I have 1GB of DDR1 RAM is it possible to gain access to Crysis ultra high settings?

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Crysis Patch to allow play on an Abacus!

i ran crysis at 200fps @ ultra settings 1600*1200 16*AA and AF on my p3 with 64mb RAM. All i did was fill it with ice, build it an igloo, and then watch it burn when i oc'ed it to 2000Ghz. TRY IT
I can tell you that depth of field is amazing, and the blur from when you move quickly, it's breathtaking. Explosions on high are all right i would like to run in ultra high settings.

After reading this thread I can only assume you're mistaking the amazing motion blur with your horrendous frame rate.
Unfortunately i have to agree that this has been a great read - loved the LoL'd pics.

If the pc is an ADVENT then it's bound to be poop for sure - well most high street branded pc's are, would anyone here in their right mind buy an Advent ?! or Packard Bell(more poop) and on a similar note, this guy could be an employee of the Purple shirt brigade (Well when older perhaps!) :D

Come on OP wheres the benchmark results! it's the weekend.

who is 7 of 9?
Thats just not on either! :p probably the finest jumpalumps to grace sci-fi
oh look guys what i found, he's using a £500 gaming rig and play crysis well on max, now i will just get vista and 4GB of ram and play even better.


EDIT: I need to get to my dads house, and do the benchmark sometime over the weekend hopefully.

EDIT: Please look at the about this video to the right of the video on youtube and click more highlighted in blue to see his specs.

EDIT: Oh and look at that video it's a little choppy in frames per second, my rig runs it in smooth and on XP you get more frames than in vista, but just vista has the very high settings.
the guy made a reply to someone saying thats at 800x600 with 15 fps
I have been watching this thread with avid interrest and still nothing. Think we should start a poll....1st When will we ever see dvdbunny again? OR 2nd Is dvdbunny really able to get that good a fps?
Just a suggestion!!! :D
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