*** iPhone 5 - Revealed! ***



I don't think I've ever seen such deliberate shafting of your loyal customers by a company. Okay I seriously get the switch to the new Lightning port. The old dock connector was huge and full of loads of legacy stuff (Firewire!). But to make such a huge profit from the iPhone 5 AND THEN make people pay to get their new thing working with their old things is horrible. It should be sold at cost to make the transition as easy as possible. Enough money will be made from licensing fees the accessory makers will have to pay for using the new Lightning port.
Better screen, Better Camera, Smoother operating (don't lie to me and say your 3GS isn't slowing down with the latest ios)

Of course my 3GS is slowing down with the latest Apple iOS, don't you suspect Apple do that deliberately so people upgrade.

No thanks Apple, I'm quite happy with my 3GS until it stops working.
Of course my 3GS is slowing down with the latest Apple iOS, don't you suspect Apple do that deliberately so people upgrade.

No thanks Apple, I'm quite happy with my 3GS until it stops working.

It's a 2009 phone - be thankful Apple have kept supporting it - it's more than most of the other companies bother with as far as legacy devices go. Look at Windows - want W8 and you have a W7 phone? Sorry, you'll have to buy a new phone.
Of course there was - they said during the keynote that the 4S camera wouldn't have fit on the 5 due to the thickness. The new one seems better anyway - same MP count but better optics, low light performance etc.

True. Now if only people would stop using Instagram to record all their memories and degrading image quality. They're going to reach a point where the Physics are going to get in the way of low light - the hole just isn't big enough (talking about all mobile cameras, not just iPhone).
It's why we have these Apple forums, as you can't go into the mobiles forum and talk about iPhones without being crushed under a wave of silly talk. Whenever a new product comes out there's always an influx of posters from 'down there' ready to put their derping caps on and lay some tasty bait down. They'll all scurry back once the thing's out and the owners thread starts filling up.

You're not wrong, it's a shame really. Most people in the mobiles forum are intelligent individuals yet some of them have seemingly sworn an allegiance to Google and have to go out of their way to slate the iPhone, and they don't realise how silly it makes them look.

It's easy to identify this sort of poster within this thread for example, their posts usually go as follows:

- Something relatively generic about how bad the iPhone is, perhaps a brisk comment about how awful it is due to one small feature they want that it doesn't have

- Something about how Apple are now going to 'die' and lose all their market share and how disappointed everyone is - when in reality they may be slightly underwhelmed, but will still probably get one anyway

- Something about how it will only be purchased by die hard fanboys who are too blind to realise Android is better - this comment alone is a insanely ironic - nobody can claim something is inferior as a 'fact' when they are so different

- A focus on mentioning the crazy Apple fanboys who 'live' in this section of the forum, when actually - thus far - I haven't really seen any people of this description

It genuinely astounds me that people are too stupid to realise that it comes down to personal preference, at the end of the day. iOS does not work in the same way as Android, anyone who thinks that just because you can customise Android, it can be the same, is wrong to say the least.

On a forum such as this, populated mostly by stereotypical 'nerdy' types, Android is inevitably going to be more popular, however it actually isn't, I'd wager more people probably have an iPhone than an Android phone, if you polled the entire forum (on high end devices only, at least).

Unfortunately, some of the Android groups have become extremely vocal in their almost fanatic defence of their OS of choice; like a bleeding insecurity. If it's so good, why don't you just ignore Apple? I honestly don't get it. There are Apple users who do this as well, or at least their were, perhaps they've all jumped ship to Android... perhaps it's the people and not the products/companies after all. You don't buy a Mercedes Benz S Class and spend all of your time on a Vauxhall forum telling everyone their Corsa is worse, why would you.

There was even one utter fool in the mobile section iPhone 5 thread calling me a fanboy, when I was just discussing the phone (amongst a sea of people saying how awful it is), then he continued his near fanatical plugging of Android, and the usual nonsense that accompanies it.

I'm sure I can't be the only person who is a bit tired of it? It's all very bizarre, to say the least.
You're not wrong, it's a shame really. ....

I'm sure I can't be the only person who is a bit tired of it? It's all very bizarre, to say the least.

It doesn't just come down to personal preference. For sure it plays a part in it but it's also a very objective thing. The argument about the realities of the devices certainly comes into play even when the subjective nature of personal preference may hold the overriding sway on the final purchase decision.

