ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

I wonder, do the iraqis have any sense of national pride whatsoever? Or is the country so badly divided on cultural/tribal/religious grounds? A few years ago they fought the british and americans as they were seen as a foreign invader. Now they have is running round their country, (who include an awful lot of foreigners) murdering every ethnic group, wether sunni, shi ite, kurd, christian. Yes i think the western powers went into iraq in gulf war 2 on a lie, as there were no wmd's, after all saddams wmd's were purchased from western countries and destroyed in the first gulf war by the countries that sold them to him.

the whole area is largely tribal/religious sect divided. thinking of them as countries is probbaly less accurate than one giant region full of waring tribes that someone erroneously drew lines on.
the whole area is largely tribal/religious sect divided. thinking of them as countries is probbaly less accurate than one giant region full of waring tribes that someone erroneously drew lines on.
Talking to a mate in the pub tonight Tefal, who works in the basra area, (close protection/pmc operator). He works with a local company, (shi ite's and some ex us and british forces) and basically theyre not that fussed with what happens in the northern part of iraq. Hence my wondering about national identity and looking out for your country. Even in ww2 in say france or other occupied countries, different groups with opposing political ideas alligned themselves to fight nazi occupation. Heck it has even happened here in northern ireland, contrary to popular belief, some of the founding fathers of irish republican opposition to british involvement in ireland were staunch protestants yet saw themselves as irish nationalists.
Parts of Africa and S America are just as bad. Not sure the media don't cover them as much, probably too dangerous for journalists.

I believe it's going to get worse. Too many weapons in circulation now and increasing.

No there is not an ideological reason behind it, it's mostly drug and money related completely different situation however it is still bad.
No there is not an ideological reason behind it, it's mostly drug and money related completely different situation however it is still bad.

I think the 1,000,000 Rwandans dead would disagree !!
I hope all you Islamophobes were equally foolish towards Christianity during the Rwandan Genocide ?? If you are going to be bigoted at least be consistent with it ;)
I wonder, do the iraqis have any sense of national pride whatsoever? Or is the country so badly divided on cultural/tribal/religious grounds? A few years ago they fought the british and americans as they were seen as a foreign invader. Now they have is running round their country, (who include an awful lot of foreigners) murdering every ethnic group, wether sunni, shi ite, kurd, christian. Yes i think the western powers went into iraq in gulf war 2 on a lie, as there were no wmd's, after all saddams wmd's were purchased from western countries and destroyed in the first gulf war by the countries that sold them to him.

Iraq's Modern borders were fixed by the Western powers after WW1 out of the Ottoman Empire. So there has not been an Iraq as such before antiquity.
I think the 1,000,000 Rwandans dead would disagree !!
I hope all you Islamophobes were equally foolish towards Christianity during the Rwandan Genocide ?? If you are going to be bigoted at least be consistent with it ;)

Indeed I remember the calls for a Christian state and the exaultations towards Christ during the Rawandan genocide...
I think the 1,000,000 Rwandans dead would disagree !!
I hope all you Islamophobes were equally foolish towards Christianity during the Rwandan Genocide ?? If you are going to be bigoted at least be consistent with it ;)

I'm really confused. I thought it was a tribal thing between the Hutu and Tutsi people? Didn't know there was a religious aspect to it?
When government war policies go wrong, blame the Muslims

Blame the Muslims. If all else fails in the defence of a foreign policy which is so bankrupt that even the envoy for peace in the Middle East Tony Blair has gone quiet, then start talking about the domestic threat, and the need for increased surveillance of Muslims.

It's about time the UK government admit that MI5 was right when they pre-warned us about extremism and going to war in Iraq back in 2010:

Former MI5 chief delivers damning verdict on Iraq invasion
Lady Eliza Manningham-Buller tells Chilcot that invasion increased terrorist threat and radicalised young British Muslims

Root causes - How about bringing those people who led us into this mess to account.
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Zoomee, why is it you continue to blame everyone but the people themselves?

It's called root causes. Trust you to think I'm not placing the blame on the extremists too. :rolleyes:

The UK's current foreign policies / wars however are also to blame, and when analysing root causes it still fuels extremism here, very clearly.

Or are you saying you know better than MI5? - They CLEARLY warned us this would happen. To make matters worse we were lead into a war with lies that messed up the whole of Iraq and now have the audacity to blame others for it. Its our own doing - instability in the whole region was a result of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

EVERYTHING our own intelligence services warned us of.

BUT hey - don't let the truth stand in yours and others ways in this thread of blaming all muslims in the usual typical bigoted fashion of OCUK GD posters. :p
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yeah, how dare someone speak the truth - the truth our intelligence services told us about years ago.

you were warned, now stop crying like babies and start to think about how we can tackle the problem. Starting with bringing to account those people who led us to mess that region up would be a good start.

If Tony Blair was brought to account, what leg do you think extremists would have to stand on if we showed justice amongst our own people and recognition of the mistakes we made in the past?.

Read the link without your blinkers on and you'll see there's some serious truth to the matter:
It's called root causes. Trust you to think I'm not placing the blame on the extremists too. :rolleyes:

The UK's current foreign policies / wars however are also to blame, and when analysing root causes it still fuels extremism here, very clearly.

Or are you saying you know better than MI5? - They CLEARLY warned us this would happen. To make matters worse we were lead into a war with lies that messed up the whole of Iraq and now have the audacity to blame others for it. Its our own doing - instability in the whole region was a result of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

EVERYTHING our own intelligence services warned us of.

BUT hey - don't let the truth stand in yours and others ways in this thread of blaming all muslims in the usual typical bigoted fashion of OCUK GD posters. :p

Your on a watch list somewhere I am sure.
If Tony Blair was brought to account, what leg do you think extremists would have to stand on if we showed justice amongst our own people and recognition of the mistakes we made in the past?.

Hold all the trials and assign all the blame you want, it would do absolutely nothing to stop any current or future extremism. Does stopthewar think that ISIS care if Tony Blair ends up in court? No, all they want is to claim land and kill those who oppose their interpretation of a religion. You could hang Bush from a piano wire over Mecca and it wont stop the religious killings in Iraq.

Extremists are deluded enough to think they have justification for murder because of what is said in a book told to them through corrupted teachings, putting some guy they probably only vaguely remember from their childhood in jail would do nothing but appease those justifications.

You need to stop living in the past and realise it's time to address the issues of the present.
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