Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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So after 2 months it looks like I have another horror story to add to this thread and maybe looking for confirmation/advice, I'll keep it short and to the point so here goes! Started seeing a girl at the end of December who I met on PoF and everything has been perfect literally up until this Saturday... an ex has got back in touch with her and I must stress that apparently this ex treated her like ****, didn't want anything to do with her little boy(He's not the father), never did anything with her/for her blah blah blah! Now she's "confused" and doesn't know what she wants and she says it's not fair on me OR HIM?! The worst part is I've taken over a year to find some one who I thought was special and it was a big step for me to introduce my little lad to some one, she even met my family last week!
Now here is where I'm stuck! Do I get rid of her now while I feel I have atleast a bit of dignity left or leave it and see if she comes to her senses? Right now I feel humiliated and quite hurt considering all the stuff we've done and how I've treated her so I feel like walking away right now, but what would you guys do?

Thanks :)

hurt her.. take the pee out of her, don't respect her etc etc and she'll come running :)

seriously i have noticed a lot of my girl mates doing this "oh he was just cheating on me twice but he was good sometimes too"

i could literally cover my self in a sun sized palm and that wouldn't show how flipping stupid it is :o
Asked an actual real life girl out today and crashed and burned, so back on to Match it is! Gotta keep those fires burnin'

I've been planning on doing this but she appears to have either stopped taking the same train or is on holiday... just as I'd psyched myself up... :/ I'm expecting "**** off" anyway but still...
hurt her.. take the pee out of her, don't respect her etc etc and she'll come running :)

seriously i have noticed a lot of my girl mates doing this "oh he was just cheating on me twice but he was good sometimes too"

i could literally cover my self in a sun sized palm and that wouldn't show how flipping stupid it is :o

My last girlfriend left me saying I was lazy, didn't take her out enough, didn't do enough to make her happy, etc. This is inspite of the fact I treated her real good, supported her through Uni, paid all the bills, cleaned up every day and offered to take her out every weekend, not to mention this was a one way deal. We lived together for 3 years.

She tried to make it sound like it was a mutual thing but in reality she left me. She kept coming round, calling, telling me she wanted to stay over, telling me she missed me, etc. Her sister told me shes seeing an ex that used to beat her, has a kid, and is probably a junkie. On the bright side hearing that helped me get over her quick smart where as before I was probably wallowing.

If anything it was a wake up call. Sure I had an initial WTF moment and a bit of self doubt, but I can rest assured I'm better than that and I should have dumped her years ago instead of trying to hold onto something that used to be good.

So yeah, ******* be crazy, try to man up and get over it if you can. :)

I have a date this weekend :eek:
Can't remember when was the last time I went on a date... So slightly nervous :o

Just try to relax really, when you think about it it's really not a big deal. The guy already wants in your pants based on pictures, so you really only need to see if you like talking to each other and your quids in. :)

Basically they want someone who won't just roll over, they want you to fight for them..
Twisted ****ing logic I know but that's women! #birdlogic

Then your life becomes a fight. Don't get me wrong, you're probably right in the sense that laying down the law might have worked, but wrong in the sense you really want someone like that in the long term. :)

reflux said:
Asked an actual real life girl out today and crashed and burned, so back on to Match it is! Gotta keep those fires burnin'

Me too, bring me the next one. :)
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Almost 5 years :eek: By choice though :p

duym.. how did you manage that? i can see it tho, i cant be bothered with girls and its been what 8 months now that im single and i still have 0 interest in relationships :o

My last girlfriend left me saying I was lazy, didn't take her out enough, didn't do enough to make her happy, etc. This is inspite of the fact I treated her real good, supported her through Uni, paid all the bills, cleaned up every day and offered to take her out every weekend, not to mention this was a one way deal. We lived together for 3 years.

She tried to make it sound like it was a mutual thing but in reality she left me. She kept coming round, calling, telling me she wanted to stay over, telling me she missed me, etc. Her sister told me shes seeing an ex that used to beat her, has a kid, and is probably a junkie. On the bright side hearing that helped me get over her quick smart where as before I was probably wallowing.

If anything it was a wake up call. Sure I had an initial WTF moment and a bit of self doubt, but I can rest assured I'm better than that and I should have dumped her years ago instead of trying to hold onto something that used to be good.

