I love Final Fantasy XV

The High texture pack gives you 4k textures in the cutscenes that are lacking, Installing the HD at anything over 1080p you definitely notice the difference especially on the maps with loads of grass.

In that case I'd probably install it if I had something better than a 980ti. If my FPS were any lower i wouldn't be able to cope, I'm sat at 49-60 X34A 1440p 980TI on very "very high" settings

EDIT: Can't even see 4k on my monitor anyway xD
I've played about 6 hours so far.

I hate all of the characters(especially glasses guy), the dialogue is atrocious, it is mad as a box of frogs....But I really love it.

As I have said before, It is Final Fantasy, you either get em or you don't. I'm having a great time.
"I've come up with a new recipe"

It isn't quite so annoying written down as when it is being said every 5 minutes by a guy with the weirdest accent I have ever heard!

I'm enjoying it immensely. It is described on the title screen as 'A Final Fantasy for fans and first-timers' or something, and that is exactly what it is...As someone who idolises VII and VIII, I was worried I really wouldn't like this, but it really isn't so far removed from those games tbh....And whilst I would like the combat to be a bit deeper, and I am a big fan of FF turn-based combat of past games, I really quite like this combat too.

Riding a chocobo though a forest with Cosmo Canyon music playing with a massive grin on my face!
So, how is everyone liking this? It is the only game I have interest in playing at the moment, but would rather wait and play it 4K once the new GPUs come out. By then it will be more optimised and bug free too.

I run the benchmark before selling my 1080 last month and it seems the game would need Titan Xp performance at the bare minimum for 4K.
Had a quick blast on this last night, I really quite like it so far. Not ever played any ff games before really.
Very atmospheric and a bit goofy, but in a good way.
Graphics are fabulous and runs well on my mid range pc (skylake i5 and rx480) at 1080p, it's mostly defaulted to high settings rather than very high, with the nvidia settings turned off, but whatever it runs well so far, and looks great. I've not experimented with tweeking graphic settings yet.
Although I'm having bother turning the car around on the road, it's like it's on train tracks and doesn't turn properly, anyone else getting this?
played the demo a bit, its totally a weird boyband vibe as people have said. not sure whether i will buy it or not. it would take days to download for me. good looking game though
Got a good amount of time on it over the weekend. I love it. Really enjoying it!

It strikes the perfect balance of feeling like you're playing a good old fashioned Final Fantasy game, but making it more modern. The combat may be a lot more action-oriented, but imo it is still unmistakably FF.

I could spend ages just fishing tbh.

PS. I hope a mod pops up that let's you choose hud options. The hud as it is is atrocious
Can someone tell me or the Crisis Core soundtrack is available in game?... Honestly it is one of the best soundtracks ever created imo... And it was only a Vita game!
Wasn't it a PSP game? Since they never made a digital release it never broke away from it's UMD origins.

Oh was it psp?... I can't remember tbh. I had both when they were about. It was a good game, with pretty amazing production values for a handheld game. I think I might have downloaded the soundtrack too iirc because I liked it so much.
Got upto Chapter 7 last night, been taking my time due to doing all the sidequests and hunts I can.

I will say one of the missions in Chapter 6 has no need to be in a FF game and slowed me right down, it's a open world RPG but we better cram a stealth section in.
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