iPhone - Those who will be buying one, in here.

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The N95 may not be the prettiest phone about but its a decent enough looking phone and - more importantly - actually gets the basic things right. Also, don't presume that just because you don't want GPS that other people don't. It's a "nice to have", but on phones that have it it's great - TomTom on a phone is pretty awesome.

Sorry, the sheer hypocrisy of this statement made me almost choke on my own spit, so I had to post again.

I love the way Durzel rants about the iPhone being crap yet in the same breath praises the N95 as "getting things right". Both my housemates have an N95 and the GPS function is unable to lock onto satellites, and they aren't the only ones having trouble with it. So it seems Durzel that you are a complete hypocrite and whilst you accuse others of being fanboys if they disagree with you (whilst they happily recognise the iphones positive and negative aspects), it seems plainly obvious that you are a troll. Since this thread is called "iPhone - Those who will be buying one, in here" and you are clearly incapable of having a normal debate about this device, I ask, what the hell are you wasting bandwidth for? Believe me, it only makes you look like a fool.
You call someone else a troll, when you're calling others retarded, ungrateful and self-obsessed?

Quite ironic you should be accusing someone of hypocrisy.
Sorry, the sheer hypocrisy of this statement made me almost choke on my own spit, so I had to post again.

I love the way Durzel rants about the iPhone being crap yet in the same breath praises the N95 as "getting things right". Both my housemates have an N95 and the GPS function is unable to lock onto satellites, and they aren't the only ones having trouble with it. So it seems Durzel that you are a complete hypocrite and whilst you accuse others of being fanboys if they disagree with you (whilst they happily recognise the iphones positive and negative aspects), it seems plainly obvious that you are a troll. Since this thread is called "iPhone - Those who will be buying one, in here" and you are clearly incapable of having a normal debate about this device, I ask, what the hell are you wasting bandwidth for? Believe me, it only makes you look like a fool.
Thought you weren't going to post again? I thought you must've been rabid after the owning you got before... couldn't bear to sit back and watch. :)

So you're writing the N95 off based on the fact that your "two housemates didn't get GPS working properly", and in the same breath trolling the thread whenever anyone bemoans the lack of total lack of 3G and basic functionality being missing in the new iPhone. Look up the phrase "double standards" when you get a break in your hectic work schedule.

Incidentally GPS is not the best example you could've chosen for your rebuttal seeing as the N95, like most phones nowadays, is actually able to use 3rd party Bluetooth devices like - ooh I don't know - GPS receivers. I guess the lack of Bluetooth interfacing is revolutionary too though.
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Thought you weren't going to post again? I thought you must've been rabid after the owning you got before... couldn't bear to sit back and watch. :)

So you're writing the N95 off based on the fact that your "two housemates didn't get GPS working properly", and in the same breath trolling the thread whenever anyone bemoans the lack of total lack of 3G and basic functionality being missing in the new iPhone. Look up the phrase "double standards" when you get a break in your hectic work schedule.

Can you read? No, I suppose not. Im amazed you can actually work the keyboard.

Where did I say I've written off the N95? Are you still keeping up? Actually, it's a great phone, I am simply letting you know that it, and the iphone, have flaws. Yet you seem so obssesed about knocking the iphone that I doubt you'll actually read to the end of this post before you just have to hit that reply button and spurt out more useless garbage. You really are a troll of the highest degree. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I can't read no, what did you say? Is a "yo momma" joke coming up next?

I see the irony of you calling someone a troll whilst resorting to the most debasing insults is lost on you. :D

Quick, tell us you're not going to reply again because "you've proven how we're all wrong and that the iPhone truly is revolutionary", how you've got a busy job to get back to and how you don't care what any of us say anyway because you won't be reading/replying again anyway. Honest guv. :D

I didn't say the N95 is without faults, I didn't even praise it.. I said - verbatim - that "it's a decent enough phone". That's in pretty stark contrast with you who came on here reciting the Apple marketing spiele about how the iPhone is "a revolutionary device!!!" (whilst ignoring everyone who asked you how it's revolutionary), how its a "fully integrated device" (wow you mean I can browse the Web and play songs on a phone - when did this happen????)...