So yeah, ******* be crazy, try to man up and get over it if you can. :)

tell me about it, my ex used to mess around with me a lot, call me names, take the pee etc etc.. and then i had enough and when she was shouting at me to dump her(this was a weekly event for the last ~6months that i was with her) i said ok lets end it :) i thought that would be it with all the hate towards me and the complains etc.. but no she tried to get back with me for 2 months before giving up lol.

shes happy with someone else now AFAIK which is good :) i hope she learned a lesson with me and wont be a winny little bitch with the new guy :)
Neo, I'd just say you need to speak to her. Speak to her and if you don't like what you hear break it off. I've seen this numerous times and numerous times it's ended up with the person in the middle ( her ) cheating on one of the others. It will hurt bro, I know but imo you need to talk face to face and potentially get ready to cut ties to her to minimize potential hurt that would happen in the future.
duym.. how did you manage that? i can see it tho, i cant be bothered with girls and its been what 8 months now that im single and i still have 0 interest in relationships :o
Quite easily :p
I'm too independent for my own good. My impatient, take it or leave it attitude doesn't exactly help either. Also any bit of clingyness then I'm out. :o

Other than that, I'm a nice girl. Honest. :D

Oh and I have another date lined up for next week! These dates are like buses!
I like to think we deserve what we get for putting up with it. I won't let it happen again. :)

its something you may not be able to see at the start.. i was really happy with her for 1.5 years and then it just went poof even thought nothing changed on my side of things.

Quite easily :p
I'm too independent for my own good. My impatient, take it or leave it attitude doesn't exactly help either. Also any bit of clingyness then I'm out. :o

Other than that, I'm a nice girl. Honest. :D

Oh and I have another date lined up for next week! These dates are like buses!

there's no mr perfect.. theres mr "i can put up with it" ;D

well if you did have 17k views on your profile then im not that surprised ;)
its something you may not be able to see at the start.. i was really happy with her for 1.5 years and then it just went poof even thought nothing changed on my side of things.

Yeah I know the feel. I still blame myself. :)

well if you did have 17k views on your profile then im not that surprised ;)

I was talking about her OCUK profile FYI. :P
Date this Sunday, genuinely nervous. She is stunning and pretty much everything I'd look for in a women!

Going for a coffee :)

Got 3 dates organised in the next week, still no idea how guys juggle multiple women in relationships.

I have no idea how they manage it, texting/pofing quite a few girls at the moment and I've already ruined one chance by getting them mixed up! Ha so easy to think someone said something ages back and add into conversation!
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Date this Sunday, genuinely nervous. She is stunning and pretty much everything I'd look for in a women!

Going for a coffee :)

I have no idea how they manage it, texting/pofing quite a few girls at the moment and I've already ruined one chance by getting them mixed up! Ha so easy to think someone said something ages back and add into conversation!

you need to name them girl1/2/3/4/5/6 :D i used to chat with 7 at once and that was a MESS..
It's better than doing the mix up in real life.... That's very embarrassing!

Getting very frustrated with some women online too, quite a few seem desperate (well keen at least) for male attention and talk about wanting a relationship and so on, yet clinically provide nothing for a conversation! To a point where I might as well google/Facebook stalk them to find out the info and wonder if that counts.

Absolutely no idea how someone can end up deluded they want these things and yet can't take an interest in a conversation, I ask her about uni don't even get a polite question about my uni experience. No idea why this winds me up, she's not even that attractive, just peeved that I'm being nice, interesting and clearly funny and am getting quick/enthusiastic response from women who have significantly less social skills than my cat.
Absolutely no idea how someone can end up deluded they want these things and yet can't take an interest in a conversation, I ask her about uni don't even get a polite question about my uni experience. No idea why this winds me up, she's not even that attractive, just peeved that I'm being nice, interesting and clearly funny and am getting quick/enthusiastic response from women who have significantly less social skills than my cat.

Because they're obviously not all legitimate in the first place. I gather there are these types of woman:-

  • Girls only on there for an ego boost.
  • Fake profiles.
  • Girls who lie about what they really want.
  • Girls who are honest about what they really want and that isn't you.
  • Unrealistic expectations (or who honestly just want a sugardaddie)
  • Actual matches.
You then need to remember the actual matches get flooded with messages by weirdos and guys lying to get into their pants so they feel they're super popular and think you need to jump through hoops and do something special to attract them. Basically its a crap shoot unless you're handsome I guess. :p

Just treat it as a numbers game. Don't care about being ignored by anyone until you've at least had a meaningful conversation with them.
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^^ haha

I nearly made a Venn diagram about it all with the 2 sets of traits every woman displays. They either know what they want or don't know what they want and they either know how to get something or they don't. Just needed a mini vent that I got stuck in a loop with a few that know what they want but have no clue how to get it and need to sort it out.

It's pretty easy to guess which women are which on your scale just get peeved when some start a coversation but then put no effort into it (and then aren't particularly attractive)...
It's pretty easy to guess which women are which on your scale just get peeved when some start a coversation but then put no effort into it (and then aren't particularly attractive)...


"I want a real man/man who takes care of me" - Money
"I want a prince charming / mr right" - Will get banged by a liar.
"I want a nice/funny guy" - I'll only look at your picture.
"I'm not sure why I'm here/Ask" - Ego boost.
"I want fun" - I'm a ****.
"My friend made me sign up" - Online dating is for saddos.

It's all there plain as day in online dating code, the pictures will pretty much nail it for you. :P
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