***Hogwarts Legacy - RPG***

Kind of hard to remember such a thing to be honest. Does it have a lock on it? If not then could be a quest later on, not that I would remember, so many bloody side quests :p

No lock on it, which the animal shop had until that part opened through the quest lines. Hence I thought I ask. In case no one else knows I guess I find out one day !

And yes, there is quiet a bunch with side quests to do ! :p
Apparently it's a PS5 timed exclusive quest. PC later. Lame!

Seriously ?!? Then they should just have removed the code for that house so it was closed and empty. Would made more sense then leaving the door active but unaccessibly ! Well, that's what I would done if I been a game developer... :cry:
With 16GB of RAM, the game will runaway with active RAM use as it has unreasonable RAM usage in practice. As mentioned before I have 64GB of RAM, and the game will use 18GB+ of RAM all on its own. That's not because "if you have more RAM, a game will use more RAM" like some seem to think, this is an issue with this game specifically. No other game uses more than say 6GB of RAM. You know something is up when the game you are playing uses more system RAM than VRAM when no other game has this quirk.

32GB of RAM is the minimum for this game when using any reasonable resolution and GFX settings. When you also factor in system RAM usage by the OS and background apps etc, you are basically left with no RAM left for normal running of the game and OS and disk paging has to be done which will result in performance degrade, even if the pagefile is on an SSD.

If it was at 4K with Ultra and stuff then sure this could be acceptable, but it happens at any res with Hogwarts. It's poorly optimised for resource usage.

And yet I have 16gb of system RAM and it plays perfectly smooth at 3840x1600 FSR background apps too, it does use an inordinate amount of Vram though so maybe it adapts to whatever type of ram is available, who knows
And yet I have 16gb of system RAM and it plays perfectly smooth at 3840x1600 FSR background apps too, it does use an inordinate amount of Vram though so maybe it adapts to whatever type of ram is available, who knows

I don't know if it has changed with the patch but on release if you had less than ~12GB VRAM spare (so needed a 16GB card or more) at 1440p or higher you'd get a lot of stutter with 16GB or less RAM, or turned it down to lower settings.
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Well the game does not use more than 9GB VRAM at 3440x1440 max settings so that can't be the case lol - The stutters are related to DRM/traversal loading stuttering which still exist right now just to a lesser degree since the latest patch, but because of how Denuvo works, every install will react differently. It's completely playable, but the stutters are there and there is no difference to actual RAM vs VRAM usage (not allocation, pure usage). They even admitted to the game needing further optimisation so we are still waiting, and as mentioned already, other graphically heavier games use orders of magnitude less RAM/VRAM so far as I'm concerned and form where I sit, the engine needs patching and people should not accept it as a reason to just go "need more VRAM/RAM by the nature of brute forcing performance out of an unoptimised game and not legitimately needing more hardware resources because the game is naturally demanding (which it isn't).
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2560x1440 with high settings, no RT, DLSS quality game is using 5.9-6.5GB RAM with the current patch - before was seeing far higher RAM usage. If you turn up the quality settings though it can be another case again.

With this patch I'm seeing quite a bit more pop-in when before with 32GB RAM I wasn't - personally would prefer less of that even at the expense of higher RAM use.
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I'm just at the part where I'm being introduced to Hogsmeade, so maybe about half an hour or so into the game. I'm finding it to be 10% game play and 90% cut scenes and dialogue - does it continue like this? :confused:
Yes :p

My annoyance with the dialogue is that it is strictly scripted. In that in other games if you interrupt a dialogue section by doing something else, the NPC will stop talking or say something trivial like "hey come back" or "alright then seeya" or whatever, in Hogwarts there is no dialogue if/then/else coded in, the NPC just continues talking regardless which is jarring a lot of the time. Also many voices/dialogue bits sound like an NPC is talking to a child in the way they speak!
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I'm just at the part where I'm being introduced to Hogsmeade, so maybe about half an hour or so into the game. I'm finding it to be 10% game play and 90% cut scenes and dialogue - does it continue like this? :confused:

It isn't as bad once you've got past Hogsmeade there are plenty of opportunities to get stuck into gameplay - but a lot of the main storyline quests and the side-quests which are linked to unlocking stuff or learning game mechanics do involve a lot of scripted stuff and cutscenes, etc.
The settings in this game are quite weird - ultimately most just control how far out higher quality is rendered to, when it already renders high quality out to about large room distance so in a lot of cases the extra detail is just lost while using more resources. Sky simulation just use either low or ultra as the performance impact is negligible and any settings between those 2 look cartoony or just bad. All ultra setting introduces a lot of atmospheric effects which actually degrade the overall "pop" of the scene without adding anything worthwhile over high - but some selective ultra settings are worthwhile. Ultra vegetation can actually water down the quality of closer vegetation in an effort to render higher quality throughout the full draw distance so high generally works a bit better.

