***Hogwarts Legacy - RPG***

Haven't got around to trying it yet but may be worthwhile for those not seeing improvements or regression in performance to remove the manual tweaks done in engine.ini:

can confirm removing the additions to engine.ini seemed to do the trick, still need my memory trim tool though to stop it doing an out of memory ctd (this game really wants more than 16GB to eat it seems)
Has RT IQ been fixed/improved, I see patch mentioning about AO but shadows and reflections were even more broken

Slight improvements to RT but not fixed - I've ended up disabling it as it seems to cause intermittent slowdowns for me (or at least having it on pushed things over the top), RT shadows are rendered wrong though a consequence of mixed RT and non-RT techniques in use, reflections are glitchy but a shame as the way RT renders specular lighting does increase visual quality a lot. Without it I get a fairly consistent 80 FPS at 1080p using high settings on my laptop.
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Some other fixes for performance, not tried myself:

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Really enjoying this, usually I play a game 2 or 3 times....get bored and unistall. This has well and truely got me hooked.

WHAT they need now is some co-op intergration.
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Really enjoying this, usually I play a game 2 or 3 times....get bored and unistall. This has well and truely got me hooked.

WHAT they need now is some co-op intergration.
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Is it a good game without being one on its own? I’m looking for something new to play but am not really into Harry Potter myself.
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Is it a good game without being one on its own? I’m looking for something new to play but am not really into Harry Potter myself.

I don't think being into Harry Potter is a requirement, but you'll not understand all the basic lore stuff as well as someone who is.

I've read people liked it even if not into the series :)
I don't think being into Harry Potter is a requirement, but you'll not understand all the basic lore stuff as well as someone who is.

I've read people liked it even if not into the series :)
Hoping someone that’s in the same boat as me can answer. I expect the being part of the world you’ve grown to love by reading the books or watching the films is a big part of it.
Mouse and Keyboard for FPS (which I only seem to play on PC). Controller for everything else.

Did another couple of hours on this last night; still enjoying it, but the dialogue does seem a little wooden and a little "6th form am-dram" to my ear. Maybe it's the mainly RP English accents, as I guess it is produced for the American/Global market.
Everybody sounds very middle class no working class kids at Hogwarts.
Things seems smoother overall after the patch could just be placebo though as it wasn't bad before just jittery in spots

can confirm removing the additions to engine.ini seemed to do the trick, still need my memory trim tool though to stop it doing an out of memory ctd (this game really wants more than 16GB to eat it seems)

I'm getting by on 16gb the most I've seen it use is a little over 13 what it does eat though is VRAM its sitting around 14gb on FSR higher without I believe it uses system ram if it runs out of the other at least thats what people have said

Hoping someone that’s in the same boat as me can answer. I expect the being part of the world you’ve grown to love by reading the books or watching the films is a big part of it.

It helps if you know the films its not essential though
I found the enterence to chamber of secrets, no way open it :(


The castle is huge, a week later, I'm still finding new area's.

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Not been there yet, I got all the lock unlocks now so I can go almost anywhere. Some doors are just "locked" though and can't be picked.

The detail in the castle is pretty immense though, and it's one of my fav things so far just how grand it feels.
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