iPhone - Those who will be buying one, in here.

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I so so so so wanted an iPhone, it's one of those gadgets that just seem right, but I think I'll wait a bit now and not cancel my 16gb iPod touch - i'm sure I can live without net access on the bus..

Hopefully iPhone 2 will give more space and faster speed, and a (unlikely) cheaper price.
nero120, I think some sort of witty riposte has to come within the first few minutes.....

[Robster];10113032 said:
I so so so so wanted an iPhone, it's one of those gadgets that just seem right, but I think I'll wait a bit now and not cancel my 16gb iPod touch - i'm sure I can live without net access on the bus..

Hopefully iPhone 2 will give more space and faster speed, and a (unlikely) cheaper price.
Good idea. In a strange way the iPod Touch has made the iPhone even less relevant as it has ostensibly exactly the same UI, WiFi, Youtube, etc.
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Aye, it's not even worth talking to this guy - he's well and truly indoctrinated.

Faced with obvious bias why should I accept your opinions? There are good and bad things about the iphone, the fact that none of you can accept that is whats truly remarkable.

I love the way you can judge someone as "ungrateful and self-obsessed? Not to mention that nasty selective attention disorder" on the strength of one post. "Disneyland universe"? Got enough superlatives in that rant?

The tones in the posts of this thread are quite telling about what you lot are thinking. The fact that you keep banging on about 3g while happily ignoring all the other facets of the iphone is the most laughable thing! I, for one, will be happy not to have to carry around an ipod and phone, I can have them in one truly integrated device and that is an engineering feat. The music players on other phones are frankly sheyet, though that doesnt seem to be a concern for you people. Why are you even looking at this product?

I'm not anti-Apple, I've got a Macbook Pro and an iPod - and what they do is an equal or better job as the other comparable products on the market. The iPhone is - quite simply - a dodo, features-wise it was obsoleted even before it was released. Yet, somehow this "revolutionary" phone is something to be praised.

THE IPHONE IS AN IPOD! How can you say in the same frikin sentence that the iphone is a dodo? Simply stunning!

I love the way you talk about "full integration" like Apple have invented the wheel or something. Don't wanna rain on your parade but I've been able to browse the Web, use Youtube and listen to music on my phone in the 2 years I've had it and it's just a regular Windows Mobile phone. Nokias arguably do the same job better.

I've used an N95 and owned an imate jam and none of them do the job of listening to music as well as an ipod. The fact that the iphone is an ipod means that it wins hands down. As for other functionality, well that is arguable. But for me, the iphone is revolutionary because of its interface (hard and soft) and the fact that phone and ipod are not just tacked on to each other, but integrated into a single user interface. And you call me indoctrinated! You lot are a frigging broken record and none of your pointless posts are even remotely backing up your arguments. Still, you're entitled to your opinion i suppose.

There's no doubt the iPhone will sell out in the UK, simply because there are so many evangelists like this nero120 guy who would buy it sight unseen regardless of its technical limitations. For these sort of people Steve Jobs could take a steaming dump, glaze it and add a mirrored backing and they'd be blogging everywhere demanding to know when it would be released.

You try to be this stupid?

Cmon now, you're pulling our legs. £269 for a touchscreen phone? A phone where you can touch the screen. I won't believe it until I see it. I patently refuse to believe in such sci-fi nonsense until I see it in the flesh myself![/QUOTE]

Hope that Apple obsession works out for you, I know Jobs must be rubbing his hands with glee when people like you are rationalising away the glaring deficiencies in their products as "its just revolutionary RARHHH why won't you listen!?". Most companies have to pay for that sort of advertising.
nero120, I think some sort of witty riposte has to come within the first few minutes.....

Some of us have jobs to do, you know, rather than wasting our lives on forums all day.

I shant be posting in this thread again, it's pointless. You people are not worth the effort, obviously do (or dont do) what you like the world will keep turning.
Course you do, that's why you have nearly 5k posts on here and post new threads at every time of the day and night. Can't be that important a job then. At least come up a vaguely believable excuse if you're going to duck out of the thread with your tail between your legs.
N95 ***, altho it doesnt have touch screen, it has WiFi, 3G, 5MP camera with flash, expandable memory, custom ringtone support, MP3/MP4 Player, GPS, a lot the iPhone doesnt have
I can see where nero120 is coming from; it is a decent bit of engineering.

