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Intel’s Price Reduction on July 22

flibby said:
Temps / cooler used? :)

Temp 43 Idle 65-67 load, its a bit warm but meh, I don't care :D not like it will hit that in game anyway only when stressing, cooler used is a Tuniq Tower 120. vcore 1.45 after droop, 1.5 in bios. 1.43 when stressing with Orthos.
Tom|Nbk said:
Temp 43 Idle 65-67 load, its a bit warm but meh, I don't care :D not like it will hit that in game anyway only when stressing, cooler used is a Tuniq Tower 120. vcore 1.45 after droop, 1.5 in bios. 1.43 when stressing with Orthos.
Tom that's the same cpu, cooler and voltage as mine and I'm 10c lower at idle and load than that in Coretemp. Is it seated right or bad air flow?
fornowagain said:
Tom that's the same cpu, cooler and voltage as mine and I'm 10c lower at idle and load than that in Coretemp. Is it seated right or bad air flow?

Possibly needs reseating, Im to much of a lazy sod to do anything about it, bearing this in mind I got similar temps with the Ninja then changed to the TT and got slightly better temps so it may be a case of the CPU being concave since its already been reseated a few times with cooler changes.
Tom|Nbk said:
Temp 43 Idle 65-67 load, its a bit warm but meh, I don't care :D not like it will hit that in game anyway only when stressing, cooler used is a Tuniq Tower 120. vcore 1.45 after droop, 1.5 in bios. 1.43 when stressing with Orthos.

what week? stepping?

8 hrs please orthos @ 3.6ghz on air.

with TAT and coretemp and cpuz etc... thanks
Tom|Nbk said:
Can only do 4 hours @ priority 9 tonight I need my sleep :p. 4 hours is plenty anyway imo

Failed clock.

Unless you post screenies of 8 hrs orthos load.

Your PC aint doing its job.

So I suggest you get stabilty before spouting untested clocks on this forum.

Sorry but thats how it is in CPU.

Otherwise anyone can claim clocks that just do not exist,which is bad for the community.

I will be the first to congraulate you when this data is put forward. :)
LOL, easy, somehow i don't think you would say the same thing on XS would you? :p

The word stability is laughed at over there, most of the 'amazing overclocks' are not stable for more than a few rounds of pi and 3dmark :D
Annoying... Earlier i tested the CPU for 1 hour blend temps were as I stated above, now that my room seems to have heated up a little it seems to have pushed the CPU over the edge and can't pass 8 minutes now, well Im pretty gutted about that, I may reseat tommorow.
lay-z-boy said:
LOL, easy, somehow i don't think you would say the same thing on XS would you? :p

The word stability is laughed at over there, most of the 'amazing overclocks' are not stable for more than a few rounds of pi and 3dmark :D

XS is clock porn.

However I have posted many clocks on XS and have suggested if people want to post clocks of their 6400's @ 3.8ghz like mine they do it with 8 hrs shots of orthos.


Super PI 32 M doesn't cut it and XS is useful for top FSB mobo clocks on new release boards etc.

Also XS is becoming Noob teritory too.Which is a real shame. :(
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I have the same problem, can stress for hours and hours at 3.4ghz stable and as soon as my room starts to heat up, omgwtferror.
Will be installing a second 120.2, should help out a bit. :p

*edit* Totally agree with your post there :) down to the n00bs......
Tom|Nbk said:
Annoying... Earlier i tested the CPU for 1 hour blend temps were as I stated above, now that my room seems to have heated up a little it seems to have pushed the CPU over the edge and can't pass 8 minutes now, well Im pretty gutted about that, I may reseat tommorow.

I suggest you change your sig

Your 3.6ghz on air is obviously not stable.
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