***Hogwarts Legacy - RPG***

Just installed the latest Nvidia driver for my 3060 and 35 hours of HWL reset to out of the box. Launched the game and it's a fresh start, no saves at all. That is really weird, I cannot think how a graphic card driver would do that.
Just installed the latest Nvidia driver for my 3060 and 35 hours of HWL reset to out of the box. Launched the game and it's a fresh start, no saves at all. That is really weird, I cannot think how a graphic card driver would do that.

Don't think it is driver related or some weird bug with the game if it is - people were reporting similar before nVidia released any new drivers post launch. I thought it was supposed to be solved with the patch. There are some ways you can supposedly recover saves ( for instance https://www.minitool.com/news/hogwarts-legacy-missing-save.html ).
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i did a case swap, messed something up had to reinstall windows, so having to start afresh after getting to ranrok:o though is fine am finding stuff i didnt before
only spell i didn't have was killing curse ,before i went in i brewed up n grew as mush as possible ,inc max 25 Wiggenweld. but affter i got side tracked had pc issues so had to do full windows install so haven't got back to it yet
killing curses doesn't work on "Ragnarok Dragon"
Don't often platinum games, but ended up doing so. For most the part loved it. Does have some typical open world stuff, part the parcel I suppose doing everything but good fun. Hopefully do see DLC's!

Glacius + diffindo, so much death :D
I don't know if to get this on Xbox x or PC, like the idea of mods for the broom but think it will look better on xbox x

IMO depends on the PC. If you have a slid one, can crank up the details to get or surpass Xbox levels + higher frame rates.
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I don't generally like post-processing filters in games - but I have no idea how I mostly played this through now without - reshade or nVidia FreeStyle enhancements to exposure, etc. vastly improve the visuals.
(Minding your own Business) quest in Hogsmeade to own your own shop but it was taken out for PC, only exclusive to PS4/5. I hope later they add this quest to the PC users! I couldn't believe they took it out, if this old news I'm sorry I only known about it last night:)

Going from 3900x to 5800x3d is a night and day difference in this game, it went from stuttery mess in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade to being perfectly smooth with a 20-30fps improvement across the board, similar story in The Last Of Us.

This level of CPU performance is basically a requirement now for smooth gameplay in a lot of games it seems.... Kinda crazy..
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finally got there,loads more to find:cool:
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Quite a lot of bug fixes in latest patch and supposedly some performance enhancements though I've not played it yet to see. Doesn't look like they've fixed the ray tracing sadly but patch notes suggest they've tweaked some of the surface reflections maybe fixing some of the dodgy rendering on the lake, etc.

Also updates DLSS to latest version with optimisations.

EDIT: Update reset some of my settings including putting graphics back to recommended which is a bit annoying.

Doesn't seem to fix the reflection issues sadly and performance doesn't seem much different though less stutters in places and some bits about 5-10% higher.
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My game does not appear to have downloaded the new patch, I have experienced non of the errors or performance issues listed there so maybe I'm better off not to try and download it. I had to smile when I noted they have added an Arachnophobia setting :rolleyes:

Edit: too late, I just checked on steam to see what build version I have and it's downloading the patch now
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It's not uncommon for developers to put accessibility options like arachnophobia mode in games, can't see how it's a bad thing personally.
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