Hazro - Any Update?

In addition to what mrk has already posted:


HZ26Wi users affected by the above issues ONLY are entitled to a back light luminosity reduction firmware upgrade too. This process is not reversible and therefore, Customers should consider carefully if this upgrade will benefit them. Details of this firmware upgrade will be available on the self-registration portal once completed.

Do you think the luminosity reduction would be of a benefit?
I have a 24Wi, the reduction would be good for me, my back light just seems too bright :(

I've not read any where that the 24Wi will be getting this reduction, so can we presume that all 24Wi's will be getting their back lights reduced by the firmware we're getting, or is this an extra thing for only 26Wi screens
You can adjust the luminance by dropping the RGB values to between 60 and 70 for all 3 sliders in the OSD, this gives a nice comfortable and neutral brightness I found if you leave the brightness and contrast settings on default the greyscale details should remain more or less in the good range if you don't have a hardware calibrator.
Thanks for the tip I'll give it a go :)

I'm really just hoping they would give us more control over the back light really, but the 26Wi extract above for me hints that that wont be happening.
Thanks for the tip I'll give it a go :)

I'm really just hoping they would give us more control over the back light really, but the 26Wi extract above for me hints that that wont be happening.

Ive emailed them regarding this , whether or not the firmware fix will help reduce my black luminance.
The lowest I can get it is 1.4 cd/m2 which even Hazro staff (over the phone) addmitted is terrible. He also said that the firmware update may fix this, but wasnt 100% though.
I emailed them yesterday to try and confirm this but unfortunatley no reply as of yet
sent an extremely polite and upbeat webnote yesterday evening.

had no phone calls or emails from Hazro.

Anyone else? I bought from OCUK - rekon I should send OCUK a webnote too? or be more patient with Hazro?

What gamma are you runnig at? my black point is 0.6cd/m2

Its calibrated to a Gamma of 2.2, 6500k colour temp with B47, C44, R85, G82, B77, precal settings

Makes no difference what settings i use though I can turn brightness, contrast and RGB all down to 0 and still get 1.4cd/m2

During the day in and averagely lit room if I put up a totally black screen 0,0,0 created in photo shop its not black its a dark navy colour and a night in a completely unlit room its bright enough to read a book by.
I've noticed that a few people within this thread are calibrating their screens with proper calibration kits & software - can I ask which one they are using?

At the minute I'm looking at either the Spyder3 Elite or the X-RITE Eye-One Display 2.

Apologies if this has been answered previously - any recommendations or advice would be appreciated.

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I've noticed that a few people within this thread are calibrating their screens with proper calibration kits & software - can I ask which one they are using?

At the minute I'm looking at either the Spyder3 Elite or the X-RITE Eye-One Display 2.

Apologies if this has been answered previously - any recommendations or advice would be appreciated.


Don't bother with the Spyder, from what I've read it's decent enough, but inferior to the I1 Display 2, which is what Lacie (and others) re-badge as their calibration device. You can get the I1 Display 2 LT which just has cut down software for around £120 if you look in the right places, and can always "upgrade" by getting something like ColourEyes or BasICColour software packages.

http://www.tftcentral.co.uk has a few reviews of the various calibration devices out there currently.
EyeOne Display2 is £120 the LT is much cheaper. I got my Display2 for that price from Kerso on eBay :)
I'm sort of in the same boat. I'm not an expert or professional but I want the screen to be the best it can be. At the moment I think the colours are just a tad too saturated for everyday use although photo images look tremendous. The OSD saturation function is disabled sadly and my aging PC doesn't have an option to change any settings.

I just want a device that will calibrate it better than out-of-the-box settings. I guess anything will do?
I'm sort of in the same boat. I'm not an expert or professional but I want the screen to be the best it can be. At the moment I think the colours are just a tad too saturated for everyday use although photo images look tremendous. The OSD saturation function is disabled sadly and my aging PC doesn't have an option to change any settings.

I just want a device that will calibrate it better than out-of-the-box settings. I guess anything will do?

If you look round you can pick up a spyder2 express for 55 quids.
The spyder2 express, suite, pro all use the same hardware its the software you pay for.
This spyder2 express works well with the coloreyes Display software Demo
With the 2 combined you have a good combination to calibrate quite accuratly for a low price.
Thanks for the info guys, appreciated.

From reading around and checking out TFT Central I think i'll maybe spend the extra and go with the X-Rite i1 Display2 calibrator (might be able to get through work). Seems to be slightly better than the Spyder with its Lacie affiliation.

I'll use it as standard at first and look at the additional 3rd party software at a later date.
Gotta say, even though the scaler chip has some issues being fixed by the firmware it is a high quality scaler!

STALKER Clear Sky only runs smooth at lower resolution in DX10 for me so I use 1280x800 and it looks superb, even text is crisp ingame!


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