ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Jsmoke, it's obviously tony Blair, George Bush and the West causing them to do that to fellow human beings.
They're really punishing the west by torturing and executing innocents including other Muslims...

Wait, what?
The uk and us may have indeed invaded Iraq, but they played no part in what happened in Syria which led to the formation of Isis.

Ironically if they had intervened there when they had the chance there might well not have been as much of an issue today with IS.

Obama didn't have the balls to react even after his 'red line' was quite blatantly crossed by Assad... he could have bombed Assad, backed the FSA and put into place a new regime in Syria... instead the prolonged conflict/instability has allowed IS to flourish. And the side lining of Sunni in Iraq has allowed them to make some easy gains back over there too.
Ive just watched a video that made feel so sick i would happily see every Muslim fighting in the name of Jihad dead.

Executing people by the score. What the **** is wrong with these people???

Ive just watched a video that made feel so sick i would happily see every Muslim fighting in the name of Jihad dead.

Executing people by the score. What the **** is wrong with these people???


religion, giving people a reason to kill since its conception.

humans are destined to fail until we can shed this stupid mental illness.
no doubt but I find killing in the name of religion particularly bad, aren't religions meant to be a good thing?

Depends which nut is defining the word of their respective god.

It's not something I sign up to but if it helps some then its a good thing. I imagine a fair amount of religious killings are just excuses for nut jobs to kill someone hiding behind a facade.
Ive just watched a video that made feel so sick i would happily see every Muslim fighting in the name of Jihad dead.

Executing people by the score. What the **** is wrong with these people???


just a different ideology/belief system....

we keep animals locked up in barns and execute them for food

some Sunni Islamists see Shia muslims as heretics and Yazidi as devil worshipers... they're seen as sub humans in comparison to Sunni muslims, people who its fine to kill. If you de-humanise people and believe in a framework where its morally right for them to die then its quite easy to kill on a mass scale just as it is for someone working in an abattoir.
It's not something I sign up to but if it helps some then its a good thing. I imagine a fair amount of religious killings are just excuses for nut jobs to kill someone hiding behind a facade.

No they're not, the idea that terrorists, suicide bombers etc.. are nuts is an incorrect stereotype. They're usually fairly intelligent and quite rational, they just have a belief system/ideology that justifies their actions.
they're seen as sub humans in comparison to Sunni muslims, people who its fine to kill. If you de-humanise people and believe in a framework where its morally right for them to die then its quite easy to kill on a mass scale just as it is for someone working in an abattoir.

this is what happened on all sides in ww2. :(

it seems while the rest of the world learned from it the Muslims did not.
No they're not, the idea that terrorists, suicide bombers etc.. are nuts is an incorrect stereotype. They're usually fairly intelligent and quite rational, they just have a belief system/ideology that justifies their actions.

usually they're bullied and abused and its offered as a salvation. many of the young suicide bombers are outcasts and victims.

They target these people as they're easy to persuade to do it.
the trend these days is more educated, middle class types...

most important quality is that they can be trusted to carry out the attack - for example the attack on the CIA in Afghanistan in 2009 was carried out by a medical doctor from Jordan... not a mental person, not someone with low intelligence nor an outcast etc...

Living mostly in the diaspora and undeterred by the
threat of retaliation against original home populations, jihadis, who are fre-
quently middle-class, secularly well educated,
but often “born-again” radical
Islamists, including converts from Christianity, embrace apocalyptic visions
for humanity’s violent salvation. In Muslim countries and across western
Europe, bright and idealistic Muslim youth, even more than the marginalized
and dispossessed, internalize the jihadi story, illustrated on satellite televi-
sion and the Internet with the ubiquitous images of social injustice and po-
litical repression with which much of the Muslim world’s bulging immigrant
and youth populations intimately identifies. From the suburbs of Paris to the
jungles of Indonesia, I have interviewed culturally uprooted and politically
restless youth who echo a stunningly simplified and decontextualized message
of martyrdom for the sake of global jihad as life’s noblest cause. They are in-
creasingly as willing and even eager to die as they are to kill.
It's true that Blair and Bush need to take most of the blame for this (not that that will mean much to either of them anyway), but I still think that the only solution to this problem at this point is military force. And not just air power either. Boots on the ground. It probably won't be possible to defeat Isis once and for all militarily, because it's so easy for groups like that to run a guerrilla war, but military force will be able to stop them making any further serious territorial advances or looting any more large scale left behind US military supplies.

Speaking of US military supplies, I read in the Guardian yesterday that Isis has already looted 'hundreds of millions of dollars worth of US military equipment' :/ How the hell did they let that happen. Four star idiots.

But on Isis, what a bunch of ******* cowards. What kind of scumbag thinks chopping an innocent journalist's head off is something to do. I honestly hope there is a ground war with UK/US troops. Then lets see how easy it is for them to take any more territory when there's a real fighting force trying to stop them.
Speaking of US military supplies, I read in the Guardian yesterday that Isis has already looted 'hundreds of millions of dollars worth of US military equipment' :/ How the hell did they let that happen. Four star idiots.

it was equipment looted from the fleeing Iraqi army, equipment given to the Iraqi army by the US
the trend these days is more educated, middle class types...

most important quality is that they can be trusted to carry out the attack - for example the attack on the CIA in Afghanistan in 2009 was carried out by a medical doctor from Jordan... not a mental person, not someone with low intelligence nor an outcast etc...

Interesting, obviously I had adopted a flawed stereotype :(.
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