*** iPhone 5 - Revealed! ***

Judging from stuff on macrumors and other sites it'll only be a bit taller and not really much wider.

If that's the case it'll be good as like you I can't stand these overrly large phones out there.

It also looks like the headset jack is at the bottom of the phone. Which is brilliant!

Means it's easier to pocket the phone with earphones already plugged in.

I must admit I don't get the move of the headset jack to the bottom.

As much as I am looking forward to a bigger screen I do hope the the size of the phone isn't increased too much if at all. I think its current size (handset wise) is pretty perfect.
I must admit I don't get the move of the headset jack to the bottom.

As much as I am looking forward to a bigger screen I do hope the the size of the phone isn't increased too much if at all. I think its current size (handset wise) is pretty perfect.

Its a great move if it turns out to be true. The worry of rain triggering off those stupid water indicators is always a concern.
If the new Iphone comes out with a bigger screen, I hope its not too big.

The GS3 screen looks amazing but what has been putting me off from buy it (same with the previous models) its too much of a 'handbag' phone. I need it to fit nicely in my pocket not stick out due to its size. I want a mobile phone not a mobile tablet pc.

I find the rounded profile of the S3 is much better for pocketing than the iPhone 4. My iPhone 4 has left a worn rectangle on all my jeans!

I'm still getting used to the physical size of the Galaxy though, to hold and use. Getting there.
For me to consider it...

1) It MUST be a better phone. I have had problems with iPhone's dropping calls, 2G, 3Gs and my current 4 and have always suffered from the signal drop on the 4, though I also keep breaking the rubber bumper so use it sans cover more often than not. It simply isn't a great phone though compared to some of my other phones.

2) Lighter. The Galaxy 3 is much lighter and I like that, so lighter please gently spoken bald bloke.

3) Thinner, I want it thinner.

4) Bigger screen, as said elsewhere too much real estate is black and doing sod all, give me a phone like one of those thin frame samsung telly please, 3mm surround and nowt else would be lovely.

5) It needs to make a ccckkk noise like a transponder in star trek

6) I want to be able to remove Apple Apps I don't use

7) I want to have a decent alarm clock that allows for radio alarms. I got rid of my bedside alarm clock, replaced it with an iPhone in a small Zeppelin and then realised none of the sexy alarm apps work unless you leave them running, which is annoying as sometimes I do other stuff and forget to run them!

8) Did I mention it needs to be a better phone?
For me to consider it...

1) It MUST be a better phone. I have had problems with iPhone's dropping calls, 2G, 3Gs and my current 4 and have always suffered from the signal drop on the 4, though I also keep breaking the rubber bumper so use it sans cover more often than not. It simply isn't a great phone though compared to some of my other phones.

2) Lighter. The Galaxy 3 is much lighter and I like that, so lighter please gently spoken bald bloke.

3) Thinner, I want it thinner.

4) Bigger screen, as said elsewhere too much real estate is black and doing sod all, give me a phone like one of those thin frame samsung telly please, 3mm surround and nowt else would be lovely.

5) It needs to make a ccckkk noise like a transponder in star trek

6) I want to be able to remove Apple Apps I don't use

7) I want to have a decent alarm clock that allows for radio alarms. I got rid of my bedside alarm clock, replaced it with an iPhone in a small Zeppelin and then realised none of the sexy alarm apps work unless you leave them running, which is annoying as sometimes I do other stuff and forget to run them!

8) Did I mention it needs to be a better phone?

I really don't see you getting any of your wishes except the bigger screen and maybe slightly thinner, because of the choices in material Apple will want to use and the retriction/limitations of the OS. I'm exspecting it to look like a 4S on steroids.
Improved task switching or proper multitasking would've been mentioned at WWDC? (you'll never be able to remove Apple bloat :p)

Oh, didn't Apple greatly improved signal attenuation on the iPhone 4S? (far less dropped calls) I'd expect the 6th gen to be rock solid for general signal reception.
Improved task switching or proper multitasking would've been mentioned at WWDC? (you'll never be able to remove Apple bloat :p)

Oh, didn't Apple greatly improved signal attenuation on the iPhone 4S? (far less dropped calls) I'd expect the 6th gen to be rock solid for general signal reception.

That's true, my 4S struggled with signal at first because it kept desperately trying to use 3G signal and the manual 3G switch wasn't there so it kelpt dropping signal to EDGE for a split second before getting stuck searching for a missing 3G signal

I'm very please they fixed that issue with auto switching and reintroduced the manual 3G switch.

I haven't had a call cut out since the OS update for that.
Improved task switching or proper multitasking would've been mentioned at WWDC?

'Proper' multitasking is not going to happen in the near future. That comes under the category of things Apple made a deliberate design decision to exclude, not stuff which Apple just hasn't got round to developing yet.
Early leaks suggest the phone will look something like this (if true, of course):


What do people think to that? I quite like it, though I wasn't sure at first.
With the phone getting taller, I only hope that a software update lets me use the volume down button to take a pic (as well as the vol + currently) because my hands will struggle to reach up further in my natural handling position :p

re that design: looks really sleek! liking it.
With the phone getting taller, I only hope that a software update lets me use the volume down button to take a pic (as well as the vol + currently) because my hands will struggle to reach up further in my natural handling position :p

there like 10mm apart?? :confused:

anyway.. I've seen the pic above aswell floating around the web and i think it looks very nice. i wouldn't be dissapointed if that was the final design.
I just want it to be released soon! had my iPhone 4 almost 2 years since launch and held off the 4S. I want a new Toy!
there like 10mm apart?? :confused:

anyway.. I've seen the pic above aswell floating around the web and i think it looks very nice. i wouldn't be dissapointed if that was the final design.
I just want it to be released soon! had my iPhone 4 almost 2 years since launch and held off the 4S. I want a new Toy!

You'd be surprised! my thumbs are daft small =/ i have to stretch to just about brush the vol + as it is.
You'd be surprised! my thumbs are daft small =/ i have to stretch to just about brush the vol + as it is.

fair enough, i assume you take photos with the phone vertical with the volume button then?

don't think I've ever done that :p
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