
Had to go out this evening :( but just got back and put in a quick 10 laps or so of the Lotus 49 around Mosport, the thing is a beast :D

kinda easier in some respects than I was expecting, but harder in others, the back stretch at mosport is just crazy.

Got down to a 1:22.095 after around 10 laps, but only half the laps or so were actually clean ones, gonna take some practice if I want to run it in the official series (and I do :p)
Wow could this be Iracings best build ever? Fog,Montreal, Lotus 49!!!

I don't know what they have done to the tyre model but every car I own in the service is soooo much better. Seems its all very stable under breaking. the skippy is excellent now, it's what a trainer car should be. Last season I had heaps of trouble with snap understeer with the skip and srf so much so i gave up 3 weeks in but took the skip around summit point and it was a lot of fun and I'm slowly regaining confidence.

As for the 49 my god what a beast. Been getting around Zolder in it and only been posting 1.39's so far but slowly improving. Just trying to get clean laps in which is very hard.

I'm pretty excited about this build I finally think Iracing is heading in the right direction.
Still just trying to get a handle on the 49 at Mosport, down to a 21.6 now but no more consistent, not sure I'll ever have the skill to race it either :p

The vette is good though, love the sound :D

Be interesting to see what you think of the Kia, I hate it but it seems like people either love it or hate it...
21.6 seems quite quick, I was down in the 22`s I think last night but the fact that Im fighting keeping the thing on track in straight line is unsettling!
Yeah, I think my current 'aim' is to be in the 20's, from what I can tell:

true aliens = 18's
fast = 19's
semi-quick = 20-22's
ok = 23-24's

As you say though, really hard to put in the lap times when you're having to correct the car 3-4 times down the back 'straight'.

I did drop the rear springs two clicks (and then used the spring perch to get the ride height/rake back to where it was) for that 21.6 run, made it a bit worse into the corners but maybe a bit better out of them and down the back straight.

I always seem to be like this with a new car as well, fairly early on I can put in some reasonable lap times, but it'll take hundreds more laps before I can even come close to any kind of consistency.
I`m the same regarding learning a new car or track, I also seem to hit a 'time' wall which I will get stuck at for a number of days wondering how the hell I am going to gain an extra 2-3 seconds to be at a good non-alien pace.

Then all of a sudden I will find an extra second or two but dont know how the heck I have done it!!!
You have to sort of time your upshifts so you are doing them over the crests on the back straight and if that doesn't work then a slight lift will keep the car steady.
The 49 really doesn't like being redlined when shifting at all, but it's fun as hell doing 80ish go for a up shift and wham a little slide, if you catch it, its awesome lol, i love it but I'm not comfortable enough to go live testing/racing with it just yet.
Also found it understeers quite a bit sometimes, stock setup still so that could be it.
I wouldn't be worried about doing the open practice sessions, everyone is spinning off all the time so it's all good :p

Just had another quick go in between work, following what Murray said I'm now shortshifting into 4th on the back stretch which makes the first 2 interesting bits pretty much a non-issue, then just lifting over the last two. I still find the right kink just before the final uphill/crest the worst bit...

Anyway, I go through Moss Hairpin in 1st, on the throttle well before the apex but only ~15-20%, then steadily increasing before shifting to 2nd, full throttle, 3rd, shift to 4th just after the left kink, then 5th at the crest of the next rise, then another crest which only needs a little lift, then the right hand kink which if you get the line right is *almost* flat but I haven't managed it yet, then job done :p

With the setup I've done the 2 clicks down on the rear spring rate and sorting out the ride heights, then I softened the front ARB a bit (5 iirc) which bought some of the turn in back, still understeers unless you get it sliding but that's just the way this car is I think.

Optimal now down at a 21.1 but 21.6 still my best actual lap, 0.4s of that is in the final sector alone.

I also did some testing around Oulton International as there's a UKI event there on Thursday, bit easier in terms of the straights/accleeration to Mosport, but I found several of the key braking areas are on curves which makes them really tricky in this thing
Bought Montreal and the Corvette.

Not sure about the Lotus 49, I don't think I'll ever have the skill to race it.

Also bought the Kia, I fancied trying a front wheel drive car.

You under estimate yourself way to much I've drove with you, you are a good capable driver that can finish a race and not take everyone out in the process. Imo your a better driver than most who play Iracing, Dont put yourself down so much. Given time I'm sure you will pick it up.

You may take longer than other but I recon you could do it np. With some help from the great iracing community we have over on here.
Just did my first race in the Lotus 49 around Mosport.... that was the most difficult 20 laps I've ever done, you are fighting the car the whole race and trying to push to gain time is so risky.

I managed to finish 5th out of 29 drivers although most of them crashed out. Had some very close racing on the last few laps and crossed the line side by side with 4th place, only had 3 incidents as well so not bad!

This car has to be the best in iRacing. Drifting around corners and catching slides is so much fun.
Try Aleksis setup for mosport m8 its posted on the furum with his replay.

Its a tricky drive but once you get the feel for it its very fast he has 18.2 with it.

Aleksi is one of the GPL aliens with a rank of -90 odd which is about as good as good gets.

your faster than me in the car m8 your going great nice one.
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