I love the interface, and the design; it's just a shame the MMS and other minor things have tarnished what could have been a much better product.

Unless 02 can rollout a minimum of 75% 3G coverage then it's going to be pointless waiting for the next iPhone, and that's the reason I'm not waiting.


Map showing 02's current 3G coverage.
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Lolz, people are impossible! Cos without 3G the iPhone is just useless isn't it? Why companies bother trying to revolutionise I don't know, when all they get is this kind of feedback. The iPhone has done more for mobiles than any device in the last 10 years, I will be getting one (limitations aside).

I'm sorry but it isn't revolutionary. It doesn't even have proper bluetooth or mms, and sms is dire.

What does it do that cheaper phones, like the xda flame dont do?


Steve: "The 3G chipsets are real power hogs. Handset battery life cuts power to 2-3 hours.

Thats strange because my xda lasts 4 hours using wifi, nevermind the much less draining 3g....

Don't believe everything steve says. ;)
I'd rather have more battery life than stupid slow 3G anyway.
You do know that you can switch 3g off..... right?
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It's a great UI, and a great design.. In that respect its a revelation and has spurned other manufacturers on (which is good for everyone). Technologically though it is a pretty poor phone.

You could argue that if all you want is a phone that makes calls then it's perfect, but would you be spending £269 with a 18-month lockin contract on one? Equally whilst it may play music "better" (with 3rd party apps available for Windows Mobile, Nokia, etc that's open to debate) you could just get an iPod Touch and achieve the same thing.

I don't understand the mentality of people who will quite happily rationalise away spending over a grand (purchase + contract) just to combine two devices - a phone and an ipod, especially when it does neither of these jobs as good as they could be: 8GB isn't much space for music especially when you're carrying around a device the size of an iPhone, and phone wise its a step back in featureset.

If I was carrying around a device the size of the iPhone, I'd want it to have a damn sight more than 8GB storage capacity, and equally if I was paying a high premium for the phone I'd want it to do everything I need it to do. MMS, the poor camera and the hit-and-miss SMS support are deal breakers on their own for me.
i wont be buying one, i wanted to but i wont get a contract with 02, tried last year and they said no. i dont know why, ive checked all my details they just say though. although since then ive got a blackberry on tmobile and and n95 on orange panther. o2 just dont like me for some reason :( oh well think i have a better tariff on tmobile webnwalk.
I wanted one but the price and tariff,no thanks.I'll stick to my Nokia 6300 and Sony Ericsson W900i,spend my money on an iPOD Touch instead.
£35 per month is the cheapest contract ? ? ? *cough, splutter, choke*

Well, that's me priced out of one then, when I can get a N95 for around £15/m !!!
I've been interested in the iPhone. I own a MBP, shuffle and I've had a work Blackberry for the last two years (free calls but work email :/). I have a personal phone (low usage atm) on Orange but I was thinking of replacing it.

I like:
1. the design.
2. the idea of integration with my MBP apps.

What I don't like:
1. I think O2's tariff is pants. However I suspect that apple take a percentage of the takings from the iPhone bandwidth..
2. Can't use third party apps - no skype/msn (which I suspect is an O2 requirement) but also means limited functionality.... no TomTom etc...

So it seems too limited for the high cost.
You guy bashing the iPhone don't seem to get it. at all. I won't be getting an iPhone but I think it's a great product.

As long as a phone ticks all the boxes for features it seems to be the best phone ever for you guys. what you don't seem to realise is that it's not what it does that matters, it's how it does it. The N95 is just a brick with symbian and a few applications stuck on. Wow it's got GPS, I don't really care, and I doubt most other people do either. I want a phone which has a load of decent, well implemented features in a small aesthetically pleasing package. If I wanted every feature under the sun I would have bought a laptop.
3G - I wouldn't want it, it offeres marginally faster downloads at best and is not supported over most of the country, battery life is currently abysmal and it increases the size of the phone.
Ringtones - Some people (not on here at least) don't seem to understand that even if apple wanted to it could not let people put their own ringtones on/give them away free - something called "Copyright law"!
Hackability - Again some people think it is their god given right to hack the iPhone, aside from breaking the contract they agreed to when buying the iPhone it is not a good idea. Apple decided not to allow 3rd party apps for a good reason - It makes the OS unstable - e.g. Windows mobile or Symbian ( I owned an Orange SPV C500 for a year and also a Nokia 6680 for a year).

