Hazro - Any Update?

Hi guys,

Just trying to find out if Hazro has actually contacted anyone to begin the process of uplift to return your monitors back to base.

Ive sent 1 webnote to them which was super polite (2 days ago) and had one missed call on my mobile this morning from an unknown number whilst in the shower.

I dont want to barage them with webnotes but i do want to get the monitor sent off.

Anyone sent theres away now?

Hi guys,

Just trying to find out if Hazro has actually contacted anyone to begin the process of uplift to return your monitors back to base.

Ive sent 1 webnote to them which was super polite (2 days ago) and had one missed call on my mobile this morning from an unknown number whilst in the shower.

I dont want to barage them with webnotes but i do want to get the monitor sent off.

Anyone sent theres away now?


Nothing as yet, Damage! I am patiently waiting as well. Would quite like to get mine sorted ASAP as well. I guess things will get sorted in due course...
If you look round you can pick up a spyder2 express for 55 quids.
The spyder2 express, suite, pro all use the same hardware its the software you pay for.
This spyder2 express works well with the coloreyes Display software Demo
With the 2 combined you have a good combination to calibrate quite accuratly for a low price.

Interesting...I think I'll wait till after this firmware upgrade before getting one. There are certainly options though.
Why is it so hard for overclockers to say if they are selling updated ones or faulty ones - it is like chewing bricks through web notes!!!!!

It is not hard is it - yes or no. If they are selling faulty ones why? i only want to spend laods of notes with them.

Sorry for the Q this far into the thread. Am I right in saying that once this firmware update is applied does that make this the best 24" available? What about HDCP?

If you're not worried about multiple stand adjustment then yes this would be one of the best :)
I had a guy come pick up some speakers off me I sold on ebay today, the first thing he said when he came in was "nice screen!"

It's the first thing people always say and then comment on how my pc makes no noise ¬_¬
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