Horizon: Zero Dawn [PS4]

It drove me spare doing three of the trials on ultra hard but last night I did it. I was wondering if it was going to be worth it but yes, you do get "Lodge Adept" weapons which are better than the others. Now just on the final few missions, got to tidy up the side quests and then I'll be ready for the DLC in T-30 days.
Finished on ultra hard. Which if you ask me, wasn’t that hard when you’ve got all the skills and weaponry maxed out. But it was the perfect way to play the game, I think. You have to use the focus more and chop bits off.

Just peeing myself laughing at this grill on Twitch trying to kill a deathbringer. Erm... what’s the Focus? She’s just firing willy nilly at it, not targeting anything specific.

And then you go to the other extreme where some guy just cheesed his way through the entire fight by jumping which causes time to slow down. Despicable.
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What's with the shell walkers being able to throw out occasional homing lightning balls? Is that new or a bug?
Yes but I've never seen the lightning balls do anything other than follow a ballistic trajectory, I am now occasionally having them actively follow me.
The Frozen Wilds is to be the only DLC for Horizon ZD. I guess that means they’re putting their efforts into the sequel.
I've just had a "D'oh!" moment as I've been buying up some shadow outfits to get the game at 100% completion. Problem is they cost a massive amount of metal shards. Which I've now thought I might need in the DLC to buy any new weapons there may be.
I'd like to think that any new good or better stuff would have to be earned rather than bought. Hopefully via some good challenging quests.
Pre ordered it myself, currently playing through the game on ultra hard and will go to NG+ next, wonder if I can get it done before the dlc arrives... :)
Just bought the 25 quid one from the store. Loving it but expected the movement to be as good as Tomb Raider but it seems pretty clunky the climbing particularly. I like to explore, gather and walk to places rather than fast travel so I get to see some great scenes and landscapes. I have just done a couple of side missions at the big city and am on a mission to a dig site. Great game so far!
Yeah that was it.. I guessed that there was going to be something in that Quarry... Beat it first go though.

I also saw my first Mechanical T-Rex last night.. :eek:
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