Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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19 Feb 2010
Anyone know any good bars near Waterloo station (say within a 15-20 minute walk)? I need to arrange a date with this girl I've been messaging but she lives North London and I live nowhere near London so figured Central would be a good middle ground (I can get a direct train to Waterloo in about 45 minutes). I'm open to suggestions if people know of anything good slightly further afield though.

The White Hart on Cornwall Road is quite a decent pub. About 5 mins walk away and a popular place for all ages. Good beer helps! Might struggle to get a table if you're turning up late afternoon though. Otherwise you could could go to the Young Vic.... food wasn't bad last time I was there. Cubana isn't bad for drinks and atmosphere but food last time wasn't that impressive.
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16 Oct 2005
What is the best way to message people who just list things they like and in some cases dislike? Do you just pick one of the things to ask about or go random?
18 Jul 2013
Bit better?

To be blunt (and I don't mean to sound rude) if I was looking to you as a date, the only thing that would put me off you would be the fact you seem bald on top yet have hair around the sides?
In my opinion this makes most men appear older than they are, and it looks better with it all shaved off I believe.
Baldness wouldn't be a negative, but half and half would.
23 Mar 2011
Starting to get fed up with internet dating, infact dating in general! sending out messages and getting no responses! and i cant seem to be able to meet any genuine girls in person either!

all i want is a decent girl!

so going to ditch internet dating for a while, going to leave my profile active but not going to bother sending out messages etc.

maybe i need to just to learn to be more patient! i am only 20 so no rush but im a bit sick of being alone!
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4 Jan 2013
yup ;)

just venting my frustration!

yeah have known that for a while, but there must some decent people about.....i hope

Don't know **** about the online dating stuff, but I'd say that "decent people attract decent people" is pretty much nail on the head.

Don't look at others, look at yourself, focus on improving yourself and the rest will fall into place, and people will VALUE you, rather than you trying to force your value on others.

Oh and you're 20. Trust me (I know you won't as 20 year old me wouldn't have), you're young and things will get better.

I'm in a strong relationship now, and I'm just turning 24. :)
23 Mar 2011
Don't know **** about the online dating stuff, but I'd say that "decent people attract decent people" is pretty much nail on the head.

Don't look at others, look at yourself, focus on improving yourself and the rest will fall into place, and people will VALUE you, rather than you trying to force your value on others.

Oh and you're 20. Trust me (I know you won't as 20 year old me wouldn't have), you're young and things will get better.

I'm in a strong relationship now, and I'm just turning 24. :)

cheers bud :)

im not your typical 20 year old, most of the people my age are out in town all that stuff, but that's not my scene.

got a few close friends etc... but just want someone to spoil, spend my time with and all the rest really!

maybe i should get a dog!!!!!
3 Aug 2003
Seeing your name come up in my email subscription to this thread, somehow made me think of this picture I saw the other day. :D

18 Dec 2008
I swear I'm ready to throw in the towel with these dating sites for the time being....

Been in contact with another fruit loop, blowing hot and cold as it suits her... maybe I'm hyper aware because of the grief my ex put me through but I've noticed little justifications she comes out with for why she is behaving the way she is... bad experiences etc etc...

her set up is a little strange too, her ex is over at her house every day because of their kid, which okay I think its great for the kid to have two parents who can be adult enough to work together for his sake but it just smacks of them not being finished with each other..... and to top it off she drops the cancer bomb on me, telling me that she has had it but is in the clear etc....

now it might make me sound callous or not caring but what's gone from meeting for a casual first date.... which hasn't happened yet for one reason or another has ended up feeling like some sort of trap and I'm not in the right frame of mind for anything serious.... Before you ask, yes I had made that clear but I feel like I'm being manipulated into gearing up for a full relationship with someone with tremendous baggage...

Ah well time to hang up my fishing gear for a while, funnily enough one of the girls who actually messaged me looks a bit like the fish in the middle from the picture above :D
24 Feb 2004
I swear I'm ready to throw in the towel with these dating sites for the time being....

Been in contact with another fruit loop, blowing hot and cold as it suits her... maybe I'm hyper aware because of the grief my ex put me through but I've noticed little justifications she comes out with for why she is behaving the way she is... bad experiences etc etc...

her set up is a little strange too, her ex is over at her house every day because of their kid, which okay I think its great for the kid to have two parents who can be adult enough to work together for his sake but it just smacks of them not being finished with each other..... and to top it off she drops the cancer bomb on me, telling me that she has had it but is in the clear etc....

now it might make me sound callous or not caring but what's gone from meeting for a casual first date.... which hasn't happened yet for one reason or another has ended up feeling like some sort of trap and I'm not in the right frame of mind for anything serious.... Before you ask, yes I had made that clear but I feel like I'm being manipulated into gearing up for a full relationship with someone with tremendous baggage...

