Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I really can't believe the world is just watching this.....can't see how Israel can keep hitting so many civilians with the some of the most advanced weapons in the world.....

When the USA and UK bomb somewhere (Which we do a lot) we do seem to keep civilian deaths to a minimum....
no thats Palestine, israel hit the building or car they want flattened and if anyone happens to be around it they don't seem too fussed.

but given hamas dont seem to care about collateral losses amongst civilians in their attacks either i doubt they have an issue with it.

A load of ******** do i really need to link videos of children getting killed? IDF are child murders we have seen this countless times.

Why do they target hospitals? schools? refugee centres? parks & beaches with children on? Over 80% of the deaths are civilians...

Ow wait it was mistake.... or its hamas fault....
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no thats Palestine, israel hit the building or car they want flattened and if anyone happens to be around it they don't seem too fussed.

but given hamas dont seem to care about collateral losses amongst civilians in their attacks either i doubt they have an issue with it.

1000 Palestinians dead, 40 Israelis.
1000 Palestinians dead, 40 Israelis.

100 more Palestinians murdered today, some UN staff too Sky News is reporting.

Estimated 44% loss of Gazan land already, turned into no-man's land, with the IDF now reportedly issuing new warnings to even more Gazans to leave their homes.

In light of this, and Netanyahu's statement to the Israelis to prepare for a long campaign, it would appear they really intend to do it this time - go all the way, like the Deputy Speaker of the Knesset called for in his letter published on the website Arutz Sheva:

“Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,” Feiglin concludes. “Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the housing crisis in Israel.”
I really can't believe the world is just watching this.....can't see how Israel can keep hitting so many civilians with the some of the most advanced weapons in the world.....

When the USA and UK bomb somewhere (Which we do a lot) we do seem to keep civilian deaths to a minimum....

it seems ludicrous that no one in the west has got the balls to even say something let alone do something.

Obama's direct quote for why they went to war against Libya

Obama explained his decision in an East Room statement this afternoon. He said Gaddafi was suppressing his people and that “left unchecked, we have every reason to believe that Gaddhafi would commit atrocities against his people. Many thousands could die. A humanitarian crisis would ensue.


So Israel are now doing those same things, oppressing a group of people, robbing their land, and committing atrocities by killing women and children through the use of collective punishment while the death toll ratchets up into the hundreds and soon be thousands at the rate the IDF are murdering palestinians. Add to that previous from for breaking various protocols on the use of incendiary munitions (WP) in built up civilian areas, which is a recognised violation of article 2.1 and 2.2 of protocol 3 of The 1980 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects.

So why is it that Israel can sit there and do exactly the same, if not in some ways worse because they are directly violating nuermous resolutions and agreements, yet the west is happy to sit back, eat popcorn and watch the blood run free while throwing out the occasional "you should think about stopping this" press statement.

The hypocrisy is actually sickening, it is so clear that there really is a price on life and the Palestinians are just seen as an inconvenience and likely not worth taking action to save. Its pretty disgusting to be honest that more direct pressure is not being places on Israel to think about what they are relly doing here. Israel is slowing becoming a pariah and will only have the lapdogs of US and UK left in her pocket if this carries on for much longer.
no thats Palestine, israel hit the building or car they want flattened and if anyone happens to be around it they don't seem too fussed.

but given hamas dont seem to care about collateral losses amongst civilians in their attacks either i doubt they have an issue with it.

right because so far the collateral losses for Israel (non military) are all of 3 civillians 1 of which was a Thai national. Since 2001 hamas rockets have been responsible for a total of 28 deaths

So I am failing to see your collateral damage theory here.

Watch the news report on Sky News for the damage done by a Hamas rocket that hit a road in a neighbourhood. It left a hole in the road. Now look at the damage done by so called Israeli precision, it flattens entire neighbourhood blocks / hospitals / schools and even the local and only power station in Gaza.

Not sure how anyone can keep a straight face and say this is Israel defending itself. This is Israel committing something tantamount to genocide and ethnic cleasnig but through the back door to avoid the UN getting frosty on them
Israel is a terrorist state - America sponsors terrorism.

