
Come on dude, a game like rFactor maybe slightly worse than Iracing, but it can be up to 5x if not more cheaper to play. At least with all the money they are ripping customers off, they could at least have a designed a semi-decent website, that actually works. The website itself looks like it was done in 5 min.

Also for the damage, whats wrong with an option to have it off? I mean, they got racing lines in nice green and red colors on the tarmac that's pretty unrealistic, so why not have an option to have the damage off? So what if it is not realistic, it will help the novice drivers, learn the cars/tracks quicker.

You're not ripping people off if the costs are clear in advance. As for the damage and AI, it's obvious the sim isn't for you. Be happy with rFactor.
Finally set up my wheel how I like it today (I should really trawl through the forums some more). Shaved 0.5s off my lap time straight away. Really liking the radical, it feels perfect. I have also put my racing slippers onto so that might have helped.

Getting into the C class racing for the start of the season is the best thing I've done. The driving standards from everyone is so much better, the fact that I can follow people around the track getting as close as I dare is great, I just didn't get this in the D classes.

Set-ups - This might take a while to get my head around coming from a Simbin back ground seeing how everything was the same in every car. I've downloaded other peoples sets, looked at what they changed and some of it just doesn't make sense to me and the way I learnt.

Iracing is a lot of money if you treat it as a game. Imo it has to be your hobby and you have to get it out your head that you are fast at sims/racing.

You quite simply learn how to drive again. Take someone who is ok/good at grid/f1 2012 and tell them you have a go at rfactor/GTR2/Race07 and they are miles behind.

To me this is what the jump is like from rfactor/gtr2/race07 to iracing is.
It is not for everyone.

Going back to the hobby cost side of it. $49 for a year if you get the offer. When I played pool I'd spend £20 a week easy at our home games. Playing football at the weekend you can double that. Or maybe i'm just a **** head and like my beer :D

Add me on iracing Craig Wise
Did two B class races yesterday in the Corvette.

It didn't go well. Started from first in my class and got taken out in the first corner. From the replay it looked deliberate, so I've protested it. The second race I started 4th in class and was keeping 3rd honest for a 5 laps or so, before I spun and lost 4 places. After that I just couldn't live with the pace of the Corvette and actually parked the car and quit. There was no way I could keep the car on the track for the whole 45 minutes, so I thought it best to bite the bullet and leave the race before I might have taken someone else out.

I'll stick to the MP4 for now until I have a lot more B class practice under my belt.
Can I have some help with setting up a wheel with this game?

Its a Steelseries Simraceway SR1 which uses a accelerometer instead of being fixed to the desk.

I'm a bit confused with the setup which asks you to turn the wheel 90 degrees left, I believe this means turned to the left with the wheel "vertical"?

Thats how I've set it up and steering is too twitchy, when braking and turning into corners I lose control of the car.

Any help would be fantastic thanks. I'm a iracing noob :)
It's not realty the right sort of wheel for iRacing. You'd probably be better off with an Xbox controller.

When you're calibrating a FFB wheel you turn the wheel through its maximum rotation before your set the 90 degree point.

You can't really do that with your wheel, since its only really designed to be turned through 90 degrees maximum.
Or do what one of my fav Iracers does and mounts it to a wheel.


Would love to know if you can do this with a G25 cheap way to get a F1 steering wheel. Im sure you can change the housing so you can add things like Momos etc to them ? Or have I imagined all this lol.
As far as I know, it's perfectly possible to attach the SRW to a G25/7, I think that's actually what Pablo is doing there. You may need to buy an adapter for it, but I'm almost 100% sure that someone in the iRacing hardware forums sells them, let me look up who it is. That's definitely the way to go for that wheel.
Finally set up my wheel how I like it today (I should really trawl through the forums some more). Shaved 0.5s off my lap time straight away. Really liking the radical, it feels perfect. I have also put my racing slippers onto so that might have helped.

Getting into the C class racing for the start of the season is the best thing I've done. The driving standards from everyone is so much better, the fact that I can follow people around the track getting as close as I dare is great, I just didn't get this in the D classes.

Set-ups - This might take a while to get my head around coming from a Simbin back ground seeing how everything was the same in every car. I've downloaded other peoples sets, looked at what they changed and some of it just doesn't make sense to me and the way I learnt.

Iracing is a lot of money if you treat it as a game. Imo it has to be your hobby and you have to get it out your head that you are fast at sims/racing.

You quite simply learn how to drive again. Take someone who is ok/good at grid/f1 2012 and tell them you have a go at rfactor/GTR2/Race07 and they are miles behind.

To me this is what the jump is like from rfactor/gtr2/race07 to iracing is.
It is not for everyone.

Going back to the hobby cost side of it. $49 for a year if you get the offer. When I played pool I'd spend £20 a week easy at our home games. Playing football at the weekend you can double that. Or maybe i'm just a **** head and like my beer :D

Add me on iracing Craig Wise
Link to the thread that helped you setup your wheel please?

Here you go buddy

FFB help

I have not followed that guide to the letter I just filtered what I thought was the important bits (Driver settings).

Also setting the individual cars FFB strength is very important. I like a light FFB but I just cannot feel what the car is doing when it is too low.

My fastest race lap times below are from 1 race to another after I had changed my settings.

