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Intel’s Price Reduction on July 22

Big.Wayne said:
because he likes to argue a point to absolute death!!

You have no arguement ;)

The point I'm making is that the tech doesn't suddenly become useful just because the price drops.

The arguement for quad has been the high price for 4 cores and wether they will be utilised fully.

Now everyone is suddenly deciding that they will use all four cores just because the price is dropping.

This is confused logic to the extreme and I'm just pointing it out.

Whats your beef?
easyrider said:
You have no arguement ;)

The point I'm making is that the tech doesn't suddenly become useful just because the price drops.

The arguement for quad has been the high price for 4 cores and wether they will be utilised fully.

Now everyone is suddenly deciding that they will use all four cores just because the price is dropping.

This is confused logic to the extreme and I'm just pointing it out.

Whats your beef?

i dont see anybody saying that who hasn't already considered the quad. but yeah, lets go round in circles.
easyrider said:
You have no arguement ;)

The point I'm making is that the tech doesn't suddenly become useful just because the price drops.

The arguement for quad has been the high price for 4 cores and wether they will be utilised fully.

Now everyone is suddenly deciding that they will use all four cores just because the price is dropping.

This is confused logic to the extreme and I'm just pointing it out.

Whats your beef?

I fold :D
Normally this sort of a pricing reshuffle is indicitive of new technology coming onto the market to fill the vacated price bracket. I do wonder what the performance differences are going to be like.

If there is for arguments sakes a CPU that has a mark up in performance like the C2D vs Pentium Ds and the AMD Dual cores, does that mean that this argument become moot anyway? If there is a new crowning CPU aren't you all going to spend the extra ping to get that regardless of the pricing of a Quad?

Pricing wise this is great news for those that have womanly purse contstraints but for all you guys with the enthusiest bug, you're going to get the biggest and best regardless surely? - James? Mr GTX man?
SteveOBHave said:
Pricing wise this is great news for those that have womanly purse contstraints but for all you guys with the enthusiest bug, you're going to get the biggest and best regardless surely? - James? Mr GTX man?

It didn't really seem to happen - OK a couple of real "couldn't waits" blew a load of dosh on X6800's but most people bought E6300-E6600. Only the AGNIs bought E6700's.
WJA96 said:
It didn't really seem to happen - OK a couple of real "couldn't waits" blew a load of dosh on X6800's but most people bought E6300-E6600. Only the AGNIs bought E6700's.


What I am suggesting is that the price drop is to get rid of this stock as there is going to be a parallel priced (or slightly higher) performer and am curious as to what kind of margin it's going to beat the current gen CPUs. More importantly is AMD finally going to release something around this time to challenge Intel?
Be nice to see some benchmarks where the E6850 is up against the Q6600 at the same price. Remember, unless you're actually going to USE thouse 2 extra cores, 1333 over 1066 and a 3 gig clock is not to be sniffed at.

I'll no doubt go for one or the other if indeed they do come out at the same price, but what I can't decide is which one. Ok so some games and apps are going to use the extra two cores but how much? Will the faster individual cores work out better in most stuff than four overall slower cores? Who knows.. I'd like to see some benchmarks!

Paulus said:
LOL at this thread...

once the quad price drops , this argument will start all over again talking about 8 cores....

Think the point is that most enthusiasts will happily spend up to £200 on a chip. But any ammount over that requires real justification as it's just one particularly expensive item in a box full of other highly expensive items. Unless you're particularly flush i doubt many people can simply pick and choose. They have to wait, watch and pick the right time to buy at the price they like.

Therefore, when their budget allows more people will willingly go quad rather than dual.

It's not about being able to utilize all the cores it's that they're there and available and they didn't cost an arm and a leg. :rolleyes:

Sure i'll go quad too - as ever, the software will make use of the hardware fairly soon anyway! ;)

Man sure bites after spending £530 on a cpu and then 1 month afterwards it cost £330 and then another 2 months later £150 :eek:

Q6600 is sweet but ill be honest (no overclocking yet) but even in SC/CnC3 can see the other cores arent doing too much... its quite possible a cpu already around 3ghz and dual core will proove fairly powerful... especially if one overclocks that alone.
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