Horizon: Zero Dawn [PS4]

Ah yes, I am another poor soul on the hunt for the mythical fox skin. I have a feeling they're all Jewish as I've yet to find one.

That Stormbird fight is a bit hard. Had a sandstorm start up halfway through which was helpful :rolleyes: When I finally killed it a random guard strolled up and said "that was easy". I felt like sliding between his legs and using the Aloy's spear on a delicate part of his anatomy.

I'm still baffled how they managed to goad these graphics out of 3-4 year old hardware.
Personally I don't think it's special gameplay wise. It's like a pretty but stupid girl/boy. Sure they're nice too look at but once the looks wear off you're not left with a lot.
If it wasn't for the graphics I highly doubt it would be getting the plaudits.
Personally I don't think it's special gameplay wise. It's like a pretty but stupid girl/boy. Sure they're nice too look at but once the looks wear off you're not left with a lot.
If it wasn't for the graphics I highly doubt it would be getting the plaudits.

I think the combat is really good. It's very fluid and once you start getting to know the weak points and exploitable areas of the Zoids, then it really starts to have a great ebb and flow in battle; changing weapons and ammo on the fly to take down multiple enemies.
I also love the setting but that's personal preference obviously. I mean, it doesn't have The Witcher series story and dialogue or the new Zelda's sandbox nature but the world is seemless and stunning to look, the combat is good and the story is interesting. Not sure what else you'd want from an action/adventure game tbh!
I think the combat is really good. It's very fluid and once you start getting to know the weak points and exploitable areas of the Zoids, then it really starts to have a great ebb and flow in battle; changing weapons and ammo on the fly to take down multiple enemies.
I also love the setting but that's personal preference obviously. I mean, it doesn't have The Witcher series story and dialogue or the new Zelda's sandbox nature but the world is seemless and stunning to look, the combat is good and the story is interesting. Not sure what else you'd want from an action/adventure game tbh!

Agree with those points. I mean it's just more of the same of collect this, go to this point on the map. It doesn't feel to me like anything I haven't played before if that makes sense.
I'll still finish it but I don't think it's a top 20 or even 30 for me. That could well change of course :)
Yeah, that's a fair point. I actually don't think it's fair or useful to rank games. I mean, if you're enjoying it does it matter if it's top 10 or even top 100? I think Witcher 3 is more rounded than Horizon but I've played much more of Horizon. Love them all though, just wish I had more hours in the day to play them! With Zelda and Horizon, then Mass Effect in two weeks and then Persona 5 two weeks after that. Too many quality games! :D
Yeah I'll just enjoy it for what it is and move it on. Want to play all the games you mentioned plus for Yakuza to start.
Ploughed about 5 hours in to it now and I've suddenly remembered I'm utterly hopeless with any aim-shoot style console gaming. My dexterity with the controls is abysmal which makes for frustrating wild camera panning when trying to aim. Game isn't too forgiving either and requires quick movements/aiming. Ho-hum I'm still enjoying it though!
Ah yes, I am another poor soul on the hunt for the mythical fox skin. I have a feeling they're all Jewish as I've yet to find one.

That Stormbird fight is a bit hard. Had a sandstorm start up halfway through which was helpful :rolleyes: When I finally killed it a random guard strolled up and said "that was easy". I felt like sliding between his legs and using the Aloy's spear on a delicate part of his anatomy.

I'm still baffled how they managed to goad these graphics out of 3-4 year old hardware.

There's a stormbird in the north, mission right next to it with ravangers. I did mission knocked off a ravanger gun, picked it up and killed stormbird in about 10 seconds lol.
Yeah, I can't find a fox skin for love nor money. Every fox I see, I shoot but still nothing.

Does anyone know what year this game is supposed to be set in? I'm trying to fathom out the story in my head but the timescale is particularly confusing.

It gives you dates later in storyline missions.
It gives you dates later in storyline missions.

You mean in the holographic presentations? It was all a blur... so much info to take in. :p There are still some questions I have like...

1) How long did it take Gaia's Minerva? module to find the deactivation codes to the robots?
2) How long were the people kept inside the cradles, i.e. how long did the food last before they were chucked out?
3) And how many years went by between leaving the cradle and where we are now?
Personally I don't think it's special gameplay wise. It's like a pretty but stupid girl/boy. Sure they're nice too look at but once the looks wear off you're not left with a lot.
If it wasn't for the graphics I highly doubt it would be getting the plaudits.

Im loving it, and think it's got elements from a lot of past games, but improved on slightly.

There is one part that I don't like (a side quest, map filler) because like you stated, a lot of it has been done before such as the following:

Bandit camp's, please how many games have to have these, I find it quite a boring part for a side quest and its like playing Mad Max all over again, the camps look so similar. Clear the camp , take the loot, fill it will friendly people!
It's interesting watching the E3 presentations again now that the game is out. I would never have thought to slide under one of the bigger robots to target its power cell or something.
Finished this a couple of hours ago.

Amazing game. Felt so epic in every sense. I did have a couple of issues with the last bit though

I was hoping Hades would be one of those huge titans and you would have to fight that instead it was just another deathbringer which was pretty easy.
Also felt they could have had some epic end game bosses to fight after the story ended. Hades rose up some deactivated machines but as soon as you stuck your spear in him those machines deactivated. Would have been nice if they were high level bosses
Finished this a couple of hours ago.

Amazing game. Felt so epic in every sense. I did have a couple of issues with the last bit though

I was hoping Hades would be one of those huge titans and you would have to fight that instead it was just another deathbringer which was pretty easy.
Also felt they could have had some epic end game bosses to fight after the story ended. Hades rose up some deactivated machines but as soon as you stuck your spear in him those machines deactivated. Would have been nice if they were high level bosses

ohhh. :( So you don't ever get to see those massive Horus/Titan thingies ever animated. That's a shame. Might have been too big a task for the PS4 to pull off maybe.
Very much loving this. I'm taking my time and doing all the side quests and errands. Aiming for a 100% complete this time.

Can only add what's been said about the graphics in this. I'm about 10 hours or so in and can't help but comment on the graphics to the girlfriend every few minutes. Thought I'd be used to it by now but it still unreal how good this game looks. Don't think it's a spoiler when I say that I just finished a mission where I had to fight two Snapmaws. The graphics in that section was so good that I died on purpose (well, he got me once quite legitimately), just to experience how to machines move, jump, cast, do tail swipes and watch how the environment react to the battle.

Had my reservations at the start thinking that this might be too easy, but it's sure interesting and fun to play now :)
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