Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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As in, would not date :)

Thanks chaps, I think i'll just ignore.

Oh yeah, definitely, don't waste your time.

If you felt super bad, I guess you could send a brief 'not interested' type message, but I think the world of online dating is anonymous and blunt enough that it's not really necessary.
I kind of did.

I met my wife at a friends wedding, she was too shy and i was blind raging drunk all day for any meaningful conversation, i think i may have even been insulting... well i cant remember but thats how the story has been told.
Anyway she must have forgiven me because the next day she added me on facebook and we spent ages talking on there before we finally met up again and things spiraled from there.
A year later we were engaged and a year after that we were married.
4 and a half years on from that fateful day at my friends wedding and we havent looked back.
More of my friends need to get married. Either that, or just point out their sexy single friends. Either or, I'm not fussy.
I'm back on it haha, POF, Ok cupid and tinder. Any others? Just looking for casual stuff really. Not a relationship
Question, is it better to call to arrange a third date or text, or any date for that matter? I've always thought calling is better, but most girls I speak to prefer texting as they feel more comfortable.
I'm back on it haha, POF, Ok cupid and tinder. Any others? Just looking for casual stuff really. Not a relationship

Just pick a decent photo, then carpet bomb Tinder by 'liking' everyone, statistically you will score a good number of 'matches', then filter out the fatties. Simples.
Question, is it better to call to arrange a third date or text, or any date for that matter? I've always thought calling is better, but most girls I speak to prefer texting as they feel more comfortable.

I'd just text. I do prefer to call but as you say most women seem to prefer a text, probably because a lot of them are indecisive so it gives them time to think.
Gentlemen, feast your eyes...


We have exchanged a couple of messages, but shockingly she is pants at replying... :rolleyes:

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