I hate my Job :/

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You're still in this job piggymon?! 12 pages and counting now! :) You shoulda put your notice in by page 5 i say!

Life's way too short to be unhappy..especially when something can be done about it (see above). Work shouldnt be getting you in the state you seem to be in, so sort it << that be motivation talk.
Is it not worth having it out with your bosses Piggy, in a calm way of course, put all of your cards on the table ? Or would they be non-approachable for this ? If you are hell bent on leaving, for which I would if I was in your boots, then what have you got to lose ? Are you in a union or anything ? If so, then a union rep could advise a lot better.

Desmo's offer of financial support is a fantastic and generous one and surely is worth considering ?
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Tomorrow. Do it. If you've really had enough then just finish. Your other half said he'd look after you financially, what's there left keeping you there.

Really, it's not worth it. If you're not careful 3, 4..6months down the line you'll still be there. Ive seen it happen.

How old are you out of interest? I know i shouldnt ask being a lady n all...just wondering where you are in your life is all.
Tried&Tested said:
Tomorrow. Do it. If you've really had enough then just finish. Your other half said he'd look after you financially, what's there left keeping you there.

Really, it's not worth it. If you're not careful 3, 4..6months down the line you'll still be there. Ive seen it happen.

How old are you out of interest? I know i shouldnt ask being a lady n all...just wondering where you are in your life is all.

Totally agree with this...did it myself. :D

Oh and...From her public profile...

13th Aug 1979

Which makes her a lovely and young 25.. *oooh...quarter century. ;)*
Which makes Desmo well on the way to being a dirty old man. :D Good for him! :D *'tis one of my aims in life that.. ;)*

Piggymon said:
Thanks again guys :)

I'm debating on whether or not to have a meeting with HR and ask a Team Member to come along as a witness .. I feel I need to get things off my chest

I'm afraid this will make things worse tho :/

Doesnt matter if it makes it worse, the fact is at that point your HR department will know how bad it is for you.
If it does get worse, then when you go to them again they will have a good reference of how quickly its got worse.

This is the proper way to do it (feel free to get hold of someone within a Union even if your not affiliated with one at the moment, im sure they will be more than helpful), rather than going to a doctor. Going on LTS for stress will not make you better, it will not help you at all. It will get you out of the place, but you will still be a part of NTHell.

It sounds harsh, but deal with the issue. The longer you keep going in and allowing yourself to be a victim, the worse you will feel.

Wake up tomorrow, say to yourself 'Im better than this, i do not deserve this, im going to do something about it' then go and do it!
You will feel hell of a lot better for it.

Your car ok?
There are plenty of places in driving distance of Swansea that you could work.
Agencies - im sure there would be plenty of agencies in your area that supply staff for a whole range of jobs. Temping could be good on the wallet for you.
Piggymon said:
I'm Emmigrating in about 6 months time ;)

Again thank you everyone taking the time to reply and try and help .. I really do appreciate it :)

Allow me to present the offending skirt ..


Waaaaay too short isn't it :rolleyes:

If I had a minskirt on or something I wouldn't complain , If I had been told when I wore it yesterday I may have a little whinge but FFS !! .. Just let me do my damn job !!!

Is that cat sitting on the floor? Just if it was the height difference would work out.
I had a nice long chat with another Team Manager last night who I trust 100% ..

LTS is not an option .. As soon as I hit 4 weeks HR will be on the phone hassling me until I come back .. I would be reffered to OC Health .. If OC Health say I'm fit to work then I would have to return , Despite having a Doctors paper , or my pay would be stopped :/

HR are basically working just within the law :eek:

I was also told anyone who is on a PIP is basically screwed .. The AHT is just going to keep dropping and dropping until the majority of the workforce is managed out of the Business

I think I am going to ask for a Meeting with HR ... Just to get things off my chest if nothing else .. I can't make things any worse :p
Go for it :)
At least then you know you've been heard, can still always tell them where to go afterwards :D
When things get this bad I don't think it can be resolved, I think you just have to consider that its not doing you any good getting wound up by it every day of your life.

When I was a manager for a local firm I got my own back by waiting till the director went to golf at lunch time friday then I sent all the employee's home and locked the building. When he approached me on the monday I told him what to do with his job but, he still insisted that I worked my notice. Well I spent a week reading mags and drinking coffee :D
I felt like I was being picked on before I left BT :(

The actual BT managers were great (the ones I associated with anyway) but the agency hr team manager left to be a full time mum the others were evil vultures who were ready to try and peck your eyes out for the smallest reason. Outside of work they were really nice people.

Get out as soon as you can, leaving BT improved my quality of life like you would never believe.
Piggymon said:
LTS is not an option .. As soon as I hit 4 weeks HR will be on the phone hassling me until I come back .. I would be reffered to OC Health .. If OC Health say I'm fit to work then I would have to return , Despite having a Doctors paper , or my pay would be stopped :/

HR are basically working just within the law :eek:

Exactly, which wouldnt do anything for you at all :]

I hope that you can find a decent resolution from your HR department when you do speak to them.
Ask that friend if they would mind sitting in with you, they dont need to say anything or write anything, but havign someone you trust there will make you feel better which will help you explain the issues your facing.
I had my meeting earlier Mr Morba ... Took a team mate in for morale support

Got a load of things off my chest but didn't get anywhere really :/ .... I was also told my boots that I was wearing were unsuitable for work wear as the heel was too high :rolleyes:

Ah well ... I will be handing my notice today .. last working day will be the 17th of July

Braintree , here I come ;) :D
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