That is ethnic cleansing and can only result in Islamists getting the biggest recruitment ad they could hope for. There's an obvious solution here that Israel doesn't want to do, make East Jerusalem/West Bank the Palestinian state and move on.
"Ethnic cleansing" is a loaded term, and (as I can see it) this is not that. There is no element of violence or terrorism, which most definitions state as a requirement.
I get that it's not the perfect solution. However, the perfect solution, delivered decades too late or never at all, no longer represents the perfect solution.
I've got people telling me this is outrageously unfair to the Palestine and others telling me it's outrageously over-generous. People were forceably moved from their homes for HS2 - it seems to me, as long as the compensation is adequate, the proposal is fair.
Evicting the Palestinians is a blunt, unfair solution, but it could be implemented very quickly, and gets innocent Palestinians out of the danger zone.
Sounds like a great way to make them targets and hated by others. That's an incredible amount of money for just about everyone in those countries.
Look at how people react over here when it comes to people getting benefits that, when applied in relative terms, are far from what $50,000 a year gets you in Egypt.
These are the same people who will also be saying, "It's grossly unfair the Palestinians have been evicted", will it?
Seems to me the only concern here is how the level of compensation is arrived at. What *is* the going rate for being "ethnically cleansed" (as another poster phrased it)?
Make it massive. Make Israel fund part of it. Make it sufficient so that, wherever they end up, a proper community and economy can be built.