It is absolutely nauseating to see the way America supplies Israel with arms, financial support and consistent vetoes in the Security Council while it rails against Russia.

Israel is a terrorist state - America sponsors terrorism.
It seems absolutely crazy that nobody has intervened. Saw this earlier, town basically flattened to rubble within an hour:

scorched earth policy in preparation to move Israeli citizens in to take over the land. Which again is illegal, but oh wait whats this ah yes Israel didn't ratify that protocl either

It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies, and irrigation works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse Party, whatever the motive, whether in order to starve out civilians, to cause them to move away, or for any other motive.[2]

Despite being prohibited, it is still a common military practice. The protocol only applies to those countries that have ratified it; notable countries that have not ratified it are Eritrea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States.[3]

Israel is basically a rogue state being allowed to do what ever it pleases with the blessing of US and will never be expected to atone for their crimes because the minute someone says what they are doing is wrong, they will pull the anti Semitism card and remind everyone that the Nazi's tried to exterminate them, which makes them all the more hypocritical considering they are now doing the exact same thing to the Palestinians..........
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scorched earth policy in preparation to move Israeli citizens in to take over the land

That might make sense, for years Israel occupied land gained during war. The golan heights for example as it had strategic use to their enemies they refused to give it over.
They may be intending to make parts of Gaza a no mans land so that rocket launches close to the border are less likely. The gaza rockets are just big fireworks I think, they have limited range so Israel sees this as a necessary security measure.
Ideally Israel would like there to be no Gaza terrority so long as it states itself as an enemy that might be what happens
Approximately 10% of Syrian Golan Druze have accepted Israeli citizenship
It is now clear that Israel have committed several war crimes. They are intentionally targeting civilian infrastructure to punish the civilian population which is illegal under international law.

Today they took out the only power station in Gaza, and there are now water, food, and severe power shortages. They've forced over 200,000 people to flee their homes.

The average age in Gaza is 17. Most of those affected by this conflict are children. :(
BBC said:
"We don't accept any condition of ceasefire," the Associated Press quoted Hamas commander Mohammad Deif as saying. "There is no ceasefire without the stop of the aggression and the end of the siege."

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face :/
Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face :/

not really

a ceasefire while the entire land is still under siege, where all ports, land, sea and air are controlled by the Israeli's is not a ceasefire. The conituned encroachment on Palestinian soil by building Israeli settlements in defiance of all UN resolutions is not a ceasefire.

He is not cutting off his nose to spite his face, he is saying we will no longer live under tyranny of Israeli rule. I would expect the same of any peoples in the same conditions. Gaza is currently and has been for the last 7 years nothing less than an open air prison which the west have conveniently chosen to turn a blind eye to. Which they continue to turn a blind eye to, even while seeing the open killing of civilians and the employment of tactics by a brutal Israeli military regime that are, in accordance with the rules and protocols of warfare deemed to be illegal. See protocol 2 on the conventions of warfare for the indiscriminate use of ordnance in civilian areas.

So no, i;d say he was simply stating the obvious. No ceasefire is feasible when the Israeli's are still permitted to blockade an entire nation. You'd say the same if it was your homeland.
no thats Palestine, israel hit the building or car they want flattened and if anyone happens to be around it they don't seem too fussed.

but given hamas dont seem to care about collateral losses amongst civilians in their attacks either i doubt they have an issue with it.

oh that is ok then, we will only flatten your houses/buildings etc but when it comes to rebuilding, we wont even allow CEMENT..

correct me if i am wrong but HOW do you know hamas do not care? are telling civilians to stay inside? and all this BS propaganda anti-palestinian media is telling us?
Welcome to the 21st century... where genocide and war crimes are ignored if you pay enough.

Israel is now a terrorist state... committing war crimes, but they have nukes so no one is going to try and stop them.

Russia has nukes but the EU/USA have placed sanctions on them? if they wanted they could do the same

- stop israeli companies from exporting goods (i.e not buying)
- USA stop aiding a terrorist

if israel has no money, it will then listen as it wouldnt afford to maintain its expensive nuclear warheads etc etc..
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