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***Intel i7 4790K Owners thread***

He new Haswell chips work straight away with all z97 boards as far as i know. Z87 boards need a bios update
With my Gigabyte Z97 UD5H, I updated the BIOS to fix the OC Auto temps which were quite frightening, just glad I was on my Swiftech H220 for cooling! So yes update the BIOS even though the CPU will work.
Hello guys.

I've made a forum account because my newly bought 4790K has shocked me with it's temperatures and I've really found a lot of great info in this thread.

My 4790K is from the L33 batch, according to this threads 'most' chips of this batch aren't too great for OC'ing. Not a problem for me, I'm not a max-clock dude, I buy K-series for the possibility of a small overclock or just for the plain fun of experimenting. :)

For now I am using the Intel stock cooler (bound to run hot, I know!) but I have a CM 212 Evo which I will be able to fit shortly. I expected to see some hot temperatures but the following data truly worries me:

i7-4790K (Stock clock)
Gigabyte Z97X Gaming 7 (all settings Stock)

-OCCT: 105C @ stock clock (CPU-Z reads 1.172V) after LESS then one minute of load. Of course the chip downclocks itself to avoid burning to a crisp.

Same result with Prime95, I have fitted a lot of heatsinks and have of course doubted if I properly installed this heatsink. I have reseated (througly cleaned and re-applied mx-4) multiple times with the exact same results. Idle temps are around 35-40C (20-22C ambient).

I've been reading about this being caused by AVX being used by programs such as OCCT which load the CPU in a way other software won't do. While I can understand this concept I don't know how the hell my old 4770K only goes up to about 80-85max after 15mins+ on the stock Intel cooler.

I've basicly given up on this because I can't wrap my head around this, is this meant to be 'normal'? Can I easily disable the AVX people are talking about and if so what are the consequenses in terms of stability and performance?

P.S.: Thanks in advance and sorry if I should post this in a seperate thread since it seems I've written out quite a long post. Tell me if so and I will delete and make a thread!
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With my Gigabyte Z97 UD5H, I updated the BIOS to fix the OC Auto temps which were quite frightening, just glad I was on my Swiftech H220 for cooling! So yes update the BIOS even though the CPU will work.

Already have the latest BIOS on a stick. As long as i can boot it up.
Hi and welcome to ocuk forums Ironhanded.:)

Theese are indeed quite hot running chips, id get the better aftermarket cooler installed first of all. The stock one is indeed rather poor. For stress testing, your best of just to use your daily tasks. Theese chips even on very high end custom water cooling cannot cope with the temps that AVX enabled programs will generate. A few easier benches to run are the likes of Asus real bench, intel XTU. Temps in theese are more akin to real usage.
Hi and welcome to ocuk forums Ironhanded.:)

Theese are indeed quite hot running chips, id get the better aftermarket cooler installed first of all. The stock one is indeed rather poor. For stress testing, your best of just to use your daily tasks. Theese chips even on very high end custom water cooling cannot cope with the temps that AVX enabled programs will generate. A few easier benches to run are the likes of Asus real bench, intel XTU. Temps in theese are more akin to real usage.

Thanks. It really makes me wonder though. Is the 4790K really anything else than a 4770K with an added 500Mhz clock explaining the increased heat generation? Temperatures during gaming (WildStar on Ultra, CPU-load anywhere from 20-60% according to G19 Performance App) are between 70-80 which seem more normal.
The heat is still down to intel using paste instead of solder, that and far too much glue holding the ihs in place. Hence the massive temp drops users who delid get. Personally i think the new TIM intel talk about is non existent. 70-80c is high but to be expected on the stock cooler. I used it for a few days and idle temps were in the high 40's. Stuck my alpenfohn k2 cooler back on and idles in the high 20's, getting 68c max in games at 4.8ghz, but at stock with that cooler it still gets into the 80's if stressed with ibt, p95 etc.
Just ran a few minutes of XTU, doesn't take 2 minutes to reach 100C and begin throttling. I guess I'll see with the Evo 212...

