***Hogwarts Legacy - RPG***

It's not anything to do with vsync (ew) or locking 60fps or anything anyway though!

Look here, check out the GPU use during the moments of traversal stutter. The GPU use is down because the game is doing something, I'm 100% sure it's Denuvo interfering.



When not travelling through areas and just running around doing stuff indoors or out, the game is happily running at whatever fps I lock it at with a flat frametime graph. This is a DRM issue almost certainly, and because it's Denuvo, the impact will differ from user to user because of the custom code it generates on every machine.
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It's not anything to do with vsync (ew) or locking 60fps or anything anyway though!

Look here, check out the GPU use during the moments of traversal stutter. The GPU use is down because the game is doing something, I'm 100% sure it's Denuvo interfering.



When not travelling through areas and just running around doing stuff indoors or out, the game is happily running at whatever fps I lock it at with a flat frametime graph. This is a DRM issue almost certainly, and because it's Denuvo, the impact will differ from user to user because of the custom code it generates on every machine.

Definitely is for my end :p Maybe it is denuvo!

Locked to 60 on my TV and it's a smooth experience but on my aw with same settings except 80+ fps in Hogwarts and hogsmeade, 100+ every else is a stuttery mess in comparison, don't ask me why but seems like maybe the game and it's animations were all done to work perfectly with 60 fps or less (bit like batman Arkham Knight when it came out). Also weird how when locked to 60 it doesn't have any delay/loading at all but when fps is unlocked/greater than 60, there is a slight delay :/
What are people rating this 7 out of ten for me reminds me of a Ubisoft game a lot of bloat you can upgrade your gear and add traits for instance put its pointless when you can complete the game without it because combat is easy.
How are people getting on with the first trial? What level were you, when attempting this?

I'm stuggling to beat him.


Finally got to it today. Beat him quite easily to be honest. Was level 25 though, so that may have helped. Can't remember the spell names of the top of my head but doing thunder followed by two fire spells took around 20% of his HP, so he did not last long :D

The bad thing about doing what I did which is exploring and doing loads of side quests before doing many main ones is they become almost **** easy.
I have an odd one - I uninstalled Gigabyte Control Centre on my laptop (completely coincidental) and suddenly the game runs far better - no other games are showing any difference. 1440p with high settings is running 60-120FPS and mostly smooth instead of 40-70 with lots of stutter, or down to single digit FPS at times with RT on as it was before. Unless there is some screwy stuff with Denuvo going on, which would be again entirely speculation, I dunno what to make of that.

Gigabyte's bundled software is a messy POS with way too much "AI" and data collection stuff going on but it hasn't impacted any other games like that.
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Denuvo's custom code must have been seeing the GBCC which now it does not so doesn't need to do extra security or something maybe?
Denuvo's custom code must have been seeing the GBCC which now it does not so doesn't need to do extra security or something maybe?

I have absolutely no idea - it is probably more likely something in GBCC interfering but the way the game at times drops to low CPU, low GPU utilisation while stuttering makes me suspicious something is going on other than just data paging.
Difference is quite dramatic - those spiral staircases which are basically transition areas - before was dropping down to ~40FPS at 1440p and very choppy, or 60FPS and stuttery at 1080p now 80-90FPS and only slight stutter at 1440p:

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See I never have issues on the staircases, always 100fps or whatever I have RTSS locked at. It's always the big doorways leading inside after being out for a while or out after being in for a while where as you approach them, the frametime graph as per above screenshots I posted show. Everywhere else it's a non issue on my install of the game.
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See I never have issues on teh staircases, always 100fps or whatever I have RTSS locked at. It's always the big doorways leading inside after being out for a while or out after being in for a while where as you approach them, the frametime graph as per above screenshots I posted show. Everywhere else it's a non issue on my install of the game.

Staircases are/were the worst bit for me - kind of weird as some of the biggest, most detailed environments run fine.
I think certain puzzles or cave entrances that you can’t do/open until you have a certain spell or particular quest should be highlighted at the beginning. My stubbornness cost me 20 minutes trying to open a cave door and around 15 trying to do the puzzle with the three sets of two blocks. Now I know:mad:
Agreed, I wasted quite a bit of time doing this as well.
caved it and got it, enjoying it so far, running fine here early on, but i assume i will get frame drops later on ? game world is stunning
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caved it and got it, enjoying it so far, running fine here early on, but i assume i will get frame drops later on ? game worls is stunning

Performance seems high varied/depends on a lot of factors - it is possible to get it running fairly well though and also possible to have a lot of slowdowns with it.
Usually you don't have to change the desktop resolution with other games. You can simply choose the higher res from within the game options itself. It's a bit annoying that you can't do it with Hogwarts for some reason.
Found another game where you have to change windows resolution as well. "Death Stranding".

You would think that such popular games would have "got it right"
What are people rating this 7 out of ten for me reminds me of a Ubisoft game a lot of bloat you can upgrade your gear and add traits for instance put its pointless when you can complete the game without it because combat is easy.
Its a tie-in for a book and movie franchise and as such its intended to appeal to fans and possibly kids rather than hardcore gamers and honestly I'm fine with that. Some games can appear overwhelming with a myriad of options and builds and perks and lord knows what else that puts off casual gamers it rewards dedication for sure but the entry level is high.
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There is a lot the game gets very right and a lot it gets very wrong. It is an interesting open world experience with a few decent movie tie-ins but it could do with a lot of work on certain aspects especially in terms of adaption for the PC.

Stuff like the mini games for learning spells and Alohomora make me want to facepalm at the pointlessness and tediousness, even if brief, of them, most of the puzzles are weak and pointless as well aside from a small number which go the other way and are extremely brain challenging. I think they missed an opportunity as well not making the game playable via different styles whether you wanted to go the combat route or puzzle route, etc. or even a mixture - there is plenty of potential there for interesting and challenging puzzles - summoner's court was one of the few times they really nailed the potential albeit not overly challenging but some potential tactical play there with blocking the other player's balls, etc.
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Dunno what the change is but the game is running lots better for me now I've uninstalled GBCC as above - though I did have one instance tonight where the screen froze and system was hard locked other than the game sounds were still playing - possibly a game issue as it happened at the exact moment I smashed an enemy with a barrel which is usually not coincidence. Also noticed VRAM and RAM utilisation wasn't hitting the levels it was before.
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