Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Well, after having tried the "make an effort and write an original, witty opening message keyed off points in their profile" method many times, I think I'm going to have one last stab with a simpler method, on plenty of fail. Then I'm done. Pfft online dating online schmating!

It depends who you are messaging and apparantly they judge you mainly on what you write in your profile, although I reckon that's a lie, they are shallow beings just like us guys and go straight for the photos except for some reason they don't want to admit it.

If you are messaging the really hot ones you're probably not having much luck because they are not single and are just on there for ego boosting purposes. Either that or you don't have a photo of yourself with your six pack out on your profile.
It depends who you are messaging and apparantly they judge you mainly on what you write in your profile, although I reckon that's a lie, they are shallow beings just like us guys and go straight for the photos except for some reason they don't want to admit it.

If you are messaging the really hot ones you're probably not having much luck because they are not single and are just on there for ego boosting purposes. Either that or you don't have a photo of yourself with your six pack out on your profile.

Hehehe, yeah, I do tend to go for quite attractive ones, which given I'm no Brad Pitt is almost certainly why i'm having no luck. But then if a girl isn't attractive to me, there's no point messaging. So we'll see.

Also now I've actually sat down to do it I've realised I can't send simple "oh hi fancy a chat?" things and have started writing profile-based stuff. Gahh efforts.
Ive been internet dating since September and ive met about 6 or 7 women in that time, me a few that i hit it off with as friends, then last week I met a girl who's profile was sparse, who didnt look any great shakes in her pictures and was really slow responding to emails and such like, we were both a bit meh about meeting, but we did, and we hit it off like nothing ever before.

Ive seen her a few times over the past week, she's lovely :)
Efforts is what gets you 10 months of the happiest relationship ever, and plans to buy your first property together in 6 months. ;)

Wow. Moving a bit quick in my opinion! Can't say i'd be wanting to rush into buying a house with someone I'd only known 10 months, no matter how happy I was!

Whatever floats your boat though obviously!
Wow. Moving a bit quick in my opinion! Can't say i'd be wanting to rush into buying a house with someone I'd only known 10 months, no matter how happy I was!

Whatever floats your boat though obviously!

It will be 16 months when it happens.

We've discussed it thoroughly, and in the very unlikely event that we split up, the property will be split evenly and the like, we will have all the legal documentation set up in case.

Realistically, it's better than moving in together and renting a place, as we would be throwing money away on someone else's mortgage.
I met my wife on the net.

I did not use any dating service I just met her through a forum we both used.

She was in The Netherlands and I was in the UK we talked for a while via MSN and phone and eventually I moved here.

we were married about a year later and now have a gorgeous 2 year old daughter.
When I was internet dating, I found, as most of you on here have found that profiles didn’t really match up to the person. Some of them were well written, some not, some short, so just plain wrong, but many had misleading quotes, or pictures of the person that were from a few years ago… The person could well have easily packed on a few pounds.

Now, whilst its not always about how much the person weighs, as its about how attractive both mentally and physically they are – and a few extra pounds on a person doesn’t always mean the end…. However when you view a picture of someone and they are around average, to only then see, as one mentioned in this thread, is around 10stone over what they claimed, then that’s just taking it too far…..

How is a relationship meant to blossom when lies as obvious at this are apparent?

The internet dating game is a numbers game. Sure they’ll be some decent catches out there on a dating site.. those who catch one are very lucky indeed. The rest, well its certainly soul destroying – to say the least.

I found the best way to meet folks is to just get out….. This is why even single clubs that start events were you all meet up for a walk, dinner, pub, mix and mingle are much better ways to meet folks. As even if the group you’re with doesn’t have anyone to take a mutual fancy to, then just being out, you’re bound to eventually see someone...

Becoming a member of a singles club, the ones where you just meet a group event, you’ll eventually meet someone who will want you for what you are, and not what they read….. Granted, internet dating can, and has worked… But I found that being myself in a group got me someone, and worked much quicker then internet dating….

Sadly, most single clubs can be rather expensive to join…… some are free, but most, if not nearly all the events they hold are free to go, you just pay for your drinks and food…. Its easy, you get out, and its way more interesting then shifting through endless list of profiles, hoping the one you pick out replies to your email, or even works out when you meet….

