Wait this was a thing, didn't even realise, no mention of it anywhere in the news or at least it wasn't prominent enough to notice.
It certainly pays to talk, I was very much an if it ain't broke and hanging off, deal with it yourself kind of person, it wasn't until I talked to someone that I discovered why I am the way I am, having been diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 43. Something that would have been picked up far earlier if I actually talked to people, I should have been picked up in school, except in 1995, ADHD wasn't a recognised condition in the UK, I was just "hyper active", it wasn't until 1997 that it was officially recognised in children, and much later in mid 2000 that it was recognised in adults.
Even then the systems in place for mental health support are abysmal, and even worse if your a man, trying to get any help specially if your really struggling is nigh on impossible and it's no wonder that suicide rates are so high, because getting the help can often mean waiting several years, by which time it's too late. My ex miss's struggled with depression and mental health, took ages to get the help and even then the doctors only accelerated her aid after an attempted suicide (it was more a cry for help than an actual attempt though).
Which is also why suicide rates are so high for men vs women. Men are instinctively more violent and well their attempts involve methods with minimal failure rates like gun shots, jumping from high buildings or high speed collisions where the failure rate is single digits vs women who go for the less violent methods that have much lower success rates (pills and alcohol are the most common).