Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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How quickly do people generally start viewing your profile? Only hits I've had are from girls I've messaged....... no replies yay

Is it POF?

In general I don't think girls search that much. They generally log in to read emails and might click the odd profile that catches their eye when it is shown at random on certain pages.

Even for those that do search then the order of results is defaulted to sort by Last Visit so due to the number of male users you wouldn't appear on the first few pages for very long.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just keep sending messages.

User explained her answer publicly

Q: Were you born the same gender as you are now?

A: No

Explanation: “Nobody is born with a gender, we all got it assigned to us without our consent”

Aln, send me a picture of yourself and what interests you get, and I'll get you 10 messages at least. :)

You can have the account after you've got the messages. :)

I can get 10 messages. I want 10 quality messages. ;)

I'll take you up on the offer though. Picture incoming, lets see what you can get.
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Heres a picture of me signing Scotlands declaration of independence. You can make up the details but you need to post full conversations / profile. Prove your superior skills dude.


£50 you can get 10 phone numbers from POF before the end of the month. You give me £50 if you fail. I give you £50 if you win. Lemme know if we have a deal on the bet. :)

Adding a few rules:
  • Don't do Scotland. Post "my location" before you start.
  • Girls need to be within an 1hr commute.
  • Height is 5'7"
  • I'm 28. You can search 21-35.
  • An exchange of texts + screenshots will be enough to prove it.
  • Girls need to be presentable looking. No whales/uggos.
  • If I call uggo, it's only fair the thread can over rule me.
  • After you get the text, link girls to the thread for the lulz.
  • Blur the actual number and any other personal details.
  • Frequent updates!
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Can I get in? I bet you all I can get 10 DATES before any of you can. Messages are moot. Had 3 today already. If I send 50 emails tonight to various girls, I'll win by tomorrow lunch time.

Just a friendly wager though. No need to spend money on it. I'll save that for the dates :p
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