Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I'm interested to hear what the alternatives to the current military action those that oppose it suggest? Does anyone really think if Israel lay down their arms and invite in their neighbours forgive and forget style it's all going to be peace and harmony? I'd suggest if they tried that there wouldn't be an Israel shortly afterwards. No-one likes it but sometimes war is the only way to resolve it.

I have not seen anyone suggest Israel do nothing, or indeed simply take some pointless pacifist stance. My post was about the long nuanced history between both groups that has led up to this. I feel the current Israeli attacks have a lot of justification and any innocent lives lost fall mostly on the head of Hamas. But I am saying historically Israel has not been some totally moral peaceful participant.
I have not seen anyone suggest Israel do nothing, or indeed simply take some pointless pacifist stance. My post was about the long nuanced history between both groups that has led up to this. I feel the current Israeli attacks have a lot of justification and any innocent lives lost fall mostly on the head of Hamas. But I am saying historically Israel has not been some totally moral peaceful participant.
I don't think we disagree. There's no easy way out of this for either side unfortunately.
But have you noticed that the BBC avoids calling Hamas "terrorist" or what they do "terrorism".

This was addressed by the BBC quite adequately yesterday. They want to lay out the facts as best they can and let the reader decide rather than decide for the reader.
Im confused how the whe services thing works there. Does gaza have it's own water supply?

Or are they provided water by Israel for a fee/free? Same with electricity. Who provides them fuel? Or have Israel just cut off supply routes?

Gaza has very limited infrastructure, and not enough power to run it. Making matters worse, four water reservoirs, eleven wells, and a bunch of sewage networks and pumping stations were destroyed by the fighting between Hamas and Fatah during 2004-2005. I don't know how much of that was rebuilt, but I'm guessing not much.

The Coastal Aquifer Basin runs along the entire length of Gaza, ensuring a constant supply of fresh water. Theoretically this would be enough to ensure the Palestinians had an independent water supply, but they can't pump it without electricity (which Israel has now cut off) and in any case the remaining pumps are in a poor state of repair because Hamas prefers to spend money on weapons instead of essentials.

So most water is imported from Israel.

Gaza also has desalination plants, but these are also not in great shape, and like the water pumps they cannot function without an electricity supply, which is provided by Israel.

Cutting off power to Gaza is an inhumane and indefensible decision by the Israeli government.
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This was addressed by the BBC quite adequately yesterday. They want to lay out the facts as best they can and let the reader decide rather than decide for the reader.

Honestly, that's a ridiculous response by the BBC. Not only is Hamas officially classed as a terrorist organisation in the West, but they almost give credence to the actions of Hamas by giving them the benefit of the doubt. Let's face it, people who don't want to believe the West already think the BBC is state sponsored, they are hardly going to change their mind because the BBC is being courteous.
Gaza has very limited infrastructure, and not enough power to run it. Making matters worse, four water reservoirs, eleven wells, and a bunch of sewage networks and pumping stations were destroyed by the fighting between Hamas and Fatah during 2004-2005. I don't know how much of that was rebuilt, but I'm guessing not much.

The Coastal Aquifer Basin runs along the entire length of Gaza, ensuring a constant supply of fresh water. Theoretically this would be enough to ensure the Palestinians had an independent water supply, but they can't pump it without electricity (which Israel has now cut off) and in any case the remaining pumps are in a poor state of repair because Hamas prefers to spend money on weapons instead of essentials.

So most water is imported from Israel.

Gaza also has desalination plants, but these are also not in great shape, and like the water pumps they cannot function without an electricity supply, which is provided by Israel.

Cutting off power to Gaza is an inhumane and indefensible decision by the Israeli government.

This is the utter madness of Hamas. Their only goal is to eradicate Israel and this is at the cost of making life much worse for ordinary Palestinians. When they were voted in by the Palestinian people it was on the promise of ending corruption and making life better. So I can see why people would immediately think, Palestinians are all Hamas but it’s far more nuanced than that. It would be akin to saying everyone who voted Tory in 2019 would still vote Tory.
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But have you noticed that the BBC avoids calling Hamas "terrorist" or what they do "terrorism".
Yes I have noticed that. IIRC Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK.

'The Islamist terrorist group Hamas has today become a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK in its entirety, following Parliament’s approval of an Order which was laid in Parliament on Friday (19 November).

This means that members of Hamas or those who invite support for the group could be jailed for up to 14 years.

The group’s listing has been amended in the list of proscribed organisations to reflect this change.'

Also the FA won't put the white and blue on the Wembley arch like they usually do to show support for countries after terrorist attacks.
Honestly, that's a ridiculous response by the BBC. Not only is Hamas officially classed as a terrorist organisation in the West, but they almost give credence to the actions of Hamas by giving them the benefit of the doubt. Let's face it, people who don't want to believe the West already think the BBC is state sponsored, they are hardly going to change their mind because the BBC is being courteous.

That’s your opinion and you managed to form it despite the BBC not using the words terrorists. Funny how that works.
at this stage it doesn't even matter anymore whether they killed babies or not, like Israel's PM said - every Hamas member is a dead man walking who will soon be dead, period
That's not evening possible. They will leave the country and / or shrink into the general populous, then come back out of the woodwork for actions.
But have you noticed that the BBC avoids calling Hamas "terrorist" or what they do "terrorism".

Once you get away from western media , various groups within the UK are labeled as terrorist - the DUP for example are labeled in that way in Eastern Europe (Christian Terrorists) ; and yes other religions are involved including Orthodox.
Why won't their neighbours help them out?

Because they don't care. They have no love for the Palestinians, they gain nothing from helping them, and as long as the Palestinians are suffering, the Arab states get to blame Israel for it, so the Palestinians are only useful as a political tool.

They also remember that when Jordan let in the Palestinians many decades ago, the Palestinians showed their gratitude by attempting to overthrow the government in a military coup that turned into a civil war. So nobody wants the potential headache that comes with supporting the Palestinians.

The exception is Iran, which supports Hamas to project terrorism.
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Once you get away from western media , various groups within the UK are labeled as terrorist - the DUP for example are labeled in that way in Eastern Europe (Christian Terrorists) ; and yes other religions are involved including Orthodox.

Have you got a source for that please? Would be interested to read more, never heard of that before today.
As BBC live feed Israel saying Palestinians leave but there nowhere for them to go?

History has a way of repeating itself - priot to WW2, from the late 1920 and through the 1930`s - the same messaging was prevelant in Germany, starting with pamphletting then the news, followed by laws of where the Jews could live (more so after the Enabling Act of 1933) where Jews could work and about business ownership ; this culmiated with Kristallnacht in 1938 after a decade of Right Wing `Othering` , of blaming the ills on the country on the Jewish people, especially after the Soviet Union actively expelled 65,000 from Poland in early 1940. After this, the Endlösung der Judenfrage , was devised in 1941 and the Holocaust of the Jews began.
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