IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

There are roumers of a 25th of Feb release now!!
No chance, that's just a release date from - they previously had a release date of 2006, it means nothing.

The publisher hasn't been announced yet, so it's not ready yet. There was a demo in Moscow in November, but they've been bug-fixing and optimising code. Still no idea of system requirements.

But, like it's predecessor IL2, it will be the best combat flight sim ever.
Only seen 2 4 prop planes in all these screenshots - do hope they are able to make player flyable Lancasters and such. Was a limitation with previous IL2 that players could only control 1 or 2 prop planes.
Only seen 2 4 prop planes in all these screenshots - do hope they are able to make player flyable Lancasters and such. Was a limitation with previous IL2 that players could only control 1 or 2 prop planes.

So the TB3 is imaginary is it?
So the TB3 is imaginary is it?

My bad. Only ever had Pacific Fighters, as that arena interested me the most. Plus the carrier landings. Players could only fly B17 (I think) from an external view, after a few patches. Never got IL2:1946
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but what kind of copy protection are we looking at ?

That's the one thing I am worried about. It would bloody well break my heart to have to boycott this game over spurious DRM. Personally I am of the opinion that no DRM is necessary at all, but then that probably makes me look like an extremist :p

I suppose it will depend on who the publisher is in the UK/US etc., which isn't known yet (only that 1C will publish it in Russia), and hence what that publisher demands.

Only seen 2 4 prop planes in all these screenshots - do hope they are able to make player flyable Lancasters and such. Was a limitation with previous IL2 that players could only control 1 or 2 prop planes.

As far as I'm aware the B17 was never a "flyable" plane in IL-2 but that wasn't because of game engine limitations limiting the number of engines-per-aircraft or anything like that. Though IL-2 certainly does have its share of built-in flaws of course (such as high-altitude flight modelling in general).

Lancasters aren't due to be in the original release of the game, but I think it's inevitable that they will be added eventually in one of the many free patches or paid-for expansions we will see over the years. What's going to be nice about BoB is that, in theory, this time around the engine is being made flexibly enough to be able to "properly" incorporate every feature it might later want to add (such as radar, jets, whatever).

Estimated list of flyable and AI-only aircraft in BoB at release (among other details)
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That's the one thing I am worried about. It would bloody well break my heart to have to boycott this game over spurious DRM. Personally I am of the opinion that no DRM is necessary at all, but then that probably makes me look like an extremist :p

I suppose it will depend on who the publisher is in the UK/US etc., which isn't known yet (only that 1C will publish it in Russia), and hence what that publisher demands.

As far as I'm aware the B17 was never a "flyable" plane in IL-2 but that wasn't because of game engine limitations limiting the number of engines-per-aircraft or anything like that. Though IL-2 certainly does have its share of built-in flaws of course (such as high-altitude flight modelling in general).

Lancasters aren't due to be in the original release of the game, but I think it's inevitable that they will be added eventually in one of the many free patches or paid-for expansions we will see over the years. What's going to be nice about BoB is that, in theory, this time around the engine is being made flexibly enough to be able to "properly" incorporate every feature it might later want to add (such as radar, jets, whatever).

Estimated list of flyable and AI-only aircraft in BoB at release (among other details)

If u want to fly big bombers but cant wait get IL2 (4.09) + ultra pack
u get to fly loads of new bombers that u cant normally.
Do you flight sim types ever use trackir? I am thinking about getting it for sims and arma 2 but would like some feedback

God yes, utterly hate flying without it as it becomes second nature and increases immersion by a massive factor.

As for DRM, in a recent translated interview with Oleg it was mentioned that BoB will be available on steam upon release, a good thing in my opinion though some people don't like it and we can hope that DRM is handled via steam itself rather than a secondary utility such as Yuplay.
I've had to boycott a several flight sims due to ludicrous DRM. Just stick them on Steam, update them regularly with patches and new content and your piracy problem is negligible.

Sticking limited activations on a Steam game negates the biggest convenience of the system - the games are tied to your account, and not a PC.
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