How do you go to sleep with your partner?

Married 28 years. Mostly separate beds these days unless my eldest is back from uni. Wife snores since menopause and I can't tune it out very easily. My German Shepherd occasionally comes in at about 530am but normally he gets too hot and only stays for half an hour. Seems common. I'm resigned to it.
Most of the time at the same time. We have two double duvets, so each person has a separate duvet doubled. That was she can’t steal the duvet, she can can have multiple layers of duvet, 7kg over blanket (filled with glass beads) etc and I can vary the layers for me - usually a single layer. I know if she’s cold as she snuggles up leaving me with about a foot of bed of bed to sleep on.

She used to snore but since doing a load of exercise that’s gone thankfully.
This is easy... a few G&T's, going to bed an hour before she comes to bed and all is quite on the western front.
Wife snores, I have rampant insomnia and RLS. Bedtime is a ******* nightmare for me (pun intended)

Most nights im on the couch.
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Married 35 years (where did all that time go...? :eek: ). Pretty much always gone to bed together (between 11pm-midnight nowadays) and slept together - apart from when I've been working away, illness, occasionally during menopause/night sweats (her, not me :p and thankfully behind us now).
I often wake up earlier in the morning than her now though - guess I don't need as much sleep nowadays.
Married 15 years and same bed and essentially same time (she takes a while getting herself ready with lotions and potions compared to tooth brush strip naked and jump in)

we do have a superking and find with small beds on holiday that sleep is often poor.

She offers to sleep in another room if bad cough or something, but I think I’d sleep worse without her overall so I always decline her offer
We mostly go to bed and sleep at different times but always same bed , unless my snoring is extremely bad then she will shift to the spare room , if she’s sick the I will spend time in bed with her until she’s nodding off but then I will head to the spare room to ensure she has a good chance to get a decent sleep

Kinda surprised how common this seems to be here.

Super king size bed and it's effectively like I sleep alone anyway cos we have plenty of space. Not sure I would want separate rooms. Seems a bit odd to me but then I'm in the minority it seems!

We have a super king bed but the missus still manages to invade and occupy my side leaving me a tiny slither
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