ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion


In the BBC video a couple of pages back I was surprised how casually some of the young muslims were in favour of what ISIS are doing.

I distanced myself from people like that years ago and am making sure my kids don't grow up anywhere near them.

I always thought it was just young angry kids blaming their problems on the world and they'll grow out of it. Wasn't my problem any more when I moved away, until now.
Yeah I saw a young muslim saying how the caliphate offers a place of sanctuary and security from the west.

If you believe that gtfo of the UK...

lol the world will never let that type of twisted medieval thing happen now, the rest of the world became civilised and the more interconnected it becomes the less tolerant of tyrants and murderous regimes it becomes.
My reply was full of as much **** as the post I was replying to.

So in your eyes it's ok for them to turn a blind eye and not tell the authorites that there son, daughter, brother, sister uncle.... ect is fighting for IS.

In my eyes that's Collaboration.

Please dont start swearing just because i questioned your reply.
lol the world will never let that type of twisted medieval thing happen now, the rest of the world became civilised and the more interconnected it becomes the less tolerant of tyrants and murderous regimes it becomes.

Parts of Africa and S America are just as bad. Not sure the media don't cover them as much, probably too dangerous for journalists.

I believe it's going to get worse. Too many weapons in circulation now and increasing.

So if you have a family member that went to fight for IS that would be ok with you?

I dont think you are looking at my previous posts.

Ahh so where exactly do you draw the line on what is legaly chargable for family members?

finding out your brother drink drove (or was about to) and not reporting = yopu charged too?

hearing your mum once nicked a random item from a shop for the "thrill" = you're guilty to?

just how specific a crime does it have to be?

and for me if a family member wanted to **** off to Syria and die fighting for Islam, I'd consider their death in the desert a healthy cleansing of the family gene pool tbh.
Ahh so where exactly do you draw the line on what is legaly chargable for family members?

finding out your brother drink drove (or was about to) and not reporting = yopu charged too?

hearing your mum once nicked a random item from a shop for the "thrill" = you're guilty to?

just how specific a crime does it have to be?

and for me if a family member wanted to **** off to Syria and die fighting for Islam, I'd consider their death in the desert a healthy cleansing of the family gene pool tbh.

Really?... again

My Mum stole a brick from a builders yard....

Isnt quite the same as i knew a member of my family went to fight for IS.

But i will leave this now as i can see that this isnt a place i want to spend my time now.
Really?... again

My Mum stole a brick from a builders yard....

Isnt quite the same as i knew a member of my family went to fight for IS.

But i will leave this now as i can see that this isnt a place i want to spend my time now.

Indeed one is illegal and i believe the other breaks no laws atm?
I wonder, do the iraqis have any sense of national pride whatsoever? Or is the country so badly divided on cultural/tribal/religious grounds? A few years ago they fought the british and americans as they were seen as a foreign invader. Now they have is running round their country, (who include an awful lot of foreigners) murdering every ethnic group, wether sunni, shi ite, kurd, christian. Yes i think the western powers went into iraq in gulf war 2 on a lie, as there were no wmd's, after all saddams wmd's were purchased from western countries and destroyed in the first gulf war by the countries that sold them to him.
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