Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Well *if* that market airstrike was an Israeli attack during their own self-declared truce, that is not only an almighty ****-up but also might be enough to stop this increasingly bloody action.

This wont stop until Israel reaches it's intended goal, the eradication of what remains of Palestine. They have the devoted support of a country with the most powerful military and a UN veto and the will to drive the people of Gaza into the sea. Throw a few PR mouth pieces onto twitter and have the right nut jobs presenting fox news and the IDF has everything it ever needed to enjoy all the bloody action it wants.
lol most biased crap I ever read.

hamas are telling people to stay in their homes when rockets are coming?

not like they can tell them to leave gaza is it, obviously going to UN schools works so well :rolleyes:

even tries to make out like hamas could have had 1.1billion+ from it's arab neighbours to make it's own iron dome like america did for israel if it cared about the civilians

Pfft, the iron dome is a joke, just like all ballistic defence systems based on missiles.

But the public who have the capacity to be infinitely stupid, thinks such things are a godsend, it's real easy to get funding for pointless crap if you yell terrorist loud enough.
Pfft, the iron dome is a joke, just like all ballistic defence systems based on missiles.

But the public who have the capacity to be infinitely stupid, thinks such things are a godsend, it's real easy to get funding for pointless crap if you yell terrorist loud enough.

Not even terrorist, just, jobs, economy... election. If a defence contractor has a manufacturing plant in a particular state even if it turned out something didn't really work, if cancelling a project meant losing billions in funding and losing jobs in that state, the governor, congressman, everyone else would fight to the death to keep a non working project going until a replacement project got underway rather than stop funding and looking bad for the state(and losing backhanders, funding for their campaigns and future cushy job with said defence company).

This is why Israel is seeking to destroy all the tunnels in Gaza.

Those tunnels were built using international aid to pay for the cement and lighting that was originally intended for the citizens of Gaza. They have no money to pay for electricity,water, health issues or even the Civil Service and Civil Servants but they have money for tunnels. It is for that reason that Israel blockades and limits supplies into Gaza - Hamas redirects humanitarian aid for its own nefarious purposes.

The Gazans can choose between Hamas and peace.

This is why Israel is seeking to destroy all the tunnels in Gaza.

Those tunnels were built using international aid to pay for the cement and lighting that was originally intended for the citizens of Gaza. They have no money to pay for electricity,water, health issues or even the Civil Service and Civil Servants but they have money for tunnels. It is for that reason that Israel blockades and limits supplies into Gaza - Hamas redirects humanitarian aid for its own nefarious purposes.

The Gazans can choose between Hamas and peace.

Well if Israel did not put Gaza under 7 year air, land and sea blockade they would not need to rely on aid.
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Sorry but a video of a random tiny tunnel showing enough cement in the video for.... a quarter of the foundations of one house, is proof of a vast tunnel network with which Hamas.... from Gaza, is going to launch a devastating attack on Israel.

Nefarious intentions being.... trying to hit back at the country that has attacked, oppressed, killed, murdered for 70 years.

You're acting like Israel has done nothing for 70 years and out of the blue, for no reason, Palestine decided to build a vast network to launch an unprovoked attack on a completely peaceful and friendly nation.

If their are tunnels, these two countries have been at war for almost 70 years, instigated and continued by Israel's consistent and unstopping aggression.

If anyone things that video of a tiny and ridiculous tunnel is a reason to level a city and kill innocent civilians, they are barking mad. As for why Gaza has no money, Israel stole their land, economy and jobs, have attacked them ever since and have actively blockaded their main source of money which has strangled their economy. They did this on purpose, they'd have a lot more money without a completely illegal blockade.

Without likely hundreds of billions now in the last 60 years of financial and military support, Israel would be broke as well.
3 IDF soldiers killed in booby-trapped UNRWA clinic | The Times of Israel

And this is why UNRWA buildings keep on getting hit.

In trying to protect an UNRWA building three IDF soldiers are killed by another IED. That is the reason they prefer to bomb the hell out of them. To save a UN building and condemnation the IDF sacrifices 3 of their own.

