Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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OK I'm In a hell of a tight spot;
Just logged onto my POF account and I've just been messaged by a work mates younger sister (19), Thing is I work with this guy on a regular basis and she seems really interested, i.e. invite on facebook and asking for my phone number.
The real question is do I take the risk with her and risk the wrath of her brother who is a lot bigger than me and has the steroid rage issues...
Help Me OCUK you're my only hope....
OK I'm In a hell of a tight spot;
Just logged onto my POF account and I've just been messaged by a work mates younger sister (19), Thing is I work with this guy on a regular basis and she seems really interested, i.e. invite on facebook and asking for my phone number.
The real question is do I take the risk with her and risk the wrath of her brother who is a lot bigger than me and has the steroid rage issues...
Help Me OCUK you're my only hope....

Bang her then let him bang you. It's only fair.
OK I'm In a hell of a tight spot;
Just logged onto my POF account and I've just been messaged by a work mates younger sister (19), Thing is I work with this guy on a regular basis and she seems really interested, i.e. invite on facebook and asking for my phone number.
The real question is do I take the risk with her and risk the wrath of her brother who is a lot bigger than me and has the steroid rage issues...
Help Me OCUK you're my only hope....

I see no harm in talking and getting to know her. im sure her big brother would rather she was seeing someone he trusted and knew wouldn't be a dick to her. or does he know something about you that would make him not want to see his sister?

and pics or it didn't happen :p
I see no harm in talking and getting to know her. im sure her big brother would rather she was seeing someone he trusted and knew wouldn't be a dick to her. or does he know something about you that would make him not want to see his sister?

and pics or it didn't happen :p

well hes seen me naked....
It's just last time I saw her, Hes specifically told the boys not to hit on his little sister or she'd be the last thing we'd see...
Sod I'm sure I can alienate myself long before I get anywhere near a first date :cool:

what pics of him? I'm Sure I can get a in shower picture for you...
The 'political views' of the Guardian? The Guardian is one of the most central, liberal papers in the entire country. It's hardly a bastion of far-right opinion, or some lefty progressive Marxist pamphlet. I'm not sure how you could really disagree with anyone that reads the Guardian because of their politics... isn't it just the generic, metropolitan middle-class liberals? Very middle of the road.

This lass was more along the lines of Polly Toynbee! And come on, the Guardian does come across as very left-leaning on more than the passing occasion!

No problem with that personally, it's good to have a free, diverse press, but I was just commenting on how political views can prove to be a bit of a stumbling block and I'd not really thought about that beforehand.
I get quite a lot of views but have 2 pictures on my profile. I HATE and I mean seriously hate pictures of myself. The ones I have on there I can live with and other than that I pretty much have none.
It's annoying that I seem to attract quite a few visitors but not that many messages.

How does it look/sound?

Is that Angthong national park? :D

Looks good mate, I don't think you have anything to worry about re: pics, you're a decent looking chap!
It most certainly is! Man that place was amazing, well worth the climb up there.

Where was that platform, by the freshwater lake or somewhere else?

Yeah I loved that place, I take it you did the kayaking around there? Me and my mad mate went a bit off course because we were keen and ended up in the open sea... oooops, amazing how different it is once you're out of the calm waters! :D

I must go back there... did the skippers treat you to a boat race? I've never needed seasickness pills before but the boat was leaping out of the water like nobody's business... :eek:
The freshwater lake you mean emerald lake? That was the first stop, the second where that picture is was were they take you for lunch. Had the choice of going in the kayaks (where you go out and around one of the islands?), instead me and another guy climbed up the hill. Well I guess its classed as a hill? Was 500 metres up and took as long as the kayaks so could only do the one. Was hard work though, had been raining few days before and the trail was slippery as hell.
ha yeah I can imagine it gets a little choppy when you stray a little. Definitely need to go again, spent a month there and could easily do it all again.
Definitely need to go again, spent a month there and could easily do it all again.

It's been a few years so my memory is a bit hazy but yeah, I spent 5 weeks there and loved it. :) I'll hopefully go back later this year. Sorry, straying off topic but always good to see other people's pics and stories! :D
what sites (ideally free) do you recommend?

im starting to go grey too, its scary, im not even 30 :eek:

I still stand by Match and will repeat that until I'm blue in the face. Had interest from at the very least 30 girls in my month using it. Had about 12 dates. Give or take. I'm sorta seeing someone but we keep hitting bumps. However, not Match's fault :p

