Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Feels like I'm watching what could potentially cause a world war unfold before my eyes..

Hamas firing rockets and killing Israelis is utterly wrong..

Israel's response which kills innocent people and even children in the process is utterly wrong..

Israel have a right to defend their people from rocket attacks, and people in Gaza have a right to live without blockades and being under attack..

Such a horrible situation.. I mean words can't begin to cover how horrific this is, and what resolution there is for this.. At the same time in other parts of the world ISIS fighters are beheading and crucifying people.. The world is a horrible place.. Thank God I live in the UK.
Something I posted back in March 2010:

Israel do not give a stuff about the international community. They are open about that fact, and they own America, not the other way round.

They might talk peace on one hand, but they will be committing atrocities on the other. The fact that they have duped most the western population into believing they are 'on the same side' really shows how much impact and control they have over western media.

In the next 5-10 years expect Israel to expand it's territories greatly, but under the pretence it had to act in 'self defense'. Also, they will demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, they already have tunnels under it and have plans of the new temple to be built there. These events are only around the corner.

I didn't have a crystal ball then, nor do I have one now. We need to start waking up to the fast that Israel has absolutely ZERO intention of making peace, it was not created for that purpose, it was not protected for that purpose nor has Israel been armed to the teeth for that purpose.

- Israel will demolish Al-Aqsa mosque and rebuild the temple there.
- They will increase their borders massively.
- They will inflict punishment over the neighbouring Arab populations/countries whilst being backed and supported by the UK/USA.

I think things are moving a lot slower then they would like but nevertheless, they are still moving along. They'll eventually start WW3 because they will not stop.
BBC News Online said:
HSBC bank has written to Finsbury Park Mosque and other Muslim organisations and individuals in the UK to tell them that their accounts will be closed.

The reason given in some cases was that to continue providing services would be outside the bank's "risk appetite".
Absolutely, of course, I'm sure. Since Muslims are not a race, there can be no question of racism there - probably just political.
it's just a building

To you yes, but for those living there the temple must be rebuilt in order for their messiah to return. This is what they are waiting for and trying desperately to hurry along, hence why they had to take control of Jerusalem and would never have settled for a homeland anywhere else.

The western controlled zionist media for a few years now has started showing the dome of the rock (golden dome) every time they speak about Al-Aqsa whereas that is actually another building. Once knocked down they'll probably continue to show the dome of the rock on TV and say Al-Aqsa is fine..
To you yes, but for those living there the temple must be rebuilt in order for their messiah to return. This is what they are waiting for and trying desperately to hurry along, hence why they had to take control of Jerusalem and would never have settled for a homeland anywhere else.

The western controlled zionist media for a few years now has started showing the dome of the rock (golden dome) every time they speak about Al-Aqsa whereas that is actually another building. Once knocked down they'll probably continue to show the dome of the rock on TV and say Al-Aqsa is fine..

They want the Dome of the Rock gone.
Something I posted back in March 2010:

I didn't have a crystal ball then, nor do I have one now. We need to start waking up to the fast that Israel has absolutely ZERO intention of making peace, it was not created for that purpose, it was not protected for that purpose nor has Israel been armed to the teeth for that purpose.

- Israel will demolish Al-Aqsa mosque and rebuild the temple there.
- They will increase their borders massively.
- They will inflict punishment over the neighbouring Arab populations/countries whilst being backed and supported by the UK/USA.

I think things are moving a lot slower then they would like but nevertheless, they are still moving along. They'll eventually start WW3 because they will not stop.

Interesting you say they will start world war three; but i must disagree. For world war three to start people in the west i.e. the main western powers (USA, UK, FRA, GER) will actually have to give a true damn about what is happening in the near east. And do they? not really.

Isreal owns a very small percentage of land mass in the near east, muslim territories own the other 98% of the land. The arabs are getting spanked for their hatred of isreal and for this to ever truly involve white western action on the scale of ww3 would require something more monumental than 9/11 (btw thousands of palestinians cheered and danced for joy in the street after 9/11).

We westerners should let the east sort its self out and stop interfering. We've had our own wars in the past and established relatively strong and tolerant societies. The arabs need to drop their silly/aggressive religious beliefs and enter the modern world.
Interesting you say they will start world war three; but i must disagree. For world war three to start people in the west i.e. the main western powers (USA, UK, FRA, GER) will actually have to give a true damn about what is happening in the near east. And do they? not really.

Isreal owns a very small percentage of land mass in the near east, muslim territories own the other 98% of the land. The arabs are getting spanked for their hatred of isreal and for this to ever truly involve white western action on the scale of ww3 would require something more monumental than 9/11 (btw thousands of palestinians cheered and danced for joy in the street after 9/11).

We westerners should let the east sort its self out and stop interfering. We've had our own wars in the past and established relatively strong and tolerant societies. The arabs need to drop their silly/aggressive religious beliefs and enter the modern world.

