Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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Guys, I've been on this POF thing for around 2 years now and I'm still single. In all that time I've only had 2 dates =/

I must be doing something wrong. I'm pretty sure my dick is about to shrivel up and drop off down my trouser leg. I can't go into a 3rd year of being single.

How can I improve this here profile so I can make girls insta pregnant.
Me too to be honest, she's gorgeous, intelligent and very funny... but very complicated. Went out on Sunday night for a meal and ended up trolley on Mochitos and B52's. Waking up to go for work was not a pleasant experience on Monday morning.

Complicated? Hmm.

But in any case, the brunette > blonde all day long.
What on earth are we supposed to put in the first message? Have one here I'd like to get to know better but dunno how to introduce myself. Cant do that in person either to be honest.

Doesn't help I am a bit of a munter :P
What on earth are we supposed to put in the first message? Have one here I'd like to get to know better but dunno how to introduce myself. Cant do that in person either to be honest.

Doesn't help I am a bit of a munter :P

Hello is a good starting point:p

I just put something along the lines of saw we had some similar interests so thought I'd say hello. Then just ask questions based on either their photos, likes, hobbies, and interests. Some people may have a different method of introducing themselves but the above usually gets me a reply (if they are interested in anyway).

I wouldn't ask too many questions on a first message, just enough to get a conversation started.
Here is the profile text I use for mine, maybe anyone struggling to write something can adapt it a little:

Light-hearted, nothing negative mentioned (I see no reason to ever mention negative things about yourself), and gives a little of my character without going over the top. I used to try and be much more clever in what I wrote, but in the end people aren't looking for literary displays of genius, they just want to know that you can string a sentence together, have some interests, and know a little about what you want in life. Seems to get me a fair few replies... but my photos are decent so that helps I guess.

Confident sounding. For an experiment I just made a quick adaptation of your description for my two week old profile on POF. I've had a few bites from my previous profile but a few were munters, a few had no pics and the only looker seemed like a right air head in conversation.

Wonder if the above will make the slightest difference to my hit rate, or whether it's almost entirely down to the main profile pic?
"Yo bitch, drop yo pants." That's my number one line.

Princey, less photos, you don't need that many, just pick 2 or 3 good ones. Cut all your info down, keep it pretty standard like if you had just met someone at a new job, that's how I calculate how normal to be. Cast your net to catch as many fish as you can (lol) and then see how it plays out after you get to meet them.
Guys, I've been on this POF thing for around 2 years now and I'm still single. In all that time I've only had 2 dates =/

I must be doing something wrong. I'm pretty sure my dick is about to shrivel up and drop off down my trouser leg. I can't go into a 3rd year of being single.

How can I improve this here profile so I can make girls insta pregnant.

If you're having crap success I might as well pack up cause I've got over -9000 % of anything.
Guys, I've been on this POF thing for around 2 years now and I'm still single. In all that time I've only had 2 dates =/

I must be doing something wrong. I'm pretty sure my dick is about to shrivel up and drop off down my trouser leg. I can't go into a 3rd year of being single.

How can I improve this here profile so I can make girls insta pregnant.

first of all drop the "ughh.." and anything that sounds negative, girls are attracted to confident happy guys so rejig it so it makes you sound like you're happy and looking for someone to have fun with (make it clear it's the adventure/going out type fun).

here's mine, I've had a few messages here and there, this has happened since I made myself seem more or less happier than I actually am.
Princey, you're a good looking fella. Make your profile shorter and ditch that old pic though. Or better yet ditch internet dating and just talk to some girls with a couple of funny things to say. You might be nervous and the first couple of times, but just like any skill it takes practice. Don't dwell on the times that you say the wrong thing (done that plenty of times), just learn from it for next time.

Finally, try to get into the mindset of not caring of what strangers thing of you. It may seem embarrassing getting rejected in somewhere like a supermarket but the truth is if I saw a guy trying that I'd be impressed.
Can I get some honest feedback on my POF profile please?

I did blatantly rehash Richdog's blurb for my profile last week. It was a lot less *ahem* cocky before this. Said I'd try a change of text and see if it made any difference.

Is there anything I could do to improve it? I've only had a few mails from people. Nobody has replied to a blind message from me. What's scaring them off?!

Is it my looks, weight, height, "profession", blurb... what? I'd be especially interested in any female perspectives here (limited as they are around this place :P ).
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