IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

I've had to boycott a several flight sims due to ludicrous DRM. Just stick them on Steam, update them regularly with patches and new content and your piracy problem is negligible.

Sticking limited activations on a Steam game negates the biggest convenience of the system - the games are tied to your account, and not a PC.

What is everyone's problems with DRM?!
Being treated like a thief having purchased the software in question generally.

That and the question of long term usability. If a game uses Steam then there's only one authentication system to worry about. If a game uses a 3rd party DRM system then it has to contact the DRM servers too, that's two different online systems that need to be up and running for you to play your game. Two points of failure instead of one. Some games have three or more systems (e.g. Steam + securom + gfwl) which is ludicrous.

But the biggest issue is that DRM doesn't affect pirates that much - most games are cracked in a short while, but DRM doesn't often get patched out, so customers have to jump through hoops to enjoy their legitimately purchased games for years, while pirates just bypass it.
Happy about the release date, not happy about UBi, but then they've already dropped the constant connection DRM debacle haven't they?

Not sure what to make of the name, I can see where UBi is coming from keeping the IL2 Sturmovik but can't help thiking it might cause some confusion.

However, I'll just be happy to finally get my grubby mitts on it :D
I'm guessing they didn't want it getting lost in amongst all the other Battle of Britain games, films and music out there, does seem odd though.
IIRC the idea was to have Storm of War as a new line of simulations. Much like Eagle Dynamics did with Lock On to DCS after they left UBI.

It's pity It didn't work out, but it would've required Oleg to self publish the title to create the brand. Not easy.

Interent connection required to activate game on the box shown here:

I cannot wait for this game to be released, although I would not be surprised if it takes them another year. As for flyable Lancaster's, I was under the impression this is a Battle of Britain game, in which case the Lancaster hadn't been built. It'd be nice if there are expansions to different time periods within the war however.
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