Your entire basis for argument is putting words in peoples mouths, using straw man arguments (look it up) and throwing around "psych 101" personality profiles for anyone who disagrees with whatever you're saying. And you call us trolls... hoho.
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I can't read no, what did you say? Is a "yo momma" joke coming up next?

I see the irony of you calling someone a troll whilst resorting to the most debasing insults is lost on you. :D

Quick, tell us you're not going to reply again because "you've proven how we're all wrong and that the iPhone truly is revolutionary", how you've got a busy job to get back to and how you don't care what any of us say anyway because you won't be reading/replying again anyway. Honest guv. :D

Good little troll - ignore the points raised and just focus on derailing the thread even more. Good little troll.


for anyone who hasn't checked, O2 updated their site with tariff info:

"ignore the points raised", like how its apparently revolutionary whilst lacking basic features. You're not choosing your words very well are you? :D

I shant be posting in this thread again, it's pointless. You people are not worth the effort, obviously do (or dont do) what you like the world will keep turning.
Screw the iphone haters and lovers, the way i'll decide is by trying it out in the flesh vs an N95 and see which is more deserving of my money - I was quite disappointed with the N95 when i had a bash on it recently. However, for an iphone, it's a HELLUVA lot of money :(
I like my MacBook, I like my iPods (yes, more than 1!), I like the iPhone...but Apple really have their heads stuck up their own arses.

I have to pay £269 for a phone on a contract, you've gotta be kidding me. OK so maybe somewhere between £50-£100, but that price is just insane. Apple don't get in the UK you don't pay for the phone AND the contract. You either pay for the phone but not the contract (PAYG), or pay for the contract and get the phone (near enough) free (Pay Monthly).

Having to activate a phone (and lock yourself into a contract) to use the features you've (apparently) just paid for - get lost.

No Sim Free/PAYG options - in the unlocking-rife UK there is only one word to describe this...GREED. This is not the US where you have the DMCA (granted with the new temporary exception) where it's illegal. You lock the buyer fully into O2, you're making a killing off O2 and a killing off the consumer = $$$

No 3G - OK so it might not be as fast as it claims, but it definitely is an improvement over GPRS or EDGE, with the added benefit of being quite widespread. As for Job's BS about it eating into the battery life there's a simple solution: only use 3G when you're using mobile Safari/iTunes Wi-Fi Store. Normally using the phone it'll happily just keep using GPRS, then you open up Safari and it switches to 3G and away you go. Not above Apple to implement! Infact I don't think i've seen that on any phone - would be a really good selling point.

No MMS - speaks for itself.

No (native) application support for "security" reasons - HELLO...it's running Mac OS X. Let people do what they want with it, add applications and the like.

You have to PAY for ringtones - phones for the past 3 years (at least) have had the ability to add an MP3 to your phone (Bluetooth/USB) and then set it as a ringtone. They're having a right laugh!

Yes, it's a good phone, but there are plenty of problems both with the phone itself and Apple's attitude to selling it.

If it was any other company than Apple consumers would but telling them, frankly, to **** right off. As it is you'll get to fan boys buying it regardless, but I hope most consumers DO tell Apple to **** off until they sort things out.
You've summed up my exact thoughts on it far more eloquently than I was able to :)

I like the UI (Apple has always been good at this), the form factor is nice - it's arguably one of the better looking phones you can buy but Apple are being too arrogant in their assertion that we apparently don't need the basic things.

I don't think you can really underestimate how pervasive picture messaging, ringtones and 3rd party software is on phones over here. The US may be used to second-rate phones with lock-in contracts but over here - where it's actually fully legal to unlock phones, etc - it's just a completely different market.