This is not true, USA at least CARES what happens to Israel, so if arab world woke up and declared a fight, USA would join & help Israel.. after all they have been paying AID to ISRAEL for decades, they must care no?
To you yes, but for those living there the temple must be rebuilt in order for their messiah to return. This is what they are waiting for and trying desperately to hurry along, hence why they had to take control of Jerusalem and would never have settled for a homeland anywhere else.

The western controlled zionist media for a few years now has started showing the dome of the rock (golden dome) every time they speak about Al-Aqsa whereas that is actually another building. Once knocked down they'll probably continue to show the dome of the rock on TV and say Al-Aqsa is fine..

And after they rebuild it and their messiah does not return........where does religion go from there ?

Is this going to be one of those egg face moments.
Interesting you say they will start world war three; but i must disagree. For world war three to start people in the west i.e. the main western powers (USA, UK, FRA, GER) will actually have to give a true damn about what is happening in the near east. And do they? not really.

Isreal owns a very small percentage of land mass in the near east, muslim territories own the other 98% of the land. The arabs are getting spanked for their hatred of isreal and for this to ever truly involve white western action on the scale of ww3 would require something more monumental than 9/11 (btw thousands of palestinians cheered and danced for joy in the street after 9/11).

We westerners should let the east sort its self out and stop interfering. We've had our own wars in the past and established relatively strong and tolerant societies. The arabs need to drop their silly/aggressive religious beliefs and enter the modern world.
This is an incredible simplification.
  • The West is no longer the unique dominant power; China can no longer be ignored and Russia is still a force to be reckoned with. Neither China or Russia have any interest in either World War 3 or the Arab world - at the moment.
  • I don't know where your figures of land ownership come from but they are neither here nor there. Israel is one of the most militarily powerful nations on Earth. Israel is determined to steal more land, MUCH more land.
  • Most Arabs do not hate Israel, many of them couldn't actually care much about Israel or the Palestinians one way or another. Many Arabs hate the USA for its interference in their countries and America's support of corrupt oppressive regimes.
  • You are absolutely right that the USA and UK and to a lesser extent France, Germany and others should stop interfering in the Arab world which interference has invariably been for reasons of self-interest and has Sweet FA to do with democracy or justice (e.g. Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc., etc.)
If the West persists in propping up corrupt regimes in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia, they will inevitably increase the hostility of all Muslims and that is most unlikely to be a good thing.
Or maybe 'he' does return but proves to be a member of an extremely advanced alien race whom were merely performing an experiment on the stupid humans :p (e.g. resurrecting Lazarus by godly touch = reanimation via injection of nanomachines from a bionic finger syringe!).
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The article is a good example of the point I made earlier. It shows a picture of the dome of the rock and puts this image in peoples minds and it says that Israel want it gone, it doesn't. The article makes mention by name of Al-Aqsa which stands near the dome, and that is what they rarely if ever show pictures off, that is where they want the temple rebuilt. So whilst peoples attention is on the golden dome thinking, it's still there, they are working away at demolishing the mosque. Many muslims also see that dome and think it's Al-Aqsa.

Interesting you say they will start world war three; but i must disagree. For world war three to start people in the west i.e. the main western powers (USA, UK, FRA, GER) will actually have to give a true damn about what is happening in the near east. And do they? not really.

The UK and the USA care massively. They have played the major role in establishing the state of Israel, protecting and arming it. Now they stand by whilst it commits massacres against innocent civilians.

Although the vast majority of the people in the UK may not care about Israel, the people in power do. I think the UK and USA are merely restraining Israel a little and trying to save it's public image, but Israel doesn't make this an easy job for them.

Isreal owns a very small percentage of land mass in the near east, muslim territories own the other 98% of the land. The arabs are getting spanked for their hatred of isreal and for this to ever truly involve white western action on the scale of ww3 would require something more monumental than 9/11 (btw thousands of palestinians cheered and danced for joy in the street after 9/11).

We westerners should let the east sort its self out and stop interfering. We've had our own wars in the past and established relatively strong and tolerant societies. The arabs need to drop their silly/aggressive religious beliefs and enter the modern world.

The palestinians are not getting a spanking because of their 'hatred for Israel', they are being murdered for simple existing and living on that piece of land. Their land was taken off them, their houses are being bulldozed, their women and children are being killed in great numbers. Stop trying to put it down to poor Israel being hated for no reason at all.

And after they rebuild it and their messiah does not return........where does religion go from there ?

Is this going to be one of those egg face moments.

Well I suppose that comes down to peoples individual beliefs. The fact is that Jesus Christ pbuh was rejected by the Jews, and they are still waiting for their messiah who they believe will rule over them from the holy land (Israel). At the moment, Israel is simply increasing in power. Soon the neighbouring Arab countries will all have to submit to Israel so the Zionists can show the Jews and the rest of the world and say look, this is our time once again. Some Jews will accept this as the holy state of Israel as that of King David and King Solomon, many will not. It is infact nothing like the Israel of David and Solomon peace be upon them both, it is an imposter state which is corrupt to the very core.
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