Star Mazda @ Okayama 1:27.627 after 1:26.906
Mp4 -12C @ Watkins Glen 1:48.935 after 1:48.328

Don't get overly excited and expect 6/7 tenths. My FFB was completely wrong to the guide
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Just done my first C-class race in the Macca. It's like a giant go-kart. :D

Took me a while to get the hang on it, was over 3 seconds faster by the end of the race.

I love it, perfect balance in power and handling for my skill level at the moment. Just did my first practice on Road America though, forgot how much I hate that track...going to be a bad week for points I think!
I like Road America, it's just a shame I'm a bit slower on it compared to other tracks.

At least there's plenty of run off space :D Been on it again and my best is 2.10 so far. It's that 140mph 5th gear turn that loses me masses of time, can never nail it. The long right hander is a killer too. What downforce do you run?
Been doing quite a few oval racing online. It's great but I am not a fan of safety rating deduction when another car hits you, and it was not your fault at all. The number of times, people hit you from the back or spin in front of you, when there is nothing you can do, yet you lose safety rating...

Best way I found is by starting last and just wait until 80% of the grid takes each other out.

Had a race with about 20 people, started on 17th place, spun out on lap two and was last and I managed to finish 3rd and hardly did any overtaking. :D
Been doing quite a few oval racing online. It's great but I am not a fan of safety rating deduction when another car hits you, and it was not your fault at all. The number of times, people hit you from the back or spin in front of you, when there is nothing you can do, yet you lose safety rating...
It sucks, but understandable... it would be nearly impossible to come up with an automated system that fairly punished the 'other guy' more than you, e.g. 4x for him, 2x for you. Would be great in the clear-cut incidents, but what about all the debatable ones? Imagine the arguments... and all the extra protests they'd have to deal with.
At least there's plenty of run off space :D Been on it again and my best is 2.10 so far. It's that 140mph 5th gear turn that loses me masses of time, can never nail it. The long right hander is a killer too. What downforce do you run?


I used V3 from these setups.

I managed to crack the 2:10's with it. I was running in a comfortable 4th place, with 5th keeping me honest. But instead of maintaining a comfortable pace I kept trying to find time and eventually I made a mistake and went off.

Had to pit for repairs and that cost me a decent finish.

I eventually ended up 11th from a 7th place start.

No Riley's in my split either, which was a first for me and a bit wierd for a mixed class series.
I love it, perfect balance in power and handling for my skill level at the moment. Just did my first practice on Road America though, forgot how much I hate that track...going to be a bad week for points I think!

I love Road America. Know it like the back of my hand from years of Forza racing. It's very close to the iRacing version.

Now to work out how to tune in iRacing.... :eek:
Been doing quite a few oval racing online. It's great but I am not a fan of safety rating deduction when another car hits you, and it was not your fault at all. The number of times, people hit you from the back or spin in front of you, when there is nothing you can do, yet you lose safety rating...

Best way I found is by starting last and just wait until 80% of the grid takes each other out.
Had a race with about 20 people, started on 17th place, spun out on lap two and was last and I managed to finish 3rd and hardly did any overtaking. :D

It wont happen as much when you get in the top splits. Even less when your out of rookie all together. Once In higher splits or out of rookie. 80% of incidents will be your fault. 5% wrong place wrong time. 5% some idiot takes you out.

Fair enough if some burk just leaves pit lane and comes high at 30 mph while everyone else is 100mph +. But the rest will be your fault, as you either didn't lift. Called high or low wrong. Got a bit loose hit the brakes(never do this)and the poor train behind you had no where to go, but into your rear end. When racing at 2mm apart if you get loose and scrub speed in any shape or form. The guy behind is always going to take you out. He will not have time to react not unless his blood is green.
During a lot of races I have had incidents, in the heat of the moment ***** have come out I've counted to ten watched the replay and sure enough I could have avoid the Incident doing x,y,z so my bad and had to apologise.

I have a good memory of racing the Radical At Mossport where this happend I'd qualified 3rd Two places ahead of our very own SKILL. I knew from the off he was faster than me and I would have a battle and half on my hands just to hold position through T1-2-3. Into Moss he was all over my backend. As we came out I got a bit loose next thing I know SKILL had clipped my backend. I was just about to scream retard "when i released hang on I'm sure he wouldn't do that on purpose"

Watching the replay The poor bloke had moved to the right to position his car my backend coming loose flicked into his front splinter and that was enough to make an already unstable car spin. Theres was nothing he could have done to avoid that. He had tried to move over expecting me to stay wide(which i would)he would then take the inside line up the straight holding me wide. But my backend coming loose kicked into his front end. I spun in circles and had to sit there as the whole grid passed me.

At the end of the race he couldn't apologise enough. Was I ****ed yes I'd practiced all week, was I mad at SKILL no there's mutual respect In I-racing you find it when you get out of rookie and find a series you call home. "I could say he should have lifted", But how could he ? he had no idea I was going to get loose. he'd gave me enough space as to not run me into the grass. Imo thats as much as he should do. This is racing. In other games you never even get that. The grid would all be wrecked at T1.

Ps glad you have stuck with it and are now enjoying it. Just remember Its called Rookie for a reason. Don't get to mad at people in there, not everyone is a driving god.
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