimed it put their brand new HDTV to shame.

I've tried a few games such as crysis, mohaa, cod4, grid, tf2, counter-strike:source, and they all look perfect, as good as my old CRT if not better, and again miles better than the AMVA panel did. No traces of banding either. Only one game i tried exhibited the banding effect on a toolbar panel that used a simple computer generated grey-black vertical gradient.

Photographs too look perfect on it, very natural and without any distortion of shading or colour.

In short, unless you do any computer generated design work, this is an ideal and flawless screen. The gradient issue won't show on the vast majority of uses for it. In games, movies, photographs the picture quality is simply awesome, and i don't believe you could find a better 24" monitor.

For me personally, i'm actually not sure whether to keep it. I absolutely love this screen for multimedia, i couldn't ask for better. It's a question of whether to put up with the gradient artifact when i use 3dsmax, and whether for £450 i can live with having to check if the bars i see are in my image or just the screen playing a trick on me. It's a tough choice.

I contacted Hazro mid-week about the possibility of entering a service menu to disable some of the processing, or if a firmware update would be required. Sadly i haven't heard from them yet, but i would keep the monitor if they plan a firmware upgrade to make the screen more suitable for CG work. I only have until middle of next week before i can no longer return this under the DSR, so here's hoping they do get in touch.

With that in mind i've been hassling some HP lp2475w owners, asking them to check the same gradient images and reports are that it shows them smoothly without any gradation. Yet without the hazro's image processing that causes the gradient artifact, and a matte screen instead of glossy, i suspect the HP won't offer the same outstanding multimedia performance as this Hazro. I guess you can't have the best of both worlds. I can confirm that the HP has a similar front polarizer though, just like this Hazro it'll show a white haze at an angle instead of a purple hue.
myshkinbob, I was just about to make pretty much the exact same post. You spoke my mind.

Guys, seriously, do not let a calibration image test stop you buying a fantastic monitor..which in practice is pretty much flawless.

I too watched Blade Runner on blu-ray, along with The Terminator and Dune. My God if you could only see how good Dune looks on this screen. Like said above, better than a lot of full HD tvs. The colours and tones, level of distinction in the darker tones...all fabulous. No issue at all with ghosting. The black level is perfectly good.

Just keep in mind, you aren't using this monitor to stare at screens of still, flat, graded colours. Not once in practice have I seen any banding. Even on that test, it was very minimal.

I wouldn't want a reflective glossy surface on my LCD, so I strongly recommend the 26Wi which I went for.
I'm still concerned about the build quality issues and dead pixel problem, especially as I'd be shipping it Europe and would presumably have to ship it back to England again if it had a fault. Also, it would appear that my previous post asking when full European distribution of this monitor would begin has been deleted - does anyone know the answer? Alternatively, if Hazro had a returns centre in Europe I'd happily buy it from OCUK.
Please excuse the double post, but thought this thread would benefit from my thoughts from the other Hazro thread:

Just a quick post with my experiences since Monday of my H24Wi. I'll do a full post when I get time, although I'm not promising anything as thorough as Mrk!

I'm a Professional Web Designer (with clients such as the BBC, American Express and 3i), so colour is very important to me and I spend a lot of time using Photoshop. But I'm also a keen gamer, so needed a screen that could deliver both good colour reproduction and be able to shoot people in the ass every night

On first boot up, the brightness was way too high, so I knocked that back a bit to an acceptable level. Colours are rich but natural, contrast from what I can tell is excellent and the blacks are nice and deep.

Playing COD4 is amazing. I'm running 32bit Vista with a E6240 processor, 4gb ram (3.5gb reported) and a BFG 8800 gts graphics card. Its running at 1900x1200 with mostly high textures etc, but no antialias, which doesn't matter at that res as the dot pitch is so good. There's no ghosting and no visible input lag. My previous 19inch Acer S-IPS screen had a 25ms refresh with terrible input lag and ghosting. Everything on a 24 inch monitor and that res is so much bigger. Sniping is a dream as the buggers are so much easier to see. My switch from a 4:3 screen to 16:9 also greatly benefits me as I can see people sneaking in from the side!

Back in April I bought a Samsung SM-2232BW, which was a TN panel. The Hazro isn't quite as quick with its refresh rate, but the Samsung was an unbearable POS colour wise and with viewing angles and it went straight back. I've waited this long to get the right monitor and I wasn't disappointed this time. The Hazro really is just beautiful.

The glossy screen is great. It gives colours a real vibrance. Some screen coatings have a twinkle effect or can look grainy. The Hazro looks clear as crystal. I wouldn't have it facing a window though.

The backlight doesn't appear to be perfectly even, a side effect it seems of such a large monitor. However this is only noticeable when booting up or loading COD4. I've played some movies on it (including Empire Strikes back in 720) and the colours look beautiful. No problems at all with bleed.

Build quality is top notch. It's a beautiful aluminium. Inputs are nicely spaced apart. The menu is a little confusing to use as once you are right down into brightness for instance, this isn't highlighted. It's only when you see the values change that you know it is selected. There's a lot of trial and error jumping between options.

I thought I had one dead/stuck pixel, but this seems to have gone. It may well only show up under certain colours, but it hasn't bothered me any more. The dot pitch is so good that I can't see it being an irritation.

I've not done any in depth testing yet with Photoshop, looking at gradients bands. etc, but will do in the coming weeks.

All in all, I'm absolutely delighted. Its everything I hoped it would be. If you're still holding back - don't, just go for it and I hope you'll be as pleases as I am.
I contacted Hazro mid-week about the possibility of entering a service menu to disable some of the processing, or if a firmware update would be required. Sadly i haven't heard from them yet, but i would keep the monitor if they plan a firmware upgrade to make the screen more suitable for CG work.

Good post myshkinbob, if you could keep us updated regarding this, it would be greatly appreciated.

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