** iOS 8 **

My mini Retina is in the draw until it is fixed. It's horid to use even with 8.02. Apple have really naffed up this time with 8. I'm getting -

Web pages slow to load or fail to load anything
Wireless keeps dropping out
Touchscreen becomes unresponsive
Random freezes
Streaming video is a stuttery mess

Lost all interest in it now tbh.
For those having Wi-Fi problems in iOS 8, adding a DNS server manually apparently fixes it (according to this post on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/iOS8/comments/2hyg3w/possible_wifi_fix_5s_w_ios_802). Haven't had the opportunity to try myself though.

Of course, if your router shares its own IP address as the DNS server (some do in order to resolve locally, passing other requests to external servers as usual) then you can simply add your router's IP address.
For those having Wi-Fi problems in iOS 8, adding a DNS server manually apparently fixes it (according to this post on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/iOS8/comments/2hyg3w/possible_wifi_fix_5s_w_ios_802). Haven't had the opportunity to try myself though.

Of course, if your router shares its own IP address as the DNS server (some do in order to resolve locally, passing other requests to external servers as usual) then you can simply add your router's IP address.

My home router already uses Google DNS within the firmware, surely wouldn't make a difference if I put it in the phone as well?
My home router already uses Google DNS within the firmware, surely wouldn't make a difference if I put it in the phone as well?
Just had a play with this. Found that simply deleting the IP address entry and filling it in again doesn't work. In other words, let's say your router gives out as the DNS address. If you just remove that and then put back in, it won't work. If you set everything up statically, it appears to work however.
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How do I link facebook contact information in the contacts app? Phpme numbers and emails from outlook are fine but it appears I'm just getting a random few facebook contacts. The only account that is actually linked is mine and when I update Facebook contacts in the settings it says "0 contacts updated".

Any particular thing I'm missing? WP and to a lesser extent android would link accounts from multiple sources together and as far as I'm aware iOS should do that too. I'm mostly looking for the photos so I dontjust get little grey circles for my favourites...

This always used to work, but it hasn't worked properly for me for a while. It may be the privacy settings of the actual contacts, because I have 8-9 profiles with photos and the rest are all greyed out. I honestly don't know :o

Not sure if it's a Facebook or an Apple update that's needed.

My home router already uses Google DNS within the firmware, surely wouldn't make a difference if I put it in the phone as well?

If you put the DNS setting in the phone too in effect you're bypassing your router's DNS lookup, so it's not really needed. By default the DNS will be set to that of the router anyway so providing you have set a backup DNS server in your router, you shouldn't get issues.

Try running this program on your machine. It'll tell you the quickest DNS server for you, as Google may not be the best https://www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm
I solved my Wifi Issues on iOS 8 by stopping Wifi Networking (System -> Privacy -> Location Services -> System Services -> WiFi Networking.

As soon as i turned it off wifi started to work again.
I fixed my WiFi issue by not using 5Ghz. If I use normal 2.4Ghz it works fine.

I'm still getting issues with the touch screen not responding and gestures not working randomly but for now it's out the draw.
I'm having a few small software issues with my new 6 plus. Safari seems most problematic as it's slow to rotate (sometimes doesn't at all) and occasionally the browser window only occupies half the screen (no, this isn't the 'reachability' feature either). A quick restart does the trick, but its a bit annoying.

I restored from a back-up from my iPhone 5, so maybe it would be best to just wipe it and start afresh perhaps?

Lastly, my battery usage shows that the 'Stocks' app used 2% today - even though I've never used it and I've got it turned off in the 'background refresh'! What on earth is going on?
Anyone installed iOS 8.02 on an iPad 2? Is it a bad idea? It seems to be relatively fast running 7 and I'm worried 8 will cause a slow down.
Add several more annoyances to my list.

4/5 bars reception, incoming calls going straight to VM.
4/5 bars reception, people struggling to hear me.
Text messages randomly deciding to not send, again with 4/5 bars reception.
Text messages randomly arriving several hours after send as per above.

edit - oh and new message indicator toasts not clearing after reading messages. In both mail and imessages. Battery life also still terrible.

All working find on iOS 7 prior to upgrade.

Sigh, what an omnishambles this release has been. Give me iOS7 back already.
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I seem to have fixed my issues by doing a reset of all settings - that's sorted the intermittent wifi completely, and sorted out the weird keyboard issue.
My battery life (which wasn't bad) has improved too. I've put this down to just some weird inherited issues from my previous backup.

Try that, randal.
Reset all settings on my phone. Battery life is far better, and the Wi-Fi problems aren't as bad (even setting everything up statically didn't completely fix it for me). So definitely worth doing IMO.
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I installed 8.0.2 on my 4S about a week ago. No problems at all so far. Better than iOS 7 in terms of response. Same with my iPad 3. No problems whatsoever.

Phone was done as a factory restore, but the iPad was just a software upgrade. Both done wired to iTunes.
Has anyone else got the problem I've got with ocuk on safari. Every time I try and use the drop down to change forum it randomly selects another forum and not the one I chose. Tried rebooting, but doesn't seem to be fixing it.
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