I want to save people from spending loads of money.
I notice you changed your claim to 1280x720, high settings, forced AA (afaik it doesn't work) and 25-30 fps which is much more believable than your original claims.
But still, how did you find out you listed the wrong settings when you apparently didn't have access to your gaming PC?
has the OP added any benchmark, video or screenshots of proof?
nice screen shots, but i am telling you right now, my setup the picture quality looks nearly like real life, i am not kidding. I think Crytek have lied about how much power you really need to have for this game especially to make people go and buy new systems. more money on systems means more expanding and more money for the computer industry, Intel, nvidia, amd and other companies cash in and more research continues.
Hi snowdog
only a slight slow down, after about 45 seconds i am ready to load up COD4.