Look at the bottom at the amount of resources consumed and what could have been built to make the life of Gazans better.
This wont stop until Israel reaches it's intended goal, the eradication of what remains of Palestine. They have the devoted support of a country with the most powerful military and a UN veto and the will to drive the people of Gaza into the sea. Throw a few PR mouth pieces onto twitter and have the right nut jobs presenting fox news and the IDF has everything it ever needed to enjoy all the bloody action it wants.

:rolleyes:The driving into the sea bit is a famous arab threat referring to consequences if the jews ever established a state in Palestine

More children have died building tunnels for Hamas than have been killed in this recent conflict.

While we're talking about minors, is 18 minimum age before you can become a member of Hamas? I don't think so. The average age in Gaza is 17, many of these 16-17 year old males are hardly 'civilians' and if you are firing rockets at another country you are no longer a child
3 IDF soldiers killed in booby-trapped UNRWA clinic | The Times of Israel

And this is why UNRWA buildings keep on getting hit.

In trying to protect an UNRWA building three IDF soldiers are killed by another IED. That is the reason they prefer to bomb the hell out of them. To save a UN building and condemnation the IDF sacrifices 3 of their own.

Look at the bottom at the amount of resources consumed and what could have been built to make the life of Gazans better.

That isn't why they keep bombing schools and hospitals. No. No it is not.
:rolleyes:The driving into the sea bit is a famous arab threat referring to consequences if the jews ever established a state in Palestine

More children have died building tunnels for Hamas than have been killed in this recent conflict.

While we're talking about minors, is 18 minimum age before you can become a member of Hamas? I don't think so. The average age in Gaza is 17, many of these 16-17 year old males are hardly 'civilians' and if you are firing rockets at another country you are no longer a child

You can join the British army at 16. Cadets etc prior to that. Why do you think it would be any different for a terrorist organisation?

Is this one better for you? Barking mad indeed!

Calculate how many foundations are in that 2 miles of tunnel. This is one of 30 discovered so far.

And for the record, Gaza was left with a thriving greenhouse infrastructure and viable business which Hamas promptly destroyed. The blockades followed the misuse of the aid to build tunnels and other such projects.

Sorry but a video of a random tiny tunnel showing enough cement in the video for.... a quarter of the foundations of one house, is proof of a vast tunnel network with which Hamas.... from Gaza, is going to launch a devastating attack on Israel.

Nefarious intentions being.... trying to hit back at the country that has attacked, oppressed, killed, murdered for 70 years.

You're acting like Israel has done nothing for 70 years and out of the blue, for no reason, Palestine decided to build a vast network to launch an unprovoked attack on a completely peaceful and friendly nation.

If their are tunnels, these two countries have been at war for almost 70 years, instigated and continued by Israel's consistent and unstopping aggression.

If anyone things that video of a tiny and ridiculous tunnel is a reason to level a city and kill innocent civilians, they are barking mad. As for why Gaza has no money, Israel stole their land, economy and jobs, have attacked them ever since and have actively blockaded their main source of money which has strangled their economy. They did this on purpose, they'd have a lot more money without a completely illegal blockade.

Without likely hundreds of billions now in the last 60 years of financial and military support, Israel would be broke as well.
Apples to oranges. BBC are your national broadcaster, they have a duty to provide balanced/impartial journalism. Do Fox get taxpayers money? They can broadcast whatever sh*te gets them largest audience.
And for the record, Gaza was left with a thriving greenhouse infrastructure and viable business which Hamas promptly destroyed. The blockades followed the misuse of the aid to build tunnels and other such projects.

Ow really? We even if that true, greenhouse infrastructure is not going to sustain gaza, the last ceasefire (2008-2009 Gaza war) Israel broke the ceasefire it also never lived up to its end of the bargain (lifting the blockade) which were under the ceasefire conditions. It has kept Gaza under land, sea and air blockade for over 7 years now. It controls the food supply & electricity which it sells to gaza at full price.

The Israeli government even did study on the amount calories need for the 1.5 million gaza's to avoid malnutrition, then sent them less food than they needed. Robert Turner, director of operations for the UN agency for Palestine refugees said "The facts on the ground in Gaza demonstrate that food imports consistently fell below the red lines.”

Gaza is basically the worlds biggest prison.
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