Just wondering, since no-one else has mentioned it, anyone else also has the uniformity issues? I know S-IPS screens are susceptible to bad black levels at an angle i.e. with a dark image, when you're in front of the centre the corners may look like a grey, and when you're in front of one corner the others may look like a grey (which I can live with) but it's the yellow tint in my lower right corner which drives me insane.
I've got a few patches of yellow tint which definitely aren't down to viewing angles - a large area near the top left corner that gets worse towards the middle of the screen, a 'splotch' about two thirds of the way along the top edge, and a mildly visible diagonal band that pretty much extends from the top left to bottom right of the panel. It bugs the hell out of me, but probably not enough to pay the £40 or whatever when they inspect it and decide that it's within ISO and manufacturing tolerances.