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***Intel i7 4790K Owners thread***

27 Feb 2012
cpu-z should be more accurate? bios wont add on llc level

So so, i've had CPU-Z showing 1.9v where the bios is set to 1.3v or something lol. Likewise, had it before where on load its showing idle voltage.

If he's setting 1.1v in the bios with high LLC then we know he's got a golden chip, just seems unlikely? Most of these chips seem to be 1.2v minimum for boost clocks.
7 Aug 2012
Right I am a bit of a newbie to Hawsell overclocking manually, having just allowed the board to set everything previously on my 4770K, but looking for wee bit assistance. I had left everything on auto and simply increased multiplier to 48 and it seemed stable enough with wPrime but ran Asus RealBench stress test and it failed in about 20 seconds BSOD.

So I have went in to BIOS and set vcore to manual 1.310v. Running through Realbench just now at 48x and seems ok (temps a bit high). However even on idle the vcore is remaining at 1.310v - i presume down to me setting it manually! How do I set it so the vcore decreases and only hits 1.310v when fully loaded? Obviously I am going to try and bring the volts down assuming it passes the 15 minute stress test (i know 15 minutes is not long enough to substantiate stability, but it will do for starters).

Help is as always, much appreciated guys! :)

EDIT: just to add I understand this may not be the place to ask for that kind of assistance, so if so mods just delete post and I will ask in overclocking section.
11 Jul 2009
its still hot tone?

sitting here my 3770k is skipping between 29/31/31/30 cpu fans at 700 odd rpm turn up your fans:D

@Five stars you need to use cpu offset,only add small amounts so maybe +0.010v and try high level loadline calibration,then see what load cou voltages are and add more or reduce offset
27 Feb 2012
its still hot tone?

sitting here my 3770k is skipping between 29/31/31/30 cpu fand at 700 odd rpm turn up your fans:D

Yeah, i know it's hot :D
Doesn't bother me, 4.6 and just slapped 1.3v on it. Seems stable, and temps are underload around the mid 60s touching 70s on the hotter core.

Better than stock, where it wanted 1.36v, and no...not turning up my fans, they're annoying any louder. To the point i'm seriously contemplating ripping this computer apart and changing everything out again. Also, idle voltage is 1.25v. So not comparable to Retro, who after all this quoted his bloody idle voltage and not load voltage!!!

@retro, what's your load voltage for 4.5Ghz?
7 Aug 2012
Aaaargh it failed about 20 seconds from end of test :mad:

Lol. Back to the drawing board. Didn't get a BSOD though, just a restart - any ideas what that would indicate, if anything?
27 Feb 2012
I will be 45c if its not downclocking in volts

I'm not one to pussyfoot around trying to get lowest volts, or temps. All i want is silence and as long as whatever i'm cooling doesn't go over my comfortable temps then i'm an easy bunny :)

Set voltage i'm happy for 24/7, set multi and then memory and i'm off. I could lower temps is i let the chip downvolt, i could get lower voltage if i spent an age stress testing. Don't have the patience or time.

All i care about is my best frequency for said benchmarks.
19 Jul 2012
Yeah, i know it's hot :D
Doesn't bother me, 4.6 and just slapped 1.3v on it. Seems stable, and temps are underload around the mid 60s touching 70s on the hotter core.

Better than stock, where it wanted 1.36v, and no...not turning up my fans, they're annoying any louder. To the point i'm seriously contemplating ripping this computer apart and changing everything out again. Also, idle voltage is 1.25v. So not comparable to Retro, who after all this quoted his bloody idle voltage and not load voltage!!!

@retro, what's your load voltage for 4.5Ghz?

Not at my PC atm, but will post volts shortly.
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