
I much prefer the GT cars.

The Corvette and the MP4 are superb to drive and the 'Vette sounds awesome.

Hoping to do more laps in the Riley this season as well. I feel I owe it to the car since the street I live in is named after the company. The next street is Lotus, with Jaguar and Lagonda also featuring as street names on our estate.
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First win in the MP4.

Well chuffed.

Lucked into first place from second after a Riley driver took out the MP4 leader, but up until then I was keeping him honest with a 0.5-1 second gap. But after inheriting first place I built up a 7 second gap over 2nd and 3rd until they took each other out. That left me with a 16 second cushion over 2nd until I got too greedy into the esses at the top of the hill and spun.

Luckily I recovered to maintain 1st place and win by just over a second.

A lucky win yes, but a win is a win. :D:D:D:D
I'm gonna be putting all my effort into the Lotus 49 this season, unfortunately been ill all this week so not been in a fit state to practice anymore at Zolder :(

I agree barmy, the Corvette is (imo) the best sounding car in the game, love driving it just for that :D
I'm not sure which to run. Probably the McLaren series or Star Mazda as I'm only a couple of tracks short of the 8 needed for credits back.

Hardly got any of the Lotus 49 tracks :(

In other good news I did find my original GPL disc earlier in the week. :)
new to the forum, just wondering what ppl are going to be driving next season, for road license i'm D class so i may do the skippy.......... does anyone here do many oval races?

If you are planning on a single seater iRacing career then go for the Skippy. I'd your planning on more of a GT career then maybe stick with the MX5 and the Grand Touring Series. Or the Cadillac series.
I just did my first race to keep my brother company as he just got the skippy I don't race because of heart condition but wanted to join him for his first race.

We started at the back and bro lost it T2 and took me out with him lol that went well hehe.
Racing family is never a good idea. Back when I used eve with my brother in GTR 2 and Race 07, he'd regularly use my rear bumper to slow himself down.

Another MP4 win last night. Bottom split is good in one way, because I do get to race other drivers. But makes the victories a bit hollow when I can spin off and still win.
My brother is faster than me already and only had iracing a week so he is doing well.

The skippy races I did yesterday were my first races for 10 years since I had a heart attack so glad I could do the 18 laps ok because although Ive driven the lotus 79 for 3 years ive never had a race in iracing before as I cant drive the 30 laps and didn't want to take the risk of a stroke so im happy I raced ok and felt fine.

When faster guys came up behind me I let them go I can do without the stress of someone on my gearbox.

im really slow in Skippy never driven it before but its good fun car just wish I was as fast as my brother in it lol.
I'd struggle to keep playing iRacing if I wasn't taking part in any of the races.

I know you said you have to watch your ticker, but you could always start from the pitlane to avoid the high heart rate starts.
Was just put in a race with all australian/nz drivers so on the aus server - pretty much everyone was flashing it was impossible. A little unfair on my ratings tbh. I quit after a few laps due to my car being totalled by someone about 20m away. I'll remember not to register for morning starts in the future but it's the last day of work holiday!
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