Ah well time to hang up my fishing gear for a while, funnily enough one of the girls who actually messaged me looks a bit like the fish in the middle from the picture above :D

Run. To. The. Hills. :D
11 Mar 2004
I swear I'm ready to throw in the towel with these dating sites for the time being....

Been in contact with another fruit loop, blowing hot and cold as it suits her... maybe I'm hyper aware because of the grief my ex put me through but I've noticed little justifications she comes out with for why she is behaving the way she is... bad experiences etc etc...

her set up is a little strange too, her ex is over at her house every day because of their kid, which okay I think its great for the kid to have two parents who can be adult enough to work together for his sake but it just smacks of them not being finished with each other..... and to top it off she drops the cancer bomb on me, telling me that she has had it but is in the clear etc....

now it might make me sound callous or not caring but what's gone from meeting for a casual first date.... which hasn't happened yet for one reason or another has ended up feeling like some sort of trap and I'm not in the right frame of mind for anything serious.... Before you ask, yes I had made that clear but I feel like I'm being manipulated into gearing up for a full relationship with someone with tremendous baggage...

Ah well time to hang up my fishing gear for a while, funnily enough one of the girls who actually messaged me looks a bit like the fish in the middle from the picture above :D

Having kids is no reason for the ex to be around every day. I've been separated from my Ex for over a year, have 2 kids with her. I have them a third of the time and I've set foot in her house once. I have no plans to repeat the experience.
5 Oct 2004
Chin up guys! If you're not getting hits change up your profile, it usually works. New pictures or cycling your pics can increase the number of emails received and just sigining in will boost your exposure.

I've been on there for almost a month and had five different dates and one repeat, which is going well. The other four were good but not what I'm looking for. I may have another two lined up this week but it's early days.
17 Jan 2005
so going to ditch internet dating for a while, going to leave my profile active but not going to bother sending out messages etc.

maybe i need to just to learn to be more patient! i am only 20 so no rush but im a bit sick of being alone!

I've been on there a year and only met up with about 5 girls in that time, chatted to a few but most seemed to be time wasters. To be fair the girls I've got on best with have been the ones that have messaged me first.

I've had a bit of luck recently though, a girl messaged me at the end of last month and I met her for the first time two weeks ago. Since then we've met up 5 times, stayed over a couple times and we seem to get on really well! Only downside is she lives 40miles away so just going round after work etc is more of a mission but so far it hasn't been a problem.

I even woke up on Saturday morning to a bacon sandwich made with freshly baked bread! Definitely a keeper! :D
11 Mar 2012
I've been on there a year and only met up with about 5 girls in that time, chatted to a few but most seemed to be time wasters. To be fair the girls I've got on best with have been the ones that have messaged me first.

I've had a bit of luck recently though, a girl messaged me at the end of last month and I met her for the first time two weeks ago. Since then we've met up 5 times, stayed over a couple times and we seem to get on really well! Only downside is she lives 40miles away so just going round after work etc is more of a mission but so far it hasn't been a problem.

I even woke up on Saturday morning to a bacon sandwich made with freshly baked bread! Definitely a keeper! :D

:eek: Do not lose her! :D
3 Jun 2009
[...] the girls I've got on best with have been the ones that have messaged me first.


I've had a lot of conversations with people on dating sites, but I'm in the same boat in regards to the best-dates-I've-had thing.

My most recent date, which was the second time out with the girl, is Jewish. There's unfortunately a bit of complication involved here, but I'm hoping to keep at it for a little bit to see where things go. She seems really into me, though, so that's got to count for something :p
10 Jan 2006
Bournemouth tbh
Well I had a wierd thing happened earlier, posted on FB sunday that I got a week off etc, and talking to this girl on POF she said tonight "how is your week off going?"

Wtf? How does she know I got a week off, I haven't told her... I questioned and she said " oh i meant me! i got a week off!" .... I think i'm being trolled....
20 Oct 2004
Well I had a wierd thing happened earlier, posted on FB sunday that I got a week off etc, and talking to this girl on POF she said tonight "how is your week off going?"

Wtf? How does she know I got a week off, I haven't told her... I questioned and she said " oh i meant me! i got a week off!" .... I think i'm being trolled....

Finding people on Facebook is the easiest thing ever from POF.

Or possibly done what I do, a lot. Talk to a girl, you've already chatted to previously and have on FB. :p
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