the iPhone is not a smartphone, if you want a smartphone buy one, otherwise the iPhone is a great choice for a premium phone - small, light, stylish, well featured, and with a revolutionary UI.
Cant help but feel Apple have landed a turkey here

US price $299.uk price £ 269?.......ummm can these guys look at the exchange rate and tell me WTF they thin kthey are playing at, then I have to go to 02 sign a year and a half on a tariff which is kack?

the iPhone is a great piece of kit, but with edge offering bugger all coverage, and the iPhone really not offering that much new, persoanlly I think if I see anyone with an iPhone im gonna have to buy a big stamp and slap "MUG" on there forehead lol.
Great phone in terms of its looks and the touch screen, I would love one. But paying near a grand for it! :(
The N95 is just a brick with symbian and a few applications stuck on. Wow it's got GPS, I don't really care, and I doubt most other people do either.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The N95 may not be the prettiest phone about but its a decent enough looking phone and - more importantly - actually gets the basic things right. Also, don't presume that just because you don't want GPS that other people don't. It's a "nice to have", but on phones that have it it's great - TomTom on a phone is pretty awesome.

People talk about paying through the nose for unified devices - well, my phone has GPS built-in, and I use the latest TomTom on it (with latest maps and speedcams courtesy of expandable memory - something else basic the iPhone lacks). That's at least £100 + the added burden of carrying around a 2nd device it's saved me straight away.

I want a phone which has a load of decent, well implemented features in a small aesthetically pleasing package. If I wanted every feature under the sun I would have bought a laptop.
Yeah because that makes sense doesn't it. How is the comparison with a laptop even remotely relevant? You're basically saying all you want is a phone with a pretty UI and you're quite happy to pay a small fortune for it. If that's the case - well you're Apples key demographic, knock yourself out.

3G - I wouldn't want it, it offeres marginally faster downloads at best and is not supported over most of the country, battery life is currently abysmal and it increases the size of the phone.
If by "marginally faster" you mean an order of magnitude faster then you're right. Either you're uninformed about 3G or deliberately being obtuse, either way you're wrong. Incidentally, again, the N95 manages to combine 3G, WiFi and GPS and whilst it is known for being power hungry it certainly shows its possible to do all three and still be useable. Furthermore the N95 isn't that big either - it's smaller than my current phone (Eten G500) and quite a bit smaller than the iPhone.

Ringtones - Some people (not on here at least) don't seem to understand that even if apple wanted to it could not let people put their own ringtones on/give them away free - something called "Copyright law"!
So you're legally not allowed to put MIDI ringtones on a phone? Or maybe you're own "mash up" MP3? Or an MP3 made up of sounds you created yourself? Or a sample from a song you legally paid for and downloaded? Again you're making excuses for something that is a basic feature in every single phone going.

Hackability - Again some people think it is their god given right to hack the iPhone, aside from breaking the contract they agreed to when buying the iPhone it is not a good idea. Apple decided not to allow 3rd party apps for a good reason - It makes the OS unstable - e.g. Windows mobile or Symbian ( I owned an Orange SPV C500 for a year and also a Nokia 6680 for a year).
So basically you're saying we're better off because Apple decided on our behalf to not even give us the choice about what, when and how we use the phone - interesting logic. Claiming that the reason that Apple don't allow it is because someone might install something to make it unstable is just blind conjecture. Once again you're trying to justify a huge omission and something that is taken as read on phones of similar spec on some premise you just made up in your head and attributed to Apple.

the iPhone is not a smartphone, if you want a smartphone buy one, otherwise the iPhone is a great choice for a premium phone - small, light, stylish, well featured, and with a revolutionary UI.
I assume you've never seen an iPhone in the flesh then? It's hardly small.
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