It's not a great cooler but on stock it should at least be able to keep it in the upper 80's fitted properly with MX-4? Anything in the 90's kind of worries me, the lower the better but I start getting uncomfortable if stress testing goes to 90 or above.
Id just avoid anything like xtu etc whilst your on the stock cooler. The 212 is a decent little budget cooler and should cope grand with stock speed or a mild overclock if you feel the need.
Allright thanks. I used to have a giant Scythe cooler on my 4770K which was insanely good price/performance but not being able to reach my RAM or CPU 8-pin power plugs on the mainboard was too much of a hassle. Opted for the pretty thin Evo 212 so servicing the rig would be easier, I hope the performance will indeed suffice :).
Can someone explain what it means when the spec for the CPU states it supports max PC16000 memory when my MOBO supports 3000+? Does that mean there is no point me buying higher than 16000 DDR3?
Can someone explain what it means when the spec for the CPU states it supports max PC16000 memory when my MOBO supports 3000+? Does that mean there is no point me buying higher than 16000 DDR3?

It depends if you're an overclocker or not, running memory at a speed higher than the CPU supports is not guaranteed to be stable even if the motherboard claims to support it. The memory controller is built into the CPU so even you have motherboard/memory supporting a super fast speed you're going to be limited by CPU.

I'd say 1600mhz-1866mhz should be stable on any 4790K, beyond that you're probably going to have to do some tweaking.
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Thanks, not sure I understand why there are so many higher frequencies sold then if I'm limited by CPU. I suppose I'm better off trying to get the lowest latency 1600mhz I can get then.
Still trying to decide on a cooler for new CPU, I quite like the AIO things like h80i but it gets expensive when you factor in £25 for replacement fans.
2666mhz+ should be stable on any 4970k, i dont think i have come across a 4770k that doesnt do 2400mhz.

memory bandwidth helps on haswell so get 2400mhz kit.
Seems my settings for 4.8ghz are ok for a few quick benches, gaming though theres no joy. System shut down a few minutes into a round of bf4 tonight.
Quick update: it looks like popping in the liquid ultra has dropped the temps by an additional 7-10c.

I was seeing ~77c max in IBT (max, which is 31GB ish of the installed 32) with the voltage at 1.31, 4800MHz, RAM at 2400/1.65v.

Previously with the GC extreme under the IHS it was around 82c with the RAM at 1600 and cache at 4..0, before the delid it was 88c+ at 4.7, 1333 RAM, 4.0 cache and 1.25v.

OCCT is now running around 60-62c with peaks of 70 and seems stable. Aida64 stress test peaking at 66 averaging 56-60.

So that's a dramatic improvement and under all but IBT it stays below the 75c that causes the fans to kick in. Lovely. Just need to do an RMA on the PSU now as it's fan is stalling. :(

This is with a custom loop of 1 x SR140, 1 x Alphacool 280/45 and 1 x Swiftech H320 rad, D5 pump and small single bay res for those that care . ;) Fans are at about 15% most of the time now.

This is all with the IGP at stock settings as I want to get the CPU and PSU RMA done before slapping on the blocks but might pop in one of them with the stock air cooler to see what happens first.
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that's better,i would have expected more tbh but maybe ultra is different? and 14c is nothing to be sniffed at

did you use it between the ihs and your watercooler aswell as between the die?
that's better,i would have expected more tbh but maybe ultra is different? and 14c is nothing to be sniffed at

did you use it between the ihs and your watercooler aswell as between the die?

I still have GCE on the block and kind of rushed the application, I'll be redoing it when I add the GPUs into the loop. Plus it seems it has a little bit of a settling period, I noticed a couple of extra degrees better yesterday after a few hours of heat cycles. I've left Aida running over night now to see what happens.
yeah pretty sure you'll get it better

aslong as your parts are copper or nickle plated your ok,it corrodes aluminium
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