Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Anyone else watch BBC News at 6pm tonight? They were filming in Gaza and two rockets are seen launching overhead... all the Palestinian civilians are then seen cheering and clapping.
Clever editing? As it doesn't quite fit the "Civilians are peaceful and disagree with the Hamas terrorists" line.

And similarly... when there's news of a Israeli solider being killed we see pictures of people celebrating in the streets in Gaza, but when there's news of Palestinians being killed we don't see Israelis out celebrating.
Again, is that real or clever editing by the media?

Difference being that Palestinians are being killed by the hundred, Israeli's are being killed by the...... less than ones?

The massive majority of the Palestinian rockets don't hit targets and haven't for some time. It's more a gesture of protest than anything these days.

Cheering when the bully beats up the little kid just makes you an ****, cheering when the bully picks on a little kid and the little kid managed a knock out punch that sends the bully to the ground doesn't make you an ****.

Fact is the rockets are just a symbol for the people that they won't be beaten, it probably means little if any damage and likely no deaths at all. When Israel cheer an explosion you can be pretty certain a you're cheering the death of a significant number of civilians, in a conflict you started, which you won't stop, while you treat those civilians like ****.

I'm not saying they should, or shouldn't be cheering, but it's understandable and context matters. You think England didn't cheer every victory, every news of resistance against the Nazi's?

One side is cheering at effective genocide, another side is cheering at fighting to save their lives.

Palestine for MANY years have been zero threat to Israel, Israel can at will kill hundreds, thousands, how ever many they choose. As much as you might want to pretend the same action is always equal and the same, context and intention make a huge difference in everything we do in life, ignoring it because it suits your point is ignorant.
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Dispatches report of the Pro-israeli lobby being the biggest and most influential lobby group in UK politics.

Only watch first five minuets. "If I become Prime Minster, Israel has friend who will never turn his back on Israel" David Cameron. Well that explains a lot.
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Students are offered grants by Israel if they tweet pro-israeli propaganda:

Alon Liel, the doveish former director-general of the Israeli foreign ministry, criticised the plan as “quite disgusting”. “University students should be educated to think freely. When you buy the mind of a student, he becomes a puppet of the Israeli government grant,” he said. “You can give a grant to do social work or teach but not to do propaganda on controversial issues for the government.”
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So I'm hearing the Israeli government are now admitting Hamas wasn't behind the kidnappings along with Israeli intelligence knowing they were likely to be dead from the start but were coy about this snippet of information. There were other factors but if this is true, it's disgraceful. Bibi did not hesitate to put the kidnappings on Hamas, the break up of the unity government looks increasingly like the pretext... .


[Students offered grants if they tweet pro-Israeli propaganda

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Yep like I said before they provided no evidence it was hamas, this war is about the Fatah & Hamas reconciliation which is bad news for Israel as it puts the Palestine's in stronger position to get two state solution.

As for the "Students offered grants" this is how the Israeli lobby works, look at "Conservative Friends of Israel" in England & AIPAC in america they pay off politicians to get support, so they can butcher civilians, beak countless U.N laws and continue expanding borders.
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As for the "Students offered grants" this is how the Israeli lobby works, look at "Conservative Friends of Israel" in England & AIPAC in america they pay off politicians to get support, so they can butcher civilians, beak countless U.N laws and continue expanding borders.


Obvs aware that they lobby a lot but 'students offered grants' in return for tweets? sounds like complete testicles.
Over than 1,000 dead in Gaza, at least 6,000 people have been injured. The UN said more than 160,000 people had sought shelter in its buildings.

The Israel Defence Forces said 40 soldiers had been killed in the conflict. Three Israeli civilians have also died in rocket attacks.
some of the pictures are horrific
the place looks like germany after we carpet bombed it

Israeli precision at it's finest....
At least 2,655 homes have been totally or severely damaged, while another 3,175 are damaged but not beyond use, the U.N. said.

Bombs have lashed 116 schools and 18 health centers, stadiums, playgrounds, mosques, roads, phone towers, water lines, sewage treatment plants and police stations.
Anyone who buys into the 'World's most humanitarian army' line is a complete fool or one of the paid shills mentioned above.

Just a reminder that this is one of the most densely populated places on the planet:

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