The big players like Nokia, etc have had years to refine their products according to consumer demand in different territories and whilst none of them can really hold a candle to Apples designs, they all do the job effectively. Even MS didn't cripple Windows Mobile to stop it running 3rd party apps, and I've never come across anything that was in any danger of crippling/bricking the phone... and that's saying something when MS is involved ;)

Someone made a good point on The Register of all places - what possible incentive would there be to buy this phone when you could just import one for considerably less than the UK RRP even with possible Customs Duty & VAT, have no contract, activate it using the widely-documented shady methods and have an unlocked iPhone on whichever contract you like...
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It seems that most people who are arguing against the iPhone either own or currently plan on owning a Nokia N95, which is fair enough.

Personally, I'm undecided about getting an iPhone and I don't think I will get a N95 (battery life ?!), but my logic is; if you like it, buy it.

Just see a few people taking it too personal that someone does/doesn't want the iPhone.

The argument of "it's limited" is irrelevant if that person already has their mind set on buying it. I hate to use a car analogy, but it's like saying "oh, why are you buying that Lamborghini Gallardo.. it doesn't even do 10mpg" or "Why do you want that Porsche GTR3... it has no carpets". If people like it they'll buy it.. I imagine this is the case with the iPhone.

I suppose the internet is a different place to "real life", most of the posters here know the ins and outs of the iPhone, but average joe or josephine is only going to worry about one thing; the price. It could have a battery life of 49hrs but if it's £300 they won't buy it. This is where it will fail.. on the other hand, they might buy it for the "street cred", and if that's their main aim then who is anyone to knock them?

I won't be buying until the new year unless they're a price drop, but if people really want to buy it and use their own money then go ahead :o
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You've basically just said what I'd say.

However, I wouldn't say **** off, I'll just not buy it and consumers should do the same. We don't buy, they don't sell, Apple will have to then kick themself and re-think their approach to selling Mobiles in the UK (or Europe actually)

iPod Touch 16GB for the same price (or £20 lesser with promo code:D) + my student contract with T-Mobile at £26 with £180 credits a month to flex - compare that to the iPhone's deal, I know what I'll choose.
Ringtones - Some people (not on here at least) don't seem to understand that even if apple wanted to it could not let people put their own ringtones on/give them away free - something called "Copyright law"!

More likely is that you don't understand the concept of copyright law. What's to stop Apple allowing you to have normal mp3's as ringtones? Just like my K800i. Or are SE breaking copyright laws by allowing me to do this?

Using iTunes marketplace tracks in this way may break the licence agreement between Apple and the record companies but they can't stop Apple allowing people to use normal MP3's as ringtones.

I was disappointed with the iPhone when it was first announced and I still am. 3G is great in my area and my phone is always on the 3g network. I don't understand arguments against 3G since my K800i's battery lasts ages, it's not a large phone and it's years old.

I wish people would stop defending Apple all the time. Without complaints by customers to companies and people voicing their displeasure nothing would ever change for the better.
Im gonna get one!

Hopefully unlock it and put my Three sim in it. Current tariff on my three sim is £5 a month :p

Trying to leave three is fun! Get a new phone and £30 off my tariff.


Problem...soom 3 are gonna stop roaming onto 2.5G network and they will block your sim if they feel you are deliberately using their roaming partner (was o2 i think its orange now)
I don't understand arguments against 3G since my K800i's battery lasts ages, it's not a large phone and it's years old.
..but your K800i doesnt have a large touch screen + (Wifi?) ;)
as i much as i like apple and there products, especially the iphone and had been looking forward to getting one, the tariffs and cost of the phone just make no sense, when you can get much better deals from T-mobile and get an N95 for £19.99 or a HTC touch for free, when i would be using the device primary for calls,txt's and email.

If apple had priced the phone at £100 it would not have been so bad, will wait and see what happens when version 2 of the iphone comes out.
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