I think the £325 for the Collins iFlash includes hardware for you plugging into the OBD port and transferring maps to the car, giving you the flexibility to run different maps/return to standard/valet mode etc
From distant memory it was around £250 when I had their Stage 2 map installed by them, I'd considered having a dyno set-up but Martin & Sue advised it wasn't necessary. And they weren't wrong, 'standard' stage 2 was a superb map imho and updates since then have only been better
Compared to my last ST I've never bothered with any dyno runs, can get very pre-occupied chasing peak horsepower figures and losing sight of the fact that there's a massive amount of variation between dyno's and the amount of 'smoke and mirrors' going on with figures once you move away from wheel horsepower
From distant memory it was around £250 when I had their Stage 2 map installed by them, I'd considered having a dyno set-up but Martin & Sue advised it wasn't necessary. And they weren't wrong, 'standard' stage 2 was a superb map imho and updates since then have only been better

Compared to my last ST I've never bothered with any dyno runs, can get very pre-occupied chasing peak horsepower figures and losing sight of the fact that there's a massive amount of variation between dyno's and the amount of 'smoke and mirrors' going on with figures once you move away from wheel horsepower