My tuppence:
1) Ditch the goatee. While it suits some people down to a tee, on you it has a different effect. Think more Billy Goats Gruff than Johnny Depp. Do yourself a favour and get it off sharpish.
2) Ok, you may be slightly socially awkward and consider yourself unphotogenic, but that is no excuse for carrying yourself like a tard in a photo. ANYONE can look their best in a photo. Fact. Practise your smile in a mirror and aim to smile wide enough to show some teeth, so that your eyes smile too, because at the moment your eyes are not smiling, they are saying "im going to kill you and sodomise your still-warm corpse". To accentuate this, your wallpaper looks like the black and white pictures that they show mental patients before asking what it reminds them of. Finally, try taking your photo with your face tilted to the side, facing directly into the camera is good for passport photos and criminal mugshots. It's not flattering, and you CAN do 10x better.
3) Your profile text. Not at all terrible, but as it stands, speaking objectively as if from a female perspective, there is nothing that catches my eye and makes me think "Ooh i'll message that chap". You say you love stand-up comedy so inject some humour into your profile... you don't have to dramatically change the content, just make the odd quip... you could do it about the horror movies and about the music. As it stands, it's lacking in spark or character.
4) Don't take the above personally, because we've all been there at some point until we learned how to make the most of what we've got.