Ray tracing AO just has a huge performance impact for some tiny changes to the depth of the scene - you get much better visual depth results from enabling nVidia FreeStyle with detail filter *yuck*. RT reflections are a nice addition in theory but currently broken badly and RT shadows are also broken and don't really fit the aesthetic well compared to the softer style of the non-RT ones - the game would really benefit from proper ray traced bounced lighting and reflections.

EDIT: Personally not a big fan of post-processing filters and sharpening but with nVidia FreeStyle and some backed off filter settings the game looks a lot better with most of the DLSS softness gone without any real change to performance - though it does slightly increase DLSS artefacts.
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Yes :p

My annoyance with the dialogue is that it is strictly scripted. In that in other games if you interrupt a dialogue section by doing something else, the NPC will stop talking or say something trivial like "hey come back" or "alright then seeya" or whatever, in Hogwarts there is no dialogue if/then/else coded in, the NPC just continues talking regardless which is jarring a lot of the time. Also many voices/dialogue bits sound like an NPC is talking to a child in the way they speak!

Agreed! Especially after putting ~100 hours into Witcher 3 recently then going to Hogwarts, it's not in the same league. And not being able to pause on the cutscenes is annoying, always the phone rings or doorbell etc and I've missed what was going on.
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I've uninstalled it now, the final straw was mission objectives not being clear (or missing on the map at least) - I need to do a quest but before I can do it I need to learn a thing, the quests log does not show where to go to learn it, the map shows nothing either because the multi layered map is not intuitive. And this is from someone who easily navigated the Cyberpunk map world easily before the patched it up to make it more usable for folks lol.


This did give me the chance to observe uninstallation though too which has now raised eyebrows. This game runs shader pre-caching on every load, ok fine, it takes 10 seconds or so maybe a bit more. But what's annoying is it obviously stores the cached shaders to disk, so why does it not reload those given that nothing on the OS has changed? Other games manage this fine?

So anyway, on uninstall you will find a few GBs of data left behind, inc the shader cache :rolleyes:


This isn't the first game I have experienced to leave GBs of crap behind after uninstall, but won't be the last, it's just annoying that the uninstaller does not clean up properly.
I've uninstalled it now, the final straw was mission objectives not being clear (or missing on the map at least) - I need to do a quest but before I can do it I need to learn a thing, the quests log does not show where to go to learn it, the map shows nothing either because the multi layered map is not intuitive. And this is from someone who easily navigated the Cyberpunk map world easily before the patched it up to make it more usable for folks lol.

Can't say I've had a huge issue with that though it is a weakness of the game - I only found a minority of quests where it was a problem and most of those have a purple circle for the valid area once you get close. If you at least half follow the intended game progress you are introduced to the spells required for some quests in a reasonably timely fashion - some you can't just go away and learn as you won't get the owl message until you hit a certain point in the game.
EDIT: Personally not a big fan of post-processing filters and sharpening but with nVidia FreeStyle and some backed off filter settings the game looks a lot better with most of the DLSS softness gone without any real change to performance - though it does slightly increase DLSS artefacts.

What settings are you using?

Been messing myself there and as someone who hates any kind of sharpening, I am surprised at how good it is in this, also didn't realise nvidia have a "sharpen +" filter, seems quite a bit better than the "sharpen" filter.
Didn't need to use any sharpening here, all worked and looked great with DLSS Quality, and those optimised mix of HIGH and Ultra settings with all RT off because RT is still broken. Locked at 75fps it ran so smooth and with the stutters mostly gone since the latest patch having played it earlier.

Just a shame about the other issues though

Remember to use DLSS 3.1.1 dll as the sharpness is enhanced by default as it uses NIS.
What settings are you using?

Off the top of my head the detail filter with the sharpening dropped to IIRC 35% then the brightness and contrast filter with the settings dropped back by about 50% from default - it needs a little tweaking to maintain the right balance between highlights and shadows, etc. if you aren't careful it looks over-sharpened or blows the highlights.
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Remember to use DLSS 3.1.1 dll as the sharpness is enhanced by default as it uses NIS.

I'll have to try again but I wasn't getting any sharpening with the 3.1.1 DLLs at launch for some reason, I reverted to the stock DLL with the latest game update.
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