
15 Dec 2013
Norton Canes
Sorry to hear about the qualy problems, I would like to think it's a one off but I doubt it somehow. It takes me 4.5mins to load any variation of the ring so I have no chance with in session qualify.

I put this together, I'm running about 80% FFB here. This was only a test so I left the sim sound out, you can hear a few bumps and rattles, mostly from the bolts that mount the SRH dash (not well viewed at this FOV) going against the Ascher mount, I need to add something to the end of the bolts to dampen it. The Obutto rig holds up really well considering the servo mount is still only held on by 2 of the 4 available bolts (the Obutto wheel mount tapers at the rear), I'm in talks for a custom mounting plate but ultimately it will have to be a full 8020 rig for complete stability I think.

Anyway, you can see a few examples of high speed corners in here, Pouhon & Blancemont both require a huger amount of force, I'm not sure how evident it is in this video, I think a lower FOV and having the camera lower (it's on a cycle helmet, should have seen the mrs face when she walked in!!) would give a better sense of the driving position. Watch for locking up at La Source too, you can see how light the wheel goes when you do that.

Any advances on the 30th for an OCUK race? I'm thinking skippies at a track with lots of drag, keep it interesting. Any objections/suggestions?
Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Managed a win in the Skippy yesterday. Mainly because the race before cost me more iRating and I wasn't in the top split. The win bumped my iRating back up and in the third race of the night I was back in the top split. Managed to finish 9th after starting 14th as the #17 car, so I was pleased with that. It was a really enjoyable race, close clean racing and I managed to keep up with a pressurise the #6 car while keeping it on the black stuff with pressure from behind. I put it all down to the new gloves I had off Santa.
18 Oct 2002
The land of milk & beans
Ugh. Another dismal week for me. S1 is starting how S4 ended. Twice I got the bug which stops you from being able to qualify, so I had to start from the back row in both SOF GT1 races. Managed a top 5 in the second race, but what was most annoying was that it was the highest SOF race GT1 has seen - over 4000 - and I would have been in with a shout of winning the damn thing. Even if I'd finished second it's a net loss of over 40 championship points and I would be clear leader by a fair distance.

Aaaaaaaaaanyway, that's enough butthurt moaning from me.

RUF Cup at the Nordschleife should be epic this week. I'm seeing people hitting 6:55s already, so I need to find 7 seconds from somewhere... :eek:
15 Dec 2013
Norton Canes
That sucks about the SOF races, I'd much rather iRacing take another week to iron out bugs etc for future updates.

Can't wait for RUF Cup too, it feels great there, even if the setup is far too bouncy over curbs. I don't think you'll see many 6:55's, that is a world record and the only other time close to that was 6:58! If you're lapping at 7:02 then you're doing very well :)

Sparco KG 3

Very nice :cool:
18 Oct 2002
South Manchester
Yeah, me too. Got a bloody slow down in the first sector and by the time it was cleared, everyone had disappeared! :(

Managed to finish without a dent on the car, so that's a good start. Now to find some speed...
2 Jul 2005
Hi all I few questions,

What are the possibility for Iracing support Directx12, Do they have to rebuild the whole program from scratch or can they just do an update?
And what do you think of Z1 Dashboard is it worth purchasing?

Thanks advance
5 Oct 2004
DX11/12 is in the pipeline, not sure which release it will be in though

There is currently a competition running where you can win Z1 Dashboard by running their logo in the main sponsor location on your car, I think you have to enter a certain amount of races to qualify

The details are on the iRacing forum and I think on the main member site
15 Dec 2013
Norton Canes
I use Z1, I think it's a great piece of software for the money although at the minute I use it mainly as a dash (it replicates lots of the popular iRacing dashboards) it also has some great stuff for fuel calculation and telemetry too. Works best if you're using a tablet/separate monitor/dash for it. I think you can download it for free for 30 mins or something like that to try it out.

Fr the OCUK hosted race tonight, shall we say 8pm then? Skippies @ Daytona road. I'll put up the server an hour before for practice and we can have a 15min qualify followed by a 10 lap race? Any objections to limiting the fuel amount to force a pit stop? I thought it might keep it interesting. Who will be able to make it?
5 Oct 2004
Doh! Don't have Daytona Road, will need to get some practice in!

With the Z1 is it possible to use an Android tablet to display the dash?
15 Dec 2013
Norton Canes
Yes, have a read up on Z1 server (I'm pretty sure it is free) then it should act the same as something like dashmeter pro :)

I can change the track if its going to exclude people, I thought something with plenty of draft would be most fun :)
2 Jul 2005
I use Z1, I think it's a great piece of software for the money although at the minute I use it mainly as a dash (it replicates lots of the popular iRacing dashboards) it also has some great stuff for fuel calculation and telemetry too. Works best if you're using a tablet/separate monitor/dash for it. I think you can download it for free for 30 mins or something like that to try it out.

Fr the OCUK hosted race tonight, shall we say 8pm then? Skippies @ Daytona road. I'll put up the server an hour before for practice and we can have a 15min qualify followed by a 10 lap race? Any objections to limiting the fuel amount to force a pit stop? I thought it might keep it interesting. Who will be able to make it?

Looking forward to race tonight.
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