And, single events can really help your confidence, as nothing betters talking to a person person to person... Single clubs really helped me, and if I was ever single again, I'd join another one - no question. Internet dating however, I'm not to sure about.. I had a horried time a few years ago with it, once bitten, twice shy and all that...
Met a girl online at Hot Or Not,exchanged numbers with each other and it seemed to be going well until she called me 6 times a day (No joke) just to chat, and then when I did answer she hardly ever spoke and then said I was quiet! Infact one day I got 19 missed calls of her! We had'nt even met and she was already being clingy :eek:

So which one are you a shareholder in, then? :p

So far sent two messages. I like to take my time what can I say. One read-deleted, one unread :/

p.s. *** the guy saying "yes but it also can be soul destroying etc" up there. I know it's only superficial rejection based on a photo or two, but rejection's rejection. Blah.
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Already debating whether to put a profile back up.

To be honest though I have a plan set out for the next few years and none of it includes women.. :o
So which one are you a shareholder in, then? :p

So far sent two messages. I like to take my time what can I say. One read-deleted, one unread :/

p.s. *** the guy saying "yes but it also can be soul destroying etc" up there. I know it's only superficial rejection based on a photo or two, but rejection's rejection. Blah.

Not a shareholder.... All based on personal experience. Getting out and showing up to actual events where you meet up and talk to a group of people, granted, might not be so many as what you get on a dating site, but eventually you'd meet people, and that leads to perhaps something more...

Rejection from internet dating is all based on words, and pictures, also sites such as are facing lawsuits due to bogus users, users not subscribing and leading to you thinking there are more active members then there really is.. Reason you maybe get less replies on the paid for sites.. Although the freebie sites are no better...

Although, rejection when you finally meet up, now that's not so good and this happened a lot to me, and it really did start to see my heart for dating ebb away, and finally I gave up...

A month of going to social single events saw me meet up with my current girlfriend - granted its not been a perfect relationship, but we're still going and it wasn't from internet dating, a way of finding someone I put nearly 12 months into.... I'll always from now onwards say - get out if you want to find someone...

But good luck to anyone who makes internet dating work, its not easy.... Respect to anyone who does make it work..
What i dont understand about internet dating is, for ugly ****'s like me, fair enough.

But for stunners that are genuinly nice (which you tell after you meet them)...surely they dont need it ?
What i dont understand about internet dating is, for ugly ****'s like me, fair enough.

But for stunners that are genuinly nice (which you tell after you meet them)...surely they dont need it ?

Now im not going to toot my own horn, but i've had a couple of guys say this to me.
"oh you're attractive, lovely personality etc how come you're single?"

i dont know :confused:

I find when i go out, a lot of guys automatically assume i'm with one of my male friends, even though we're not flirting or anything other to imply we are.
And lately i seem to be attracting 19 year olds?? (i'm 25 - god that's old!)

Plus I don't go out often so I'm not likely to meet anyone lol. I am trying to but i'm also trying to save money so it's rather tricky.
Do you find people you meet "out" ie bars or clubs are only after one thing ?

I tend to meet people out at places like Goodbodies in plymouth (the diner part) but i never flirt with them, might give them my number at the end and see if they call, but i dont want to give the impression that im after one thing from them.

I just signed up to zoosk. Sorry to be horrid but 50% of the women are eurgh, and the other 50% seem not to be able to type properly :( "nd it iz gr8" instant turn off.
Ok let's get a bit of a sweepstake going. Odds on me getting a response from this:

Me on PlentyOfFail just now said:
Subject: A Message From A Guy
A guy who has seen your profile and finds it interesting and would like to find out more. He's aware that no matter what he writes here only his photo will really determine whether he gets a response or not, so he's decided to write this in the third person, as much for his own amusement as anything else.

He's sure there'll be a button around here to instigate a reply, should the photo be appealing, or should you happen to just really like people that talk in the third person in messages on date-me-do sites.

Bye :)

That's how bored I've gotten with taking time to craft a message based on a profile. :)
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