Right now I'm on OkCupid and it's going rather well. If you want to see my profile, I posted it a few pages ago. Also planning on jumping on Lovestruck this week per recommendation. I advise you do the same and spread those traps around a bit!
I still stand by Match and will repeat that until I'm blue in the face. Had interest from at the very least 30 girls in my month using it. Had about 12 dates. Give or take. I'm sorta seeing someone but we keep hitting bumps. However, not Match's fault :p

Right now I'm on OkCupid and it's going rather well. If you want to see my profile, I posted it a few pages ago. Also planning on jumping on Lovestruck this week per recommendation. I advise you do the same and spread those traps around a bit!

there are no women in my area on match, so that's out the question (well there is but they never seem to be online and they seem worse than most on POF). again, okcupid seems to be lacking in people from cornwall :(

E: it would appear lovestruck doesn't cater for cornwall either.
there are no women in my area on match, so that's out the question (well there is but they never seem to be online and they seem worse than most on POF). again, okcupid seems to be lacking in people from cornwall :(

E: it would appear lovestruck doesn't cater for cornwall either.

You're not doing this right mate. Sounds like your self confidence isn't what it should be. What don't you just date any fat chav that comes wobbling along just to get dating experience. Purely for the experience. If there's as little women kicking about Cornwall as you say there is, you'll more than likely be very nervous when a good one comes along and screw it up.
You're not doing this right mate. Sounds like your self confidence isn't what it should be. What don't you just date any fat chav that comes wobbling along just to get dating experience. Purely for the experience. If there's as little women kicking about Cornwall as you say there is, you'll more than likely be very nervous when a good one comes along and screw it up.

confidence is low for sure, but I do really well (I think) when people come into the shop I work in and that (well I get tips from people and they always talk to me), so I fear im more of a face to face person, I get all nervous when doing it online and cant let my personality out.
confidence is low for sure, but I do really well (I think) when people come into the shop I work in and that (well I get tips from people and they always talk to me), so I fear im more of a face to face person, I get all nervous when doing it online and cant let my personality out.

To be honest, I think online dating is more likely to knock your confidence than real life, because people are being MUCH more selective online. The smallest detail in your profile can be a deal-breaker, whereas in real life, these things are unknowns so it's not such a problem. Online dating is laying out your stall from the outset.

Can't you join a club of some sort in a nearby town or city to meet new people? I've found that my hobby has meant that I've met some really amazing people (half of those being female). :)

First impressions are everything online, so for the less confident or less aesthetically blessed, perhaps it's not the best avenue to wander up!
To be honest, I think online dating is more likely to knock your confidence than real life, because people are being MUCH more selective online. The smallest detail in your profile can be a deal-breaker, whereas in real life, these things are unknowns so it's not such a problem. Online dating is laying out your stall from the outset.

Can't you join a club of some sort in a nearby town or city to meet new people? I've found that my hobby has meant that I've met some really amazing people (half of those being female). :)

First impressions are everything online, so for the less confident or less aesthetically blessed, perhaps it's not the best avenue to wander up!

yeh I think you are right, I need to get a hobby and use that to meet people and build up the confidence again.

E: I suppose the biggest issue I have with online dating is remembering im not 18-21 anymore, so the people in my age range are not going to what I am used to. being with the same person for 7 years have really taken their toll :p
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yeh I think you are right, I need to get a hobby and use that to meet people and build up the confidence again.

E: I suppose the biggest issue I have with online dating is remembering im not 18-21 anymore, so the people in my age range are not going to what I am used to. being with the same person for 7 years have really taken their toll :p

The annoying thing for me is that I had an offer I regret not following up in the past year, but my personal circumstances were really not right for a relationship then. I'm now in a position where I've got the house renovation out of the way, have disposable income again and am no longer stressed, but the girl in question is no longer in the country - d'oh! :p

Go take up a martial art, fencing, or something where you'll be in a group. I miss Judo and grappling with the girls - should never have given that up, haha! :D
The annoying thing for me is that I had an offer I regret not following up in the past year, but my personal circumstances were really not right for a relationship then. I'm now in a position where I've got the house renovation out of the way, have disposable income again and am no longer stressed, but the girl in question is no longer in the country - d'oh! :p

gutted. I had a few 'offers' in the last few months, but as I had been with my wife for 7 years, and we only split in December, it felt too soon. now I feel emotionally I have moved on from my wife, these offers are not forthcoming. is it a case of people always want what they cant have?

Go take up a martial art, fencing, or something where you'll be in a group. I miss Judo and grappling with the girls - should never have given that up, haha! :D

I did karate as a kid, I sucked royally at it. lets just say my co-ordination and control was a bit dangerous. I wouldn't mind something like running, well jogging, well more like fast walking, as I need to shed some weight and build up my stamina again. but I only ever see old people out in silly high visibility tops.
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