Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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How much you want to bet Israel use the fact world attention is on the plane crash to amp up their attacks in gaza.

not much. they've never really cared that much.

how much do you think hamas will ramp up the attacks in the hope of a few more dead children to bring the focus back to them?
"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories." Benyamin Netanyahu

Guess they are exploiting the plane crash, ground offensive launched.
What are you talking about? I'm implying it's wrong and bad to use children and civilians as shields.

Ok I understand. Personally, I don't think they're using people as shields. I think that they have no choice but to fight in the way that they are because they're trying to prevent their entire civilisation being wiped out by the Zionists. You could be right, but personally I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt...
Ok I understand. Personally, I don't think they're using people as shields. I think that they have no choice but to fight in the way that they are because they're trying to prevent their entire civilisation being wiped out by the Zionists. You could be right, but personally I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt...

they prevent the destruction of their civilization by sacrificing their civility.

interesting view.
It's israel doing the killing. Not Hamas benifiting rather Israel showing their true colours.

no Hamas deliberately try to instigate emotive collateral damage. hence why they fire from hospitals, and schools and play centers and anywhere else they hope that if israel counterattacks or retaliates they can get some good war porn for the west to **** over on the 6 o clock news.
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