I think your observation is a bit biased and ignores the case that many Apple users are unable to be critical about the devices that they are presented with (by Apple) and also the various nuances of the Apple ecosystem, be they positive or negative. The same can be said for Android and the Google ecosystem. The ability to differentiate the two and actually be objective seems to escape most people including you. Personal preference is all well and good but it shouldn't interrupt with good objective observation nor should it ignore the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Granted it would be far better if some people were able to intelligently communicate their reasoning for offering their bias but some moronic offerings based on subjective 'personal preference' don't in any way change the objective facts.

There is a real sense of "I want to love my Apple devices regardless of objectivity so please just leave us alone in our Apple section to spread the self love around among other like minds". Forgive me, but I thought that this was a public forum. Being such should mean that we have a freedom to post our opinions where and when we like?

There is a great irony in pointing out that Android fanboys are very fanatic in their defence of 'their OS of choice' because I'd observe very similar behaviour in many Apple fanboys would you not?

I would hardly compare an Merc to a Vauxhall in parallel to an iPhone and something like the S3. A more astute comparison would be an Audi and a BMW... but each to their own. Another point in irony here in that you're successfully painting yourself with your own brush by using the language that you've used.

Is it not possible that some of the objective observation is actually fact driven, makes a good point (regardless if it paints Apple in a bad light) and highlights somewhere that Apple could well improve upon? If it's all about personal preference then why should you get so wound up about people pointing out various aspects of the devices? It seems to me that you would like to be paying your money to get the 'best device' and having someone point it out that you're actually just getting the best Apple device makes you uncomfortable. Of course this shouldn't matter because it's all 'personal preference'...
I am disappointed as I admit as a long time Android user, I would want them to release a phone which trumps the top of the line Android phones, but it just does not look like it. Dare I say it almost seems they are catching up to the other devices in some respects.

I do not see much that would sway me away from the S3 to be frank. Had that view since the 4S.
It doesn't just come down to personal preference. For sure it plays a part in it but it's also a very objective thing. The argument about the realities of the devices certainly comes into play even when the subjective nature of personal preference may hold the overriding sway on the final purchase decision.

I think it does very much rest on preferences when the current differences are as small as they are (generally).

I think your observation is a bit biased and ignores the case that many Apple users are unable to be critical about the devices that they are presented with (by Apple) and also the various nuances of the Apple ecosystem, be they positive or negative. The same can be said for Android and the Google ecosystem. The ability to differentiate the two and actually be objective seems to escape most people including you. Personal preference is all well and good but it shouldn't interrupt with good objective observation nor should it ignore the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I don't see how I'm being biased. I haven't said Apple users are infallible, there are hordes of blind idiots as people describe, but not so much on this forum in particular. The same can be said of XDA Developers when it comes to Android matters, too.

I can comfortably differentiate between them. I can also accept why some people may prefer one over the other, even if I don't agree. This is where the problem lies, with acceptance.

There is a real sense of "I want to love my Apple devices regardless of objectivity so please just leave us alone in our Apple section to spread the self love around among other like minds". Forgive me, but I thought that this was a public forum. Being such should mean that we have a freedom to post our opinions where and when we like?

That's a by-product of having an Apple forum. From the off, they aren't considered as a 'normal' manufacturer, they're given a special section. Which is good and bad.

There is a great irony in pointing out that Android fanboys are very fanatic in their defence of 'their OS of choice' because I'd observe very similar behaviour in many Apple fanboys would you not?

Yes, I do, but not so much on here.

Is it not possible that some of the objective observation is actually fact driven, makes a good point (regardless if it paints Apple in a bad light) and highlights somewhere that Apple could well improve upon? If it's all about personal preference then why should you get so wound up about people pointing out various aspects of the devices? It seems to me that you would like to be paying your money to get the 'best device' and having someone point it out that you're actually just getting the best Apple device makes you uncomfortable. Of course this shouldn't matter because it's all 'personal preference'...

Of course some of it is fact driven, I haven't said it isn't. You seem to have taken my post somewhat the wrong way.

I'm mostly talking about people who don't actually offer anything for discussion, they just bait and whine. There is a very clear difference between discussing the pros and cons of something and posting how terrible it is in order to irritate people and stifle discussion.
In my slumber I may have missed a post about it, but...

Nano-sims...yay or nay?

In what sense? They do exist, but are they needed? Who knows really, I doubt they free up much internal space personally but they may